Wouldn't it just piss off OBama if we use his campaign slogans?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
The most annoying campaign slogan was 'yes we can' and I thought it would be funny if Trump adopted the same slogan for repealing obamaBULLSHITcare. Yes we can repeal it! Or Yes we can deport illegals! Yes we can build a wall! Yes we can cut income taxes to zero percent!
The most annoying campaign slogan was 'yes we can' and I thought it would be funny if Trump adopted the same slogan for repealing obamaBULLSHITcare. Yes we can repeal it! Or Yes we can deport illegals! Yes we can build a wall! Yes we can cut income taxes to zero percent!
If they aren't trademarked, why would it piss him off?
I doubt Obama evens knows what his campaign slogans were. He just spoke the words on the monitor.
The most annoying campaign slogan was 'yes we can' and I thought it would be funny if Trump adopted the same slogan for repealing obamaBULLSHITcare. Yes we can repeal it! Or Yes we can deport illegals! Yes we can build a wall! Yes we can cut income taxes to zero percent!
Obama's campaign slogan "yes we can" was answered by Republicans with "even if we could, we won't".

Obama was naïve to think his inspirational rhetoric would change that.
Hell no we won't. they are freaking LIES. Hope and change: he meant bring your government down on our necks, raising Taxes after taxes, Regulations out the, race baiting to a point police officers are being assassinated just for being one, they created those thugs from the Bowel movement, Blm and the OWS and unleashed them on us.

and his Yes we can. that became a joke because WE THE PEOPLE told him. no you can't after they stuck that ObamaNocare on us.

vote out these progressives and here's a good slogan. NO TO HILLARY
The most annoying campaign slogan was 'yes we can' and I thought it would be funny if Trump adopted the same slogan for repealing obamaBULLSHITcare. Yes we can repeal it! Or Yes we can deport illegals! Yes we can build a wall! Yes we can cut income taxes to zero percent!
I support anything that butthurts the ego of the most spoiled-ingrate, white-hating, race-baiting, America-subverting piece of 3rd world, babyish man-child filth that resides in the WH. There does not exist a living organism on this planet I detest more than that piece of backstabbing black trash.
I support anything that butthurts the ego of the most spoiled-ingrate, white-hating, race-baiting, America-subverting piece of 3rd world, babyish man-child filth that resides in the WH. There does not exist a living organism on this planet I detest more than that piece of backstabbing black trash.

What if we renamed 'feces' obama. That way doctors can say something like "I would like a sample of your obama?"
I support anything that butthurts the ego of the most spoiled-ingrate, white-hating, race-baiting, America-subverting piece of 3rd world, babyish man-child filth that resides in the WH. There does not exist a living organism on this planet I detest more than that piece of backstabbing black trash.

What if we renamed 'feces' obama. That way doctors can say something like "I would like a sample of your obama?"

That certainly works for me. Even though it's an insult to the biological function of defecation; Obama is a biological perversion of carbon-based life and all its normal functions.

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