Would you vote for it and is it fair, to have the Illuminati pay their share?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Would you vote for it and is it fair, to have the Illuminati pay their share?

IF the Illuminati are real and who is in control is the real question.

Of lake, the Illuminati have been getting fat on the middle taxpayer’s tit.
Is it time to change the demographic pyramid and send some of that wasted wealth down below where it is needed most?

Is it not time to give the calf the tit?

We are wealthy as never before.
Should the bottom not share in this great wealth?

The Illuminatus are a generous bunch. This needs be if you are to grow a demography whose goal is to enrich us all.
That is the goal of a Timocratic man.

That generosity has paid off. Kudos .Perhaps the Illuminati could be persuaded to have more of us enjoy their good fortune and trim the fat. So to speak.

Should we ask our political masters to have a chat with the heads of the Illuminati?
If they are as real as we know the oligarchs to be.

I think a chat is fair play and in order on redistribution.

Do you?

If you agree that a chat and sharing is due, why not -------

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZxHAZChcYU]Picard - Make It So - YouTube[/ame]


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