Wow, McCain Was Terrible!

John McCain, Robert himself rarely talks about his experiences as a POW, I went to a townhall here, and can tell you that he never mentioned it one time. I have been told by many in the Navy community that in private he does not talk about his experience in public very much at all, which is not surprising to me. I did hear yesterday during his acceptence speech where a commentator made mention , that his campaign director and staff has asked him to talk about it. I personally thought he did a good job, and came across pretty well. He is not as synamic a speaker as Obama I will grant you that, but , at least to me it seemed sincere and straight forward.
That's his job, aint it? How many times have you heard John Kerry mention three purple hearts?

This isn't about John Kerry last I checked.

Is that John Kerry's name on the ballot? *Looks closely*

I think not.
John McCain, Robert himself rarely talks about his experiences as a POW, I went to a townhall here, and can tell you that he never mentioned it one time. I have been told by many in the Navy community that in private he does not talk about his experience in public very much at all, which is not surprising to me. I did hear yesterday during his acceptence speech where a commentator made mention , that his campaign director and staff has asked him to talk about it. I personally thought he did a good job, and came across pretty well. He is not as synamic a speaker as Obama I will grant you that, but , at least to me it seemed sincere and straight forward.

Those townhalls are a joke since anyone who might ask McCain a real tough question either gets a dodgy answer or thrown out. (Least the ones he aren't prepared for.)

John McCain's experience as a POW is always being brought up by either himself, fellow GOP members, or by people here on this board. It's talking point #1 for why John McCain should be the President to some people.

He was sounding sincere for a moment or two when he was blasting the GOP for screwing up things the last eight years. Then reality kicked in, he's accepting the GOP nomination. If he was truly for changing things, he wouldn't be accepting their nomination and they wouldn't be giving it to him.

He was pandering to Independents and Democrats. Because he knows they want to hear the GOP screwed things up, but then you also have to realize that John McCain was a part of that GOP.

If John McCain has wanted to change things for so very long, why wait until 2008?
Those townhalls are a joke since anyone who might ask McCain a real tough question either gets a dodgy answer or thrown out. (Least the ones he aren't prepared for.)

John McCain's experience as a POW is always being brought up by either himself, fellow GOP members, or by people here on this board. It's talking point #1 for why John McCain should be the President to some people.

He was sounding sincere for a moment or two when he was blasting the GOP for screwing up things the last eight years. Then reality kicked in, he's accepting the GOP nomination. If he was truly for changing things, he wouldn't be accepting their nomination and they wouldn't be giving it to him.

He was pandering to Independents and Democrats. Because he knows they want to hear the GOP screwed things up, but then you also have to realize that John McCain was a part of that GOP.

If John McCain has wanted to change things for so very long, why wait until 2008?

He hasn't--he's been mucking things up for quite some time---damn near was Kerry's running mate.
By the time the RNC smear campaign is done, most Americans (who you and your buddies despise and wish ill upon) will honestly believe that the man's name is "Barack Hussein Okerry"


I don't wish ill upon my fellow Americans like you do on Liberals.

If you willingly admit the RNC is conducting a smear campaign and are proud of that then you only prove Barack Obama right and only show John McCain's words last night rang false.

He who is without sin shall cast the first stone. That is from the precious GOP talking point generator: The Bible. When the Republicans are willing to admit the things they've done (or least haven't been caught with) then they can even begin to talk.

Though then again, I suppose Love Thy Neighbor and Treat Others as you'd like to be treated were just ripped out of the bible that plenty of right-wingers use huh? :eusa_whistle:
This isn't about John Kerry last I checked.

Is that John Kerry's name on the ballot? *Looks closely*

I think not.

Tell the same thing to all those liberals including Obama who think that Bush is on the ballot.

Thanks in advance.
Those townhalls are a joke since anyone who might ask McCain a real tough question either gets a dodgy answer or thrown out. (Least the ones he aren't prepared for.)

John McCain's experience as a POW is always being brought up by either himself, fellow GOP members, or by people here on this board. It's talking point #1 for why John McCain should be the President to some people.

He was sounding sincere for a moment or two when he was blasting the GOP for screwing up things the last eight years. Then reality kicked in, he's accepting the GOP nomination. If he was truly for changing things, he wouldn't be accepting their nomination and they wouldn't be giving it to him.

He was pandering to Independents and Democrats. Because he knows they want to hear the GOP screwed things up, but then you also have to realize that John McCain was a part of that GOP.

