WOW!: 71% Of Obama Voters Regret Voting For His Re-election In New Poll.

Whiny ass repubs. It really bothers you folks that the Repubs couldn't offer a better candidate than what was put on the ticket.

McCain/Palin vs. Obama. I voted Obama.

Romney/Ryan vs. Obama. I voted Obama.

Why wouldn't I. Look at what I had to chose from. Obama is on you rethugs for not being able to field a viable, alternative candidate. You all pick idiots for President. Strange.

And IF I had to chose between Cruze/Rubio or some other strange Republican ticket, I would vote Obama AGAIN.
Gonna be amusing to watch the next President, likely a white Republican do just as bad but not have the excuse of being a black Democrat. :) Gee, being white and Republican doesn't actually matter huh.
Thank God I don't depend on the Washington Examiner for my news.

When you see numbers or claims in the Washington Examiner that seem too outrageous to be true,

it's a safe bet they're not.

The real number was 7.1%, not 71%.

Read the pdf to see if you can figure out why I'm right, as usual, and the rightwing nuts are full of shit:

Your extremism is exposed in this thread.

People who think the facts are extremist are imbeciles.
It was actually only 7.1% of Obama voters regret voting for him.

But as far as the rightwing propaganda machine goes, saying 71% instead is a relatively modest exaggeration,

hey, 10 times the real number, what's the big deal?

You know YOU are right!

Had you stopped right there, you could have broken your string of consecutive stupid posts.
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Seems to me this poll data identifies the perfect line of attack on Hillary’s potential nomination if she makes it to the general election — the R’s should just say - “If you liked how things went under Obama (i.e., economy, healthcare, growth), then you can have four more years of the same with Hillary

Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats 'regret' voting for his re-election |

Over seven in 10 Obama voters, and 55 percent of Democrats, regret voting for President Obama's reelection in 2012, according to a new Economist/ poll.

Conducted to test the media hype about a comeback by 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, the new poll found voters still uninspired by Romney, but also deeply dissatisfied with Obama who has so far failed to capitalize on his victory over 15 months ago.

The poll asked those who voted for Obama's reelection a simple question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”

— Overall, 71 percent said yes, 26 percent no.

— 80 percent of whites said yes, 61 percent of blacks said no and 100 percent of Hispanics said yes.

— 84 percent of women said yes, and just 61 percent of men agreed.

— 55 percent of Democrats said yes, as did 71 percent of independents.

I'll agree Obama's approval ratings need to be examined, but you cons are in serious denial about how much Americans hate republicans right now.
I see the illiterate punk is still just banging on random keys on his keyboard.... :rolleyes:

Let this "franco" embarrassment be a warning to you kids: Stay in school. You don't want to end up like him.

Wait!!! You are insulting "franco" with TWO masters' degrees AND an IQ of 145! How can any one that smart be so stupid?

I believe the Latin phrase to describe what he may have claimed about himself is "Lying his ass off."

Mendacium suum off is the exact Latin phrase..
That's one fucked up poll.

Another question asked of that same group:

If the election was held again, would you still vote for Barack Obama?

Yes: 79%

Thank God I don't depend on the Washington Examiner for my news.

When you see numbers or claims in the Washington Examiner that seem too outrageous to be true,

it's a safe bet they're not.

The real number was 7.1%, not 71%.

Read the pdf to see if you can figure out why I'm right, as usual, and the rightwing nuts are full of shit:
Well that certainly explains it.

As a rule, second terms are painful to watch. This will be one of the worst. While others, most notably Reagan and Clinton could cruise on their laurels, Obama and Hope & Change are spent forces.
It was actually only 7.1% of Obama voters regret voting for him.

But as far as the rightwing propaganda machine goes, saying 71% instead is a relatively modest exaggeration,

hey, 10 times the real number, what's the big deal?

You know YOU are right!

Had you stopped right there, you could have broken your string of consecutive stupid posts.

