WOW. ABC forced to admit FBI did in fact wiretap Trump Tower


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Naturally they are trying to spin it by saying it was 4 years ago and trump was not the target.!! They claim the target was those dastardly ruskies . HAHA

Russian mafia boss still at large after FBI wiretap at Trump Tower

march 21 2017 But it was not placed at the behest of Barack Obama, and the target was not the Trump campaign of 2016. For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower in New York.

The FBI investigation led to a federal grand jury indictment of more than 30 people, including one of the world’s most notorious Russian mafia bosses, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov. Known as the “Little Taiwanese,” he was the only target to slip away, and he remains a fugitive from American justice.

Seven months after the April 2013 indictment and after Interpol issued a red notice for Tokhtakhounov, he appeared near Donald Trump in the VIP section of the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Trump had sold the Russian rights for Miss Universe to a billionaire Russian shopping mall developer.
Naturally they are trying to spin it by saying it was 4 years ago and trump was not the target.!! They claim the target was those dastardly ruskies . HAHA

Russian mafia boss still at large after FBI wiretap at Trump Tower

march 21 2017 But it was not placed at the behest of Barack Obama, and the target was not the Trump campaign of 2016. For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower in New York.

The FBI investigation led to a federal grand jury indictment of more than 30 people, including one of the world’s most notorious Russian mafia bosses, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov. Known as the “Little Taiwanese,” he was the only target to slip away, and he remains a fugitive from American justice.

Seven months after the April 2013 indictment and after Interpol issued a red notice for Tokhtakhounov, he appeared near Donald Trump in the VIP section of the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Trump had sold the Russian rights for Miss Universe to a billionaire Russian shopping mall developer.

The Dems keep digging themselves a hole they won't be able to get out of.
They lost, and they think they can take a president down over baseless accusations.

Obama had President Trump under Surveillance and Investigation for 8 Months.
Unprecedented and is in fact a crime to do what he did.

But the most important part of the whole thing is not Obama's Crimes, or Trump's Outrage at it, nor Lefty's Deflection and Denial it happened, nor Righty's Insistance that It DID!

None of that matters.

Nothing was found. And that is all that matters.
The only thing found were leaks and the fact that there were 47 daily Surveillance reports on Trump that the White House reviewed.
Again, that doesn't matter. Nothing was found.

I said from the very beginning that the accusations were political and baseless and that such accusations would end up biting The Democrat Party in the ASS.

And here we are. Ass Meet Teeth, only it's Lefty biting himself in His Own Ass.

Lefty would be better off trying to win America's Trust back in their party and engaging in hard work and governance instead of trying to make a Hail Mary happen that they failed to make happen for almost a year now.
How do these idiots get so easily manipulated? Drumpf claims the wiretapping started during the election yet his sycophants want to link a criminal sting that happened years ago to now.
The Dems keep digging themselves a hole they won't be able to get out of.
They lost, and they think they can take a president down over baseless accusations.

Obama had President Trump under Surveillance and Investigation for 8 Months.
Unprecedented and is in fact a crime to do what he did.

But the most important part of the whole thing is not Obama's Crimes, or Trump's Outrage at it, nor Lefty's Deflection and Denial it happened, nor Righty's Insistance that It DID!

None of that matters.

Nothing was found. And that is all that matters.
The only thing found were leaks and the fact that there were 47 daily Surveillance reports on Trump that the White House reviewed.
Again, that doesn't matter. Nothing was found.

I said from the very beginning that the accusations were political and baseless and that such accusations would end up biting The Democrat Party in the ASS.

And here we are. Ass Meet Teeth, only it's Lefty biting himself in His Own Ass.

