WOW!!....6,000 People Show Up To See Sarah Palin Speak In Tulsa, Ok.

Jan 17, 2010
Looks like resigning from office has not effected her one bit as a crowd of 6 thousand or more showed up and cheered her for a speech she gave about ObamaCare. She is so good at connecting with everyday people and this proves it. Palin is showing she is a moving force in American politics and politicians will start to pay attention to how the public is receiving her.

[ame=]YouTube - Gov. Sarah Palin Speaks at "Taking Our Country Back" Event in Tulsa[/ame]

Tulsa World: 6,000 cheer Palin, Beck

Conservative superstars Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck called for Americans to demand a smaller government that adheres to the principles of its founding fathers during a rally in downtown Tulsa on Saturday.

In front of about 6,000 enthusiastic fans, they criticized President Barack Obama's administration, Washington politicians, progressives and journalists while advocating for average people who they say aren't being heard by those in power.

Palin said Americans should remember that government works for them and not the other way around.

"There's a growing movement across this country," she said. "It's beautiful, and you're a part of it."

Regular, everyday citizens are standing up to Washington politicians who don't listen to what the people want, she said.

"We understand what they're trying to do to this country," she said. "We understand it, and we don't like it. That's why we're taking our country back."

The former Republican vice presidential candidate and ex-governor of Alaska took a few shots at Obama — whom the crowd booed — and congressional leaders.

Expanded government and continued federal spending will hurt the country, she said.

"There is no need for a fundamental transformation of America," she said. "No thank you, Mr. President, you can keep that change."

She repeated her 2008 campaign mantra of drilling for oil in America and said the country shouldn't be dependent on foreign regimes for fuel.
She is a THE political rock star of the moment to be sure.

Her star now outshines that of Obama - but he holds the keys to the kingdom.

And I am still not convinced of her electibility - but you are right, Sarah Palin is hitting all the right notes at the moment...
Rush Limbaugh is also a superstar.
Real easy to attract ideologues be they liberal or conservative when you do not have to be accountable to anyone. Elected officials and candidates are accountable, not entertainers like Sarah Palin.
If and when she is a candidate her tune will change. At that time she will be accountable to the voters.
Watch and see.
Looks like resigning from office has not effected her one bit as a crowd of 6 thousand or more showed up and cheered her for a speech she gave about ObamaCare. She is so good at connecting with everyday people and this proves it. Palin is showing she is a moving force in American politics and politicians will start to pay attention to how the public is receiving her.

YouTube - Gov. Sarah Palin Speaks at "Taking Our Country Back" Event in Tulsa

Tulsa World: 6,000 cheer Palin, Beck

Conservative superstars Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck called for Americans to demand a smaller government that adheres to the principles of its founding fathers during a rally in downtown Tulsa on Saturday.

In front of about 6,000 enthusiastic fans, they criticized President Barack Obama's administration, Washington politicians, progressives and journalists while advocating for average people who they say aren't being heard by those in power.

Palin said Americans should remember that government works for them and not the other way around.

"There's a growing movement across this country," she said. "It's beautiful, and you're a part of it."

Regular, everyday citizens are standing up to Washington politicians who don't listen to what the people want, she said.

"We understand what they're trying to do to this country," she said. "We understand it, and we don't like it. That's why we're taking our country back."

The former Republican vice presidential candidate and ex-governor of Alaska took a few shots at Obama — whom the crowd booed — and congressional leaders.

Expanded government and continued federal spending will hurt the country, she said.

"There is no need for a fundamental transformation of America," she said. "No thank you, Mr. President, you can keep that change."

She repeated her 2008 campaign mantra of drilling for oil in America and said the country shouldn't be dependent on foreign regimes for fuel.

They always did exaggerate the numbers turning out for them. I don't believe it, doubtful anyone else doeseither.
She is a THE political rock star of the moment to be sure.

Her star now outshines that of Obama - but he holds the keys to the kingdom.

And I am still not convinced of her electibility - but you are right, Sarah Palin is hitting all the right notes at the moment...

Rock head you mean?
Hannah Montana can draw a bigger crowd

But she has more talent
They always did exaggerate the numbers turning out for them. I don't believe it, doubtful anyone else doeseither.

I wonder if that's like the 100,000 people they pretended were at the tea party on washington but used photos from other events. *shrug*

you think the spammer gets paid. or does he just have OCD?
So Obamas election means nothing but the Palin idiots are important huh?

Has anyone said that Obamas election doesnt mean anything? And yes even idiots are important. I wouldnt respond to half the posts I do if i thought otherwise.
They always did exaggerate the numbers turning out for them. I don't believe it, doubtful anyone else doeseither.

I wonder if that's like the 100,000 people they pretended were at the tea party on washington but used photos from other events. *shrug*

you think the spammer gets paid. or does he just have OCD?

They've been obsessed since Obama was turning out hundreds of thousands in some of his stops.

That spammer can't possibly be getting paid for this stuff..
Sarah Palin would still be an unknown if the McCain camp hadn't used her as part of a last ditch effort to sweep up disgruntled Clinton supporters.

Seriously folks, what does she have to offer besides anti-Obama propaganda?
tell me why the right has to whip up hysteria about false death panels and False claims about his citizenship.

They are lying constantly and denying the obivous.

What I said is true.
They always did exaggerate the numbers turning out for them. I don't believe it, doubtful anyone else does either.
Agreed, some of the "Tea Party march on Washington" numbers were exaggerated.

However, doesn't seem true in this case, the event was held indoors and it's being reported as a "packed house" by a reputable news source. Tulsa Convention Center arena capacity is 8900.
More people attended this one Palin rally than attended all of the Librul Coffee Parties combined

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