So you can make a joke about 10 times the real number BUT when I actually provide the FACTS that Obama and you lying idiots said
"46 million uninsured" YET the fact is less the 4 million truly need and want health insurance is stupid???

There will never be with people like you honest dialogue it appears.
I agreed with you that there was gross exaggeration here with 71%...
BUT YOU when I prove there were less the 4 million and not the 10 times amount ... don't agree?
10 million as Obama agreed are not eligibles as they are illegal citizens... YET he continues to use 46 million !
14 million are at poverty level AND CMS is his responsibility and CMS has failed to notify 14 million they are covered under Medicaid!
18 million don't want,don't need and CAN afford employers' health plan so THEY choose not to be insured.. yet they are counted as part of the biggest lie!

Yet you can't be a big enough person to admit that there are not 46 million uninsured and it is a gross 10 times exaggerated number??
When you see numbers or claims in the Washington Examiner that seem too outrageous to be true,

it's a safe bet they're not.

The real number was 7.1%, not 71%.

Read the pdf to see if you can figure out why I'm right, as usual, and the rightwing nuts are full of shit:

Your extremism is exposed in this thread.

People who think the facts are extremist are imbeciles.

Then YOU qualify with this dumb as comment:"Had you stopped right there, you could have broken your string of consecutive stupid posts.

People who think the facts are extremist are imbeciles.

Then YOU qualify with this dumb as comment:"Had you stopped right there, you could have broken your string of consecutive stupid posts.
No. He's right. You're a proven idiot who doesn't know how to read numbers and somehow think (beyond your usual idiocy) that "non-citizen" means "illegal Alien."

Even your fellow conservatives roll their eyes at your whackadoodles.
Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

In 2008 I was on another MB and i recall the outrage when obama beat Hitlery in the Primary...... Through some fairly nefarious means, I might add. Another story.....

But I remember how each and every Hitlery supporter in the Forum swore to Gott In Himmel that they would NOT vote for the scumbag-in-chief and would either vote Republican or stay home.

They didn't, of course. They became some of the scumbag's staunchest supporters.

Guys and Gals, dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

They lie when they wake up in the morning and they don't stop until they fall asleep at night. I suspect they even lie in their dreams.

Not only do they lie to everybody else, they are especially good at lying to themselves.

Like when they promise themselves they're gonna get off their mommy's couch and get a job. Or when they swear they're going to stop getting stoned all day and do something useful.

Or when they sit at the Bar all night talking shit about what they're gonna do, how they're gonna do it and the riches they will incur in the process.

dimocraps lie, people. To everybody, including themselves.

Given the chance to vote for the scumbag-in-chief again?

They would. Of that, you can be certain.

The blame lies totally on two groups that we've got the worst president in history.
1) Primary blame is the MSM.. After all this is the group that and I quote:
"1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller
So why in the hell would they report Obama's ineptness, inexperience if 85% of these purveyors of NEWS donated to Democrats?

2) Iowans... take a part of the blame because of their inferiority complex..
With microphones/reporters hanging on every word of Iowans during the first 2008 caucuses required Iowans to show they were sophisticated, NON-RACIST and consequently
Iowans had ONLY that quality in voting for Obama. I mean after all who with the inferiority complex of Iowans would want to be perceived against a black man!
After all Iowans had been told by Biden, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said
The primary rationale to vote for Obama while Iowans showed the world "we ain't no hicks.. no corn farmers, no hog farmers".. we be sophisticated we can vote for a black man!!
I can guarentee you that Iowans have no inferiority complex.
People who think the facts are extremist are imbeciles.

Then YOU qualify with this dumb as comment:"Had you stopped right there, you could have broken your string of consecutive stupid posts.
No. He's right. You're a proven idiot who doesn't know how to read numbers and somehow think (beyond your usual idiocy) that "non-citizen" means "illegal Alien."

