Citation ???

LInk ???
Can't you read??? "People in the know..." It just doesn't get any more credible than that.
heres one theres more I'll start with the smaller one for these repub-lie-tards

Clinton leads Trump by 6 points after Democratic confab: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Read the's weighted with Democrats...also she was up by 11 in that same poll last month
lets see my post said hillary up in the polls ... it did' say last month it said she is now up in the currant polls ... so whats your point moron??? you can't stand it after the DNC convention the people are starting to see the real truth here ??? is that what you can't stand ??? that right now she's up in the polling across the board ??? when she was clearly up by 1 point going in to the DNC convention ... you can't stand the fact that the people are starting to accept her over trump is that what your problem is ??? I'm fine with that
in other words you can't refute the post i get it when you can't prove it to be wrong you try to show us your best ... we get it ...
Remember you sa
Citation ???

LInk ???
Can't you read??? "People in the know..." It just doesn't get any more credible than that.
Presidential Polls 2016: Hillary Clinton Builds Eight Point Lead Over Donald Trump in NBC Poll
came from the title of the article

That's dated June 29, 2016. You lied and got caught
i9ts not that I lie, i grabbed the wrong story in my haste to post the correct article and I'll accept my mistake
Remember you said that come November...
Can't you read??? "People in the know..." It just doesn't get any more credible than that.
heres one theres more I'll start with the smaller one for these repub-lie-tards

Clinton leads Trump by 6 points after Democratic confab: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Read the's weighted with Democrats...also she was up by 11 in that same poll last month
lets see my post said hillary up in the polls ... it did' say last month it said she is now up in the currant polls ... so whats your point moron??? you can't stand it after the DNC convention the people are starting to see the real truth here ??? is that what you can't stand ??? that right now she's up in the polling across the board ??? when she was clearly up by 1 point going in to the DNC convention ... you can't stand the fact that the people are starting to accept her over trump is that what your problem is ??? I'm fine with that
in other words you can't refute the post i get it when you can't prove it to be wrong you try to show us your best ... we get it ...

You probably should just abandon your own thread at this point....really LOL
I have it from a reliable source that Dem's fart rose pedals out their ass. you're saying democrats brains are rose petals.....:lol:
No. He said "rose pedals". I've not seen those since my little sister had a purple tricycle with yellow handlebars and rose pedals.

Boy, they must hurt comin' out!...bein' all square 'n' all...
Citation ???

LInk ???
Can't you read??? "People in the know..." It just doesn't get any more credible than that.
Presidential Polls 2016: Hillary Clinton Builds Eight Point Lead Over Donald Trump in NBC Poll
came from the title of the article

That's dated June 29, 2016. You lied and got caught
i9ts not that I lie, i grabbed the wrong story in my haste to post the correct article and I'll accept my mistake

not for noting

the poll is a non-scientific one or non-probability style poll
which are the ones that are to be used

The poll you linked, people self-select
like local TV stations when they ask people to go to their website and vote on something
no real sampling error can be calculated
and as such, they are open to all levels of sources of error

Like Papa Obama and Queen Hillary policies
this was a FAIL
Citation ???

LInk ???
Can't you read??? "People in the know..." It just doesn't get any more credible than that.
Presidential Polls 2016: Hillary Clinton Builds Eight Point Lead Over Donald Trump in NBC Poll
came from the title of the article

That's dated June 29, 2016. You lied and got caught
i9ts not that I lie, i grabbed the wrong story in my haste to post the correct article and I'll accept my mistake

not for noting

the poll is a non-scientific one or non-probability style poll
which are the ones that are to be used

The poll you linked, people self-select
like local TV stations when they ask people to go to their website and vote on something
no real sampling error can be calculated
and as such, they are open to all levels of sources of error

Like Papa Obama and Queen Hillary policies
this was a FAIL

But it gives them a warm and fuzzy....
Silly leftard... Only dumb bastards of your political persuasion read a generic headline/blurb, then take it, and it's content for gospel... It's the democrat way to let others do your homework, and tell you what to think...
in other word you can't show us here that she not up in the polls ... you use one article where I grabbed the wrong article by mistake that you now say she's not up in the polls .. so tell me now lets go with the 6% in the polling is that wrong too ??? how come you couldn't find a mistake in that one hummmmm ???
Silly leftard... Only dumb bastards of your political persuasion read a generic headline/blurb, then take it, and it's content for gospel... It's the democrat way to let others do your homework, and tell you what to think...
in other word you can't show us here that she not up in the polls ... you use one article where I grabbed the wrong article by mistake that you now say she's not up in the polls .. so tell me now lets go with the 6% in the polling is that wrong too ??? how come you couldn't find a mistake in that one hummmmm ???

