WOW!: 71% Of Obama Voters Regret Voting For His Re-election In New Poll.

The only dems left defending the kenyan are the truly brain washed and ignorant, like the ones we have here, and then the paid operatives that it is their job to come here and defend him bar none, and to lie their stinking ass off if need be to do it.

I wonder if they really realize how STUPID they really look to the rest of us?

someone who thinks the president was born in kenya really has no basis to comment on anyone else's intellect.

and no one believes that 71% of this country would have voted for anti-choice rightwingnuts ...

Anti 'what'?
Everyone with a functioning brain blames the slow recovery on DC disfunction, namely the ''no compromise, un-American TP GOP''- TIME.

And the Examiner is a hopeless propaganda sheet, hater dupes...
The only dems left defending the kenyan are the truly brain washed and ignorant, like the ones we have here, and then the paid operatives that it is their job to come here and defend him bar none, and to lie their stinking ass off if need be to do it.

I wonder if they really realize how STUPID they really look to the rest of us?

someone who thinks the president was born in kenya really has no basis to comment on anyone else's intellect.

and no one believes that 71% of this country would have voted for anti-choice rightwingnuts ...

Anti 'what'?

Democrats priorities are warped...they think everyone want to abort their offspring
WOW!: 71% Of Obama Voters Regret Voting For His Re-election In New Poll.

Big deal, that same 71% will vote for another incompetent, speechifying miscreant in the next election. The electorate still isn't clued into the fact that Washington doesn't serve the people anymore, we the people serve it and that isn't going to change by changing the face in the Oval Office, or shuffling around the criminals in Congress.

"Meet the new boss; Same as the old boss" The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again

I can agree with that
they were duped by Obama, gawd knows who they will fall for next
Clueless obama has done far more damage to the usa than any president in usa history!!
And it's all on purpose. His parents, his Grand Parents (ALL COMMUNISTS) HATED this Republic...Need I say more? DREAMS of his father...and he is succeeding...

Tell us of how you have personally suffered under his presidency. Or someone close to you. Oh hell, I'll make it easy for you....Post a link to something on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.

HIGHER UTILITY RATES... I'm paying nearly double what I paid last year at this time! AND WHY??
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
" Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

I moved into my current residence and after one full month my bill was $45.16
same month one year later: was $78.41
This month my bill ins $231.55!
Average for first 12 months per month:$88.80
Average for then next 8 months per month $142.32
An increase of nearly 40%
AGAIN remind you what OBAMA said RATHER then work towards LoWERING COSTS he promised the opposite
and you idiots that voted for him here is the result!

"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Dems and the world will be fixing BOOOSH and Pub messes for years- 9/11 incompetence, the longest and stupidest wars ever, say hello to 100k jihadists, a world depression and 5 years of mindless obstruction...

Dems and the world will be fixing BOOOSH and Pub messes for years- 9/11 incompetence, the longest and stupidest wars ever, say hello to 100k jihadists, a world depression and 5 years of mindless obstruction...


ummmhumm, keep your fingers crossed while saying
71 % regret voting for him, that bodes real well for Democrats...gawd I'm loving it they finally have caught onto what we've been saying all along about Obama...feels good
Dems and the world will be fixing BOOOSH and Pub messes for years- 9/11 incompetence, the longest and stupidest wars ever, say hello to 100k jihadists, a world depression and 5 years of mindless obstruction...


I see the illiterate punk is still just banging on random keys on his keyboard.... :rolleyes:

Let this "franco" embarrassment be a warning to you kids: Stay in school. You don't want to end up like him.
If you believe anything the propaganda rag Examiner says you're an idiot.

I see the bitter tutor has resurfaced with the usual stupid insults lol...

I will now attempt to communicate with the subject in its native tongue:

al;gionr;qaogidna;iogjnd; dupes! dfks;dlna pub! sl;kvn;sknf;obn booooooooooosh dlkansoghj;rna;hiodggloknfknoihod skrnahvrnwabatara alda;loknbv;foinb dupes! ajpoginag;t jinea Aaaaaaaarrrrrh!!
Notice when it's a poll they DON'T LIKE it's attack the source

but they can put up an Msnbc poll and that's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth for them

they just can't handle people actually dislike Obama...I don't why there isn't one thing to like about him

I guess he thought people would take kindly to someone acting a thug as President
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It's common sense most Americans hate Obama, he lied to them about this obamacare scam. He lied about Libya, F&F, Solyndra, etc.

He is a piece of shit lying son of a bitch.
Dems and the world will be fixing BOOOSH and Pub messes for years- 9/11 incompetence, the longest and stupidest wars ever, say hello to 100k jihadists, a world depression and 5 years of mindless obstruction...


I see the illiterate punk is still just banging on random keys on his keyboard.... :rolleyes:

Let this "franco" embarrassment be a warning to you kids: Stay in school. You don't want to end up like him.

Wait!!! You are insulting "franco" with TWO masters' degrees AND an IQ of 145! How can any one that smart be so stupid?
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It was actually only 7.1% of Obama voters regret voting for him.

But as far as the rightwing propaganda machine goes, saying 71% instead is a relatively modest exaggeration,

hey, 10 times the real number, what's the big deal?
It's common sense most Americans hate Obama, he lied to them about this obamacare scam. He lied about Libya, F&F, Solyndra, etc.

He is a piece of shit lying son of a bitch.

The brainwashed 20 per cent is not a majority, dingbat lol...

will you silly liberal dem tards never learn???? the usa is going downn the tolet due to clueless obama!!! now you will vote for clueless bimbo old hag billary!!!
Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

In 2008 I was on another MB and i recall the outrage when obama beat Hitlery in the Primary...... Through some fairly nefarious means, I might add. Another story.....

But I remember how each and every Hitlery supporter in the Forum swore to Gott In Himmel that they would NOT vote for the scumbag-in-chief and would either vote Republican or stay home.

They didn't, of course. They became some of the scumbag's staunchest supporters.

Guys and Gals, dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

They lie when they wake up in the morning and they don't stop until they fall asleep at night. I suspect they even lie in their dreams.

Not only do they lie to everybody else, they are especially good at lying to themselves.

Like when they promise themselves they're gonna get off their mommy's couch and get a job. Or when they swear they're going to stop getting stoned all day and do something useful.

Or when they sit at the Bar all night talking shit about what they're gonna do, how they're gonna do it and the riches they will incur in the process.

dimocraps lie, people. To everybody, including themselves.

Given the chance to vote for the scumbag-in-chief again?

They would. Of that, you can be certain.


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