Even your fellow conservatives roll their eyes at your whackadoodles.

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Nativity number
Not a citizen 9,936,000

Now for your very very pointy head and evidently LOW IQ...
If you are NOT A CITIZEN you aren't a CITIZENS. ACA clearly states:

"Access limited to lawful residents. If an individual is not, or is not reasonably expected to be for the entire period for which enrollment is sought, a citizen or national of the United States or an alien lawfully present in the United States, the individual shall not be treated as a qualified individual and may not be covered under a qualified health plan in the individual market that is offered through an Exchange.
Illegal Immigrants and Obamacare

AGAIN for your limited IQ ACCESS IS LIMITED to Lawful residents! If you are NOT a citizen YOU are NOT A LAWFUL resident!

SO again... explain why the number 46 million the Census says are "uninsured" and the common idiots like you say are the "uninsured"..
YET the Census says 9.9 million are NOT citizens and the ACA says "access limited to lawful residents"!!!
So why not subtract then from 46 million the 10 million that ARE NOT LAWFUL residents"????

Please pointy headed low IQ explain WHY even Obama who says:"46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
turns around and blatantly says:
On September 9, 2009, while addressing Congress, President Obama told the nation that the Affordable Care Act, better known as 'Obamacare,' would not cover illegal aliens, saying: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally."
Obama lied: Illegal aliens are now being enrolled in Obamacare - National Immigration Reform |
Alas, 79% of Obama voters would have stuck with their choice.


This means they still prefer Obama over Romney.

But, more significantly, it confirms what I have said many times. Elections these days are more and more going to be determined by how many voters are so discouraged they decide to stay home. There are those, like myself, who would never vote for the opposite party, but cannot bring themselves to vote for their own party either.

This poll indicates that Obama is causing more and more Democratic-leaning voters to stay home during the next election.

I agree at least on the Obama re-election in that 3 million conservatives (stupidly I might add) didn't vote because they were more afraid of a Mormon President then the socialist president we have now! Ignorance is what I call it!

Those were the utterly phony so-called Christians, who would not trust a Mormon, who is just as much of a believer in Christ as these so-called Christians claim to be.

These so-called Christians who ripped off their "religion" from Catholics, whom they love (i.e. hate) with equal passion.

For their steadfast faith they arrived in Obama's Heaven.
If you believe anything the propaganda rag Examiner says you're an idiot.

I see the bitter tutor has resurfaced with the usual stupid insults lol...

I will now attempt to communicate with the subject in its native tongue:

al;gionr;qaogidna;iogjnd; dupes! dfks;dlna pub! sl;kvn;sknf;obn booooooooooosh dlkansoghj;rna;hiodggloknfknoihod skrnahvrnwabatara alda;loknbv;foinb dupes! ajpoginag;t jinea Aaaaaaaarrrrrh!!


Makes more sense than anything he ever posted.
71% Of Obama Voters Regret Voting For His Re-election In New Poll.

Obama's approval rating is 44%, so 71% is impossible. This is why the U.S. rates so low in education. Which is worse, con math or con propaganda?
Thank God I don't depend on the Washington Examiner for my news.

When you see numbers or claims in the Washington Examiner that seem too outrageous to be true,

it's a safe bet they're not.

The real number was 7.1%, not 71%.

Read the pdf to see if you can figure out why I'm right, as usual, and the rightwing nuts are full of shit:
Well that certainly explains it.


Anyone with a brain had to know the number was wrong. Of course on the other hand that's why the story played so well on the rightwing propaganda sites,

where those not in the above category hang out.
That's one fucked up poll.

Another question asked of that same group:

If the election was held again, would you still vote for Barack Obama?

Yes: 79%


you left off a key word Obama "supporters" would vote for him again
which means only 79% that voted for him last time would vote for him again meaning he would have lost 21% of his votes and he would have lost

You're giving him too much credit. Remember, Math Is Hard for the libbies.

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