If John McCain has wanted to change things for so very long, why wait until 2008?

Actually in about 30 years of public service he has changed quite a bit, would you like a short list?
Tell the same thing to all those liberals including Obama who think that Bush is on the ballot.

Thanks in advance.


Unless I missed something, there is no picture of John Kerry and Obama doing this. When one agrees with Bush in 2007 95% of the time, you tend to think he is a clone of Bush. He isn't Bush, there is only one man who could be that royal of a screwup. However, McCain if elected can carve his own path and mark his own place in the hall of Screwup Presidents by following the same policies as this man.

Al Gore summed it up for me during the DNC.

“Today, we face essentially the same choice we faced in 2000, though it may be even more obvious now, because John McCain, a man who has earned our respect on many levels, is now openly endorsing the policies of the Bush-Cheney White House and promising to actually continue them. The same policies all over again? Hey, I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous.”
-- Al Gore

:iagree: John McCain once had my respect as a Politican before he began to drink from the GOP Kool-Aid. He doesn't have that respect anymore, just the respect I have for a man who served his country and was a POW.
Unless I missed something, there is no picture of John Kerry and Obama doing this. When one agrees with Bush in 2007 95% of the time, you tend to think he is a clone of Bush. He isn't Bush, there is only one man who could be that royal of a screwup. However, McCain if elected can carve his own path and mark his own place in the hall of Screwup Presidents by following the same policies as this man.

Al Gore summed it up for me during the DNC.

“Today, we face essentially the same choice we faced in 2000, though it may be even more obvious now, because John McCain, a man who has earned our respect on many levels, is now openly endorsing the policies of the Bush-Cheney White House and promising to actually continue them. The same policies all over again? Hey, I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous.”
-- Al Gore

:iagree: John McCain once had my respect as a Politican before he began to drink from the GOP Kool-Aid. He doesn't have that respect anymore, just the respect I have for a man who served his country and was a POW.

I wouldn't say that....


but it looks as though Obama is going to plant one on Kerry.

This whole Mccain is Bush III, is BS and the Democratic leadership knows it. MCcain has broken from his party many times. Medicare pill bill, the surge in Iraq, Energy policy act of 2005, Mccain-Feingold, Mccain-Kennedy....etc...

The list goes on and on....

Now show me a few pieces of legislation where Obama has broken with the Democratic establishment. Where the vote wasn't a procedural vote or where the vast majority of Democrats supported a major piece of legislation that Obama broke ranks(to create, 'Change').
Those townhalls are a joke since anyone who might ask McCain a real tough question either gets a dodgy answer or thrown out. (Least the ones he aren't prepared for.)

John McCain's experience as a POW is always being brought up by either himself, fellow GOP members, or by people here on this board. It's talking point #1 for why John McCain should be the President to some people.

He was sounding sincere for a moment or two when he was blasting the GOP for screwing up things the last eight years. Then reality kicked in, he's accepting the GOP nomination. If he was truly for changing things, he wouldn't be accepting their nomination and they wouldn't be giving it to him.

He was pandering to Independents and Democrats. Because he knows they want to hear the GOP screwed things up, but then you also have to realize that John McCain was a part of that GOP.

If John McCain has wanted to change things for so very long, why wait until 2008?

I can't say I disagree on the townhalls, Obama's or McCain's are both staged and are always on message or at least try to be at them. I was just telling you, that when I was there I didn't hear mention by him ,not one time of his POW experience. As for people on here, I think anyone who wants to honor someone who has served his/her country in the noble way John McCain has can pretty much bore everyone else with the details, and the rest can choose not to listen.

Robert come on, you only like that part of it last night because he was bashing Republicans, but seriously though, it showed you one thing about John McCain, it showed you that unlike Obama, he is willing to call out his own party when they need to be called out.

I don't think I can get into his head enough to tell you how sincere he was, however, he came across that way to me.

This is not the first time John McCain has attempted to run for president , it's just the frist time he won. So to say , why wait till now is a little off base.
I wouldn't say that....

View attachment 5785

but it looks as though Obama is going to plant one on Kerry.

This whole Mccain is Bush III, is BS and the Democratic leadership knows it. MCcain has broken from his party many times. Medicare pill bill, the surge in Iraq, Energy policy act of 2005, Mccain-Feingold, Mccain-Kennedy....etc...

The list goes on and on....