It was pointed out to you the Reuters poll is weighted with Democrats and last month she was up by 11 in the same poll. By using that poll you reveal she is falling in polls
Clinton is leading in PA by 9.

She wins if she takes PA.
Damn! I thought it was a national election.

Birfer Trump's strategy is to win the Rust Belt. If he loses the biggest state in the Rust Belt, he will lose the election because he won't win enough EVs elsewhere.

Well considering that Bush won the 2000 and 2004 election without PA
who knows

but we will all know on election day
Every poll that showed Obama ahead in 2012 was mocked by the Right.
they can't stand that Idea ... they want me to list the polls she went up in... they all had her up by 8 to 10 points ... so now they want me to list them just so they can say well, thats a biased pollster or thats a liberal pollster even when the so called biased liberal posters have shown trump up at time in their expert opinion it a biased, liberal pollster ... sorry palls out there not going to do it ... hey heres a Idea ... why don't you prove me wrong... instead of me trying to prove me wrong ... can you do it???

Your problem is the convention ended Thursday the poll are being taken now. Same as with Trumps and the RNC convention
really can you prove to us that not one poll was taken friday???
Every poll that showed Obama ahead in 2012 was mocked by the Right.
they can't stand that Idea ... they want me to list the polls she went up in... they all had her up by 8 to 10 points ... so now they want me to list them just so they can say well, thats a biased pollster or thats a liberal pollster even when the so called biased liberal posters have shown trump up at time in their expert opinion it a biased, liberal pollster ... sorry palls out there not going to do it ... hey heres a Idea ... why don't you prove me wrong... instead of me trying to prove me wrong ... can you do it???

Your problem is the convention ended Thursday the poll are being taken now. Same as with Trumps and the RNC convention
really can you prove to us that not one poll was taken friday???

It's your burden, pal. You're the one that started this thread. Just shut up already, you got caught in your own web of lies and deceit
Hillary hasn't even been hit with the ads yet for Christsakes. Trump hasbeen hit with many millions of dollars worth and the media pile on. Both sides are trying to rake in their divided party right now so polling doesn't mean a whole bunch at this point. I take it all with a grain of salt. Generally speaking it seems pretty close as it stands right now.
Sorry bud. You prefaced this thread. You were wrong. And probably trying to deceive people to boot. You failed. In this game; not everyone gets a trophy...
Clinton is leading in PA by 9.

She wins if she takes PA.
Damn! I thought it was a national election.

Birfer Trump's strategy is to win the Rust Belt. If he loses the biggest state in the Rust Belt, he will lose the election because he won't win enough EVs elsewhere.

Well considering that Bush won the 2000 and 2004 election without PA
who knows

but we will all know on election day

That's true. But he also won VA and NC, both which Obama won. And with AZ turning into a purple state and UT in play, Trump's path is narrow. Trump could swing PA OH and FL and would still lose if Hillary took AZ.
You want to see some numbers that really matter? Compare the ratings between the two candidates acceptance speeches. Or perhaps the size of the crowds actually coming to their candidates rallies (without being paid to fill a seat). Because those are the numbers that will likely reflect voter turnout. At least in a legitimate election that hasn't been rigged...
But until we address voter fraud we have a very large problem, one that needs to be corrected.

We know Dems cheat, they cheated Berniein the primary, of course they cheat in the general.
Clinton is leading in PA by 9.

She wins if she takes PA.
Damn! I thought it was a national election.

Birfer Trump's strategy is to win the Rust Belt. If he loses the biggest state in the Rust Belt, he will lose the election because he won't win enough EVs elsewhere.

Well considering that Bush won the 2000 and 2004 election without PA
who knows

but we will all know on election day

That's true. But he also won VA and NC, both which Obama won. And with AZ turning into a purple state and UT in play, Trump's path is narrow. Trump could swing PA OH and FL and would still lose if Hillary took AZ.
But on the other hand you have five fingers. Keep us up to date hourly, I'll be breathlessly awaiting your analysis.

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