Wouldn't It Be Cool To Troll The New Hampshire Primary?? ..Again


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Records show phone jammer-White House link

After the disaster in Iowa -- (that Bernie still won of course) -- it would be pretty cool if a similar disaster happens in New Hampshire...it isn't like that place hasn't had election disasters in the past....

And with the new reports of Trump trolls jamming the phone lines to delay election results in the Iowa caucus -- I think it would totally own the libs if someone would trolls the New Hampshire primaries.....again...…so China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, anyone -- if you are listening.....here are some ideas on how to do it....

"Key figures in a phone-jamming scheme designed to keep New Hampshire Democrats from voting in 2002 had regular contact with the White House and Republican Party as the plan was unfolding, phone records introduced in criminal court show. The records show that Bush campaign operative James Tobin, who recently was convicted in the case, made two dozen calls to the White House within a three-day period around Election Day 2002 — as the phone jamming operation was finalized, carried out and then abruptly shut down. The national Republican Party, which paid millions in legal bills to defend Tobin - [however he was still convicted on a federal count along with 3 others]"

So basically Russia, Tanzania, Qatar, if you are listening...he is what you do...Get you a GOP campaign operative, like a James Tobin type of guy -- and have him outsource the fuckery to other GOP wannabes, that way you can have plausible deniability.....and the fun part is...if you get caught, who cares??....you can do whatever you want anyway... the GOP wannabes will be the only ones going to jail anyway...fuck em….
Let me see if I understand the total idiocy of this thread. You want Trumpist trolls to destroy a US primary election for the fun of it? You are also asking for foreign assistance in this war on this country’s internal elections. What kind of fucking moron are you?

Well, I can understand that you are a Trump cultist; a constitution hating cultist who wants Trump installed as some kind of autocrat. You want US elections delegitimized. I under stand your agenda you anti-democratic shit head.
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Now they're blaming 4 chan

I know they were mailing copies of the state of the union to pelosi
Jamming the lines ...didnt see it

Ya never know
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.

Blame other take zero responsibility for your own screw up


Still living at mom's are ya

Bernie 2020
Bernie will win in New Hampshire.
But Hillary will be the Democrat Party nominee.
It'll be a lovely funeral - some denominations don't get all pissy about burying suicides.
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.

Blame other take zero responsibility for your own screw up


Still living at mom's are ya

Bernie 2020
The thread seems to be about sabotage of the election process not negligence.
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If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.

Blame other take zero responsibility for your own screw up


Still living at mom's are ya

Bernie 2020
I guess you are functionally illiterate. The thread is about sabotage of the election process not negligence.

So it wasn't the incompetent white iowan rubes CNN told me about ?

It was the russians ,white leftwing sophisticated educmuhcated Iowans or as CNN would call them ..rubes lol , russians again possibly with an assistfrom santy clause ...white people in general , TRump supporters.....and now 4 chan sabatoge rotflamo

Is your password password ....it is isnt it
Let us know when the new current truth arrives
We need to keep a list of who gets blamed

If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.

Blame other take zero responsibility for your own screw up


Still living at mom's are ya

Bernie 2020
But if someone drives old people to the polls on election day -- now that is a type of election rigging that we can't take and must be stopped!!!

"This is voter suppression": black seniors in Georgia ordered off of bus taking them to vote

Stuff like that isn't innocent trolling to try to fuck with an election -- Actually getting people out to vote is an affront to liberty!!!

Trumpers are pathetic...
Let me see if I understand the total idiocy of this thread. You want Trumpist trolls to destroy a US primary election for the fun of it? You are also asking for foreign assistance in this war on this country’s internal elections. What kind of fucking moron are you?
What kind of fucking moron are YOU! How long has Biffy been with us? Can't you see he's trolling Trump voters?

Biffy, I guess you gotta be more careful. I've always told you libs are missing the sarcasm gene. You seem to be an exception.

Tards are too stupid to get your humor.
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.

Blame other take zero responsibility for your own screw up


Still living at mom's are ya

Bernie 2020
But if someone drives old people to the polls on election day -- now that is a type of election rigging that we can't take and must be stopped!!!

"This is voter suppression": black seniors in Georgia ordered off of bus taking them to vote

Stuff like that isn't innocent trolling to try to fuck with an election -- Actually getting people out to vote is an affront to liberty!!!

Trumpers are pathetic...
Seriously, should blacks be voting anyway? Dont they all have felony convictions?
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.

Blame other take zero responsibility for your own screw up


Still living at mom's are ya

Bernie 2020
But if someone drives old people to the polls on election day -- now that is a type of election rigging that we can't take and must be stopped!!!

"This is voter suppression": black seniors in Georgia ordered off of bus taking them to vote

Stuff like that isn't innocent trolling to try to fuck with an election -- Actually getting people out to vote is an affront to liberty!!!

Trumpers are pathetic...

Unless you're handing out cartons of Newport's half are gonna vote for Trump anyway after thier grandson explains to em we've been bamboozled...grandma why we be Democrats.....we wuz kang's...I can be my own kang in America muffugahn sheeeeeeit
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.
Not that I buy into this conspiracy, but you're just pissed because the GOP beat the Democrats to the punch this time.

A well ran political party would have had dedicated lines that ONLY party members had access too.

So, just say, Oops and move on.
If your voting process can be brought down by phone call volume, your voting process is a joke. But that makes sense because Democrats are a joke.
What kind of stupid answer is that. Have Americans become so friggin juvenile that bringing down an election is a joke? Trumpists truly are trolls. Malicious trolls at that.
Not that I buy into this conspiracy, but you're just pissed because the GOP beat the Democrats to the punch this time.

A well ran political party would have had dedicated lines that ONLY party members had access too.

So, just say, Oops and move on.

What are you crazy! ...they cant do that...admit that something went wrong or it was a fix

The establsiment doesn't want Bernie cause bernie may purge them for being ideologically impure ..
Bernie may give them trouble ....after he rounds us up and send us to reeducation camps...ya got three puppets... gay marxisrt who pretends to be some kind of middle of the roader , biden who is corrupt as they come , the crazy redskin
Question for biff

This got me thinking

Do ya think she'll eventually develop primitive use of tools ?


A tool would be much more classy

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