Now show me a few pieces of legislation where Obama has broken with the Democratic establishment. Where the vote wasn't a procedural vote or where the vast majority of Democrats supported a major piece of legislation that Obama broke ranks(to create, 'Change').

Touche on the picture, though the one I posted is much more "manly" huh? :D

See, your missing MY point here. I once respected McCain and his policies. I honestly believe at one time the man was a maverick. However, in Faust fashion he sold his soul to the devil (the GOP really) in order to get what he wanted. His soul included his Maverick personality because he has to get in line with their policies or they won't vote for him.

In the time that Obama has been in Congress, why has he needed to break party lines? Last I checked, according to John McCain it was the GOP who messed things up.
I can't say I disagree on the townhalls, Obama's or McCain's are both staged and are always on message or at least try to be at them. I was just telling you, that when I was there I didn't hear mention by him ,not one time of his POW experience. As for people on here, I think anyone who wants to honor someone who has served his/her country in the noble way John McCain has can pretty much bore everyone else with the details, and the rest can choose not to listen.

Robert come on, you only like that part of it last night because he was bashing Republicans, but seriously though, it showed you one thing about John McCain, it showed you that unlike Obama, he is willing to call out his own party when they need to be called out.

I don't think I can get into his head enough to tell you how sincere he was, however, he came across that way to me.

This is not the first time John McCain has attempted to run for president , it's just the frist time he won. So to say , why wait till now is a little off base.

The only part he seemed even somewhat real to me was when he was telling the truth about his fellow Republicans. Even then, that was staged Navy and you even have to admit that.

There's a reason why Bush and Cheney are in D.C (and it's not the hurricanes) and weren't even mentioned in his speech. They want to distance themselves from the Bush Administration and what easier way to do that then bash them?

Besides, plenty of McCain followers in the GOP will follow him because Dubya is done. He's a lame duck who has a exceedingly amount of dangerous power in his hands. I really hope he doesn't decide to go out bombing a country or two or even try to stop the elections/elections results.

The same people who you saw saying Bush was the best thing since slice bread the last eight years are now agreeing with John McCain that the GOP lost the party's trust.

Doublethink my friends, doublethink.
Touche on the picture, though the one I posted is much more "manly" huh? :D

See, your missing MY point here. I once respected McCain and his policies. I honestly believe at one time the man was a maverick. However, in Faust fashion he sold his soul to the devil (the GOP really) in order to get what he wanted. His soul included his Maverick personality because he has to get in line with their policies or they won't vote for him.

In the time that Obama has been in Congress, why has he needed to break party lines? Last I checked, according to John McCain it was the GOP who messed things up.

Actually I believe the GW and Mccain picture was taken just at the right time when GW was swinging his arm around Mccain's back. Political campaign pictures mean nothing....

Well, I suppose the Guantanamo opposition makes him Bush III huh?
Debating the future of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba - Cuba Politics News - Havana Journal
McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, has said he wants to move the detainees to the military’s prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. But finding room for them all might be a problem — just over 400 inmates are now locked up at Fort Leavenworth, which has a capacity for 515.

Obama could have broken ranks, to ratchet up pressure for offshore drilling in his own party.
Actually I believe the GW and Mccain picture was taken just at the right time when GW was swinging his arm around Mccain's back. Political campaign pictures mean nothing....

Well, I suppose the Guantanamo opposition makes him Bush III huh?
Debating the future of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba - Cuba Politics News - Havana Journal
McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, has said he wants to move the detainees to the military’s prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. But finding room for them all might be a problem — just over 400 inmates are now locked up at Fort Leavenworth, which has a capacity for 515.

Obama could have broken ranks, to ratchet up pressure for offshore drilling in his own party.

Obama could of broken ranks perhaps, but he didn't. It's a matter of opinion if you think he is right or wrong on that.

I agree that Political campaign pictures can be deceiving but doesn't mean I don't love that picture any less. :lol:

Oh and I can't help but comment on that last one:

If we didn't have all these non-violent drug offenders in jail who are in there just for buying/selling/using Pot, we'd have room.

If I remember the stats correctly, there is over a million non-drug offenders in jail, and that's over 50% of the prison population.

It's something along the lines of that, I know that much.
We need to elect the Republicans because only they can fix the mess that they have made.
We need to elect the Republicans because only they can fix the mess that they have made.

Another mindless post by the spambot that is Kirk. It's kinda funny though, your spam is interactive until you debunk the spams lies. Then it goes back into full swing spam again.

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