WOW!: 71% Of Obama Voters Regret Voting For His Re-election In New Poll.

Seems to me this poll data identifies the perfect line of attack on Hillary’s potential nomination if she makes it to the general election — the R’s should just say - “If you liked how things went under Obama (i.e., economy, healthcare, growth), then you can have four more years of the same with Hillary

Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats 'regret' voting for his re-election |

Over seven in 10 Obama voters, and 55 percent of Democrats, regret voting for President Obama's reelection in 2012, according to a new Economist/ poll.

Conducted to test the media hype about a comeback by 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, the new poll found voters still uninspired by Romney, but also deeply dissatisfied with Obama who has so far failed to capitalize on his victory over 15 months ago.

The poll asked those who voted for Obama's reelection a simple question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”

— Overall, 71 percent said yes, 26 percent no.

— 80 percent of whites said yes, 61 percent of blacks said no and 100 percent of Hispanics said yes.

— 84 percent of women said yes, and just 61 percent of men agreed.

— 55 percent of Democrats said yes, as did 71 percent of independents.

Shows to go you that Mitt and Queen Ann just weren't an option.

But then anyone smarter than a chimpanzee could figure that out.
Man, we needed them to feel that in his FIRST TERM after shoving OBamscamCare on us, HIM having over 7%unemployment for his whole first term, etc

now look where we are because of THEM

they need to hang their heads in shame and ask forgiveness from the rest of us in this country
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The only dems left defending the kenyan are the truly brain washed and ignorant, like the ones we have here, and then the paid operatives that it is their job to come here and defend him bar none, and to lie their stinking ass off if need be to do it.

I wonder if they really realize how STUPID they really look to the rest of us?
No they don't realize it...they're still defending the asshole.
Man, we needed them to feel that in his FIRST TERM after shoving OBamscamCare on us, HIM having over 7%unemployment for his whole first term, etc

now look where we are because of THEM

they need to hang their heads in shame and ask forgiveness from the rest of us in this country

OK, then quid pro quo, Ms. Twit. Eight years of Bush and Cheney has done far more damage and yet I don't see anyone apologizing for the half-illiterate and Halliburton whore. Maybe if a few of your limbs were blown off someplace 10 time zones away you'd understand.
Clueless obama has done far more damage to the usa than any president in usa history!!
Clueless obama has done far more damage to the usa than any president in usa history!!
And it's all on purpose. His parents, his Grand Parents (ALL COMMUNISTS) HATED this Republic...Need I say more? DREAMS of his father...and he is succeeding...

Tell us of how you have personally suffered under his presidency. Or someone close to you. Oh hell, I'll make it easy for you....Post a link to something on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.
WOW!: 71% Of Obama Voters Regret Voting For His Re-election In New Poll.

Big deal, that same 71% will vote for another incompetent, speechifying miscreant in the next election. The electorate still isn't clued into the fact that Washington doesn't serve the people anymore, we the people serve it and that isn't going to change by changing the face in the Oval Office, or shuffling around the criminals in Congress.

"Meet the new boss; Same as the old boss" The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
clueless obama has done far more damage to the usa than any president in usa history!!
and it's all on purpose. His parents, his grand parents (all communists) hated this republic...need i say more? Dreams of his father...and he is succeeding...

tell us of how you have personally suffered under his presidency. Or someone close to you. Oh hell, i'll make it easy for a link to something on fox news or rush limbaugh.

7 trillion in new debt, obama care, cut and run in iraq,afgan, everything we won there for the people and the lives of our troops and $$$$$ wasted by clueless obama.
Tell us of how you have personally suffered under his presidency. Or someone close to you. Oh hell, I'll make it easy for you....Post a link to something on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.[/B]
How about a suck shit economy? That effects everyone. Especially if you are in business. Even the government workers feel it because many have been layed off. What rock do you live under? All you can do is spew Limbaugh FOX crap around and ignore the world around you?
Clueless obama has done far more damage to the usa than any president in usa history!!
And it's all on purpose. His parents, his Grand Parents (ALL COMMUNISTS) HATED this Republic...Need I say more? DREAMS of his father...and he is succeeding...

Tell us of how you have personally suffered under his presidency. Or someone close to you. Oh hell, I'll make it easy for you....Post a link to something on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh. premiums skyrocketing for ONE shitstain. Members of my familily being LAID OFF because of this WEAK economy Obama is lording over...YOU fail to see the trees because the forest is in your way. YOU are nothing but a TOOL of your masters.
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The only dems left defending the kenyan are the truly brain washed and ignorant, like the ones we have here, and then the paid operatives that it is their job to come here and defend him bar none, and to lie their stinking ass off if need be to do it.

I wonder if they really realize how STUPID they really look to the rest of us?

someone who thinks the president was born in kenya really has no basis to comment on anyone else's intellect.

and no one believes that 71% of this country would have voted for anti-choice rightwingnuts who talked about "legitimate rape".
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Clueless obama has done far more damage to the usa than any president in usa history!!
And it's all on purpose. His parents, his Grand Parents (ALL COMMUNISTS) HATED this Republic...Need I say more? DREAMS of his father...and he is succeeding...

Tell us of how you have personally suffered under his presidency. Or someone close to you. Oh hell, I'll make it easy for you....Post a link to something on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.

Since you felt the need to bring Bush up in a previous post five years after he left office I might add tell us how you or someone close to you personally suffered under his Presidency. We look forward to you giving us a link from MSNBC, Daily Kos, Media Matters, Huffington Post, or Think Progress.
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Only 71%? Wow, there are some people out there who are very slow to learn.

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