Lefty would be better off trying to win America's Trust back in their party and engaging in hard work and governance instead of trying to make a Hail Mary happen that they failed to make happen for almost a year now.
Baseless allegations? Why cant the orange cheeto say one negative thing about a ruthless murdering dictator? Why did so many from the Trump team consistently visit Moscow?
How is Wilbur Ross, the Commerce Secretary, affiliated with a Cyprus bank, the bank Russia does all their money laundering?
There is much more evidence also but start with answering those three questions before you continue to made an utter fool of yourself.
Baseless allegations. You're an idiot.
So what? Just because the Grabbers buddies were working out of his tower doesn't mean the FBI shouldn't be looking at them. What was he Grabbers connection with these criminals the FBI was investigating anyway? Were these the same Ruskies he and his transition team were Pal'in around with recently?
Again, no matter how EMOTIONAL Lefty gets......THE NSA, CIA have said there is NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
The only illegal acts uncovered was The Obama Administration's Leaks of an Illegal Investigation on Trump, and Illegal Surveillance on Trump.

8 Months of Surveillance and Investigation and you find Nothing?

The most powerful surveillance apparatus the world has ever known cannot and has not found any evidence of anything Lefty accused him of when they were trying to save a failing campaign.

All Lefty has are accusations. Lefty knows this. He knows that is all he has, and that is all he needs to try to damage America, and undermine Democracy.

Keep hammering lies, night after night, not matter how many Ex Obama Intelligence Heads tell you there was nothing there.

Keep asking for Investigations instead of doing the work of Governance even though you know nothing is there, because all you want to do is sway public opinion, because you party is so corrupt and bereft of morals and ethics, you have to set yourself up as the lesser of two Evils
Just like you did in the campaign.

You had nothing to offer, and you still engage in the same Nazi tactics.

Sucks to be you that you cannot learn from your own mistakes.
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Again, no matter how EMOTIONAL Lefty gets......THE NSA, CIA have said there is NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
The only illegal acts uncovered was The Obama Administration's Leaks of an Illegal Investigation on Trump, and Illegal Surveillance on Trump.

8 Months of Surveillance and Investigation and you find Nothing?

The most powerful surveillance apparatus the world has ever known cannot and has not found any evidence of anything Lefty accused him of when they were trying to save a failing campaign.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -
Again, no matter how EMOTIONAL Lefty gets......THE NSA, CIA have said there is NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
The only illegal acts uncovered was The Obama Administration's Leaks of an Illegal Investigation on Trump, and Illegal Surveillance on Trump.

8 Months of Surveillance and Investigation and you find Nothing?

The most powerful surveillance apparatus the world has ever known cannot and has not found any evidence of anything Lefty accused him of when they were trying to save a failing campaign.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

Everyone has read that hit piece, and there is nothing there. It is opinion based on opinion.
The only purpose of the Fake News Article is to get some hits, try to get it trending, and then of course, pretend like it was Journalism when it is debunked for the 10th time.

Let me break down the article for everyone.

CNN says the Easter Bunny exists. They know it to be true, (IT JUST HAS TO BE DAMN IT) but they just can't find the evidence, even though they looked for it for 8 months. (ILLEGALLY AND WITHOUT A WARRANT)

Now they are saying that the only people that know The Easter Bunny Exists realize they are being monitored so they aren't saying anything. So there was evidence before but they can't find it, and they know this has to be happening, but everyone has clammed up.

DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO ANYONE BUT THE CRIMINALLY INSANE? Is CNN and Lefty hearing Vladimir Putin in their heads?

But trust us, even though we had NO EVIDENCE BEFORE, and we can't get any Evidence NOW, we are going to keep this mother fucker going for 8 years, and still find nothing IN THE FUTURE.

But it might help us win an election, even though we are lying our asses off.
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Again, no matter how EMOTIONAL Lefty gets......THE NSA, CIA have said there is NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
The only illegal acts uncovered was The Obama Administration's Leaks of an Illegal Investigation on Trump, and Illegal Surveillance on Trump.

8 Months of Surveillance and Investigation and you find Nothing?

The most powerful surveillance apparatus the world has ever known cannot and has not found any evidence of anything Lefty accused him of when they were trying to save a failing campaign.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

Everyone has read that hit piece, and there is nothing there. It is opinion based on opinion.
The only purpose of the Fake News Article is to get some hits, try to get it trending, and then of course, pretend like it was Journalism when it is debunked for the 10th time.
You should have paid attention in school. Its not an opinion piece. CNN labels opinion pieces as such

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