Wow, McCain Was Terrible!

Obama could of broken ranks perhaps, but he didn't. It's a matter of opinion if you think he is right or wrong on that.

I agree that Political campaign pictures can be deceiving but doesn't mean I don't love that picture any less. :lol:

Oh and I can't help but comment on that last one:

If we didn't have all these non-violent drug offenders in jail who are in there just for buying/selling/using Pot, we'd have room.

If I remember the stats correctly, there is over a million non-drug offenders in jail, and that's over 50% of the prison population.

It's something along the lines of that, I know that much.

Ok and Mccain opposed Guantanamo something that Bush has long supported. That's just recently...But I suppose, no matter what I show you will 'change' your mind.:lol: No pun intended of course.
Ok and Mccain opposed Guantanamo something that Bush has long supported. That's just recently...But I suppose, no matter what I show you will 'change' your mind.:lol: No pun intended of course.

Even though it causes me to puke, Mccain favoring a carbon tax system. Is something he hasn't pandered to his base about....

There are a ton of examples....
Ok and Mccain opposed Guantanamo something that Bush has long supported. That's just recently...But I suppose, no matter what I show you will 'change' your mind.:lol: No pun intended of course.

That's one thing jreeves. That's also because unlike Bush, McCain actually served his country and went through alot for it.

If Bush went through some of the things McCain has, he would of closed Guantanamo a long time ago.

I never said John McCain has always been a bad guy. As I stated all over these boards, I respect his time that he served his country, how he was a POW for all those years and managed to come out of it alive, how he beat cancer four (though I've seen it said being five) times,etc.

However, those are not all things I think qualify him for the Presidency. It shows he has alot of determination in his past.

The McCain of 2000 is different from the McCain of 2008. The McCain of 2008 would be throwing attacks at the McCain of 2000 like he is to Obama now.
Another mindless post by the spambot that is Kirk. It's kinda funny though, your spam is interactive until you debunk the spams lies. Then it goes back into full swing spam again.

Nothing mindless about it.

The Republicans are asking us to elect them, so they can clean up the mess they have made.

That's it in a nutshell.
View attachment 5784

Unless I missed something, there is no picture of John Kerry and Obama doing this. When one agrees with Bush in 2007 95% of the time, you tend to think he is a clone of Bush. He isn't Bush, there is only one man who could be that royal of a screwup. However, McCain if elected can carve his own path and mark his own place in the hall of Screwup Presidents by following the same policies as this man.

Al Gore summed it up for me during the DNC.

“Today, we face essentially the same choice we faced in 2000, though it may be even more obvious now, because John McCain, a man who has earned our respect on many levels, is now openly endorsing the policies of the Bush-Cheney White House and promising to actually continue them. The same policies all over again? Hey, I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous.”
-- Al Gore

:iagree: John McCain once had my respect as a Politican before he began to drink from the GOP Kool-Aid. He doesn't have that respect anymore, just the respect I have for a man who served his country and was a POW.

Lets all be honest. Mccain has been playing politics with his votes since 1998 when he decided to run for president. Voted against bush after 2000 for beating him in a really dirty campaign, and if bush was really unpopular in 04, he could run as diferent. Plus bush got whatever he wanted anyways, so no biggy. But when the dems took over, mccain toed the party line. The gop needs mccain. They don't want him, but they need him.

He actually voted against the gi bill. That vote cost him dearly. I can't believe he made that decision.

Oh well, bush gave him credit anyways. that speaks volumes on how dumb bush thinks you all are. that he could boldly lie that obviously. well, no one seems to remember that so maybe he's right about the intelligence of voters.
That's one thing jreeves. That's also because unlike Bush, McCain actually served his country and went through alot for it.

If Bush went through some of the things McCain has, he would of closed Guantanamo a long time ago.

I never said John McCain has always been a bad guy. As I stated all over these boards, I respect his time that he served his country, how he was a POW for all those years and managed to come out of it alive, how he beat cancer four (though I've seen it said being five) times,etc.

However, those are not all things I think qualify him for the Presidency. It shows he has alot of determination in his past.

The McCain of 2000 is different from the McCain of 2008. The McCain of 2008 would be throwing attacks at the McCain of 2000 like he is to Obama now.

His enviromental, torture, his attacks against the execution of the Iraq war and etc...
these have been consistent stances. Before and after 2000.

But the question is would the Obama of 2004 vote for the Obama of 2008?

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama says will NOT run for President 2008 election because he lacks experience[/ame]
Actually in about 30 years of public service he has changed quite a bit, would you like a short list?

That's all you would have is a shortlist if you were to show me all the mccain accomplishment.

What kind of Senator doesn't bring home any Bacon for his constituency? Loser.
That's all you would have is a shortlist if you were to show me all the mccain accomplishment.

What kind of Senator doesn't bring home any Bacon for his constituency? Loser.

An honest one with integrity....unlike Obama who got the 'bacon' for his campaign bundlers.
It was a good speech, and he hit the notes he needed to hit. I was impressed by Cindy McCAin. Unlike the left, I don't view women just as skirts and I was impressed more by what she said than how she spoke. She's lead a life of service since she graduated from high school, from working with special needs children to going in Kuwait and Bangladesh to help the sick and injured. She formed one of (if not THE) first coalitions of doctors who treat poor kids from other countries for things that in this country we don't even think about anymore, but which ruin lives if untreated.

Lefties might take a page out of her book. Instead of demanding that the "government" (a.k.a. working people) pay for bureacracy to manage the things that democrats don't want to dirty their own lily white hands with, she's hands on and obviously believes we are responsible, personally, for our fellow man.

McCain gave a great speech. Of course he isn't going to impress the left, who don't want to hear about putting America first, service and defense of the country, and limiting government, or shaking up the status quo. The left isn't impressed by a lifetime of serving something bigger, because they don't see America as great or good, and they make fun of those who do.

And you guys conveniently has been the DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS who has screwed up our economy, to the degree which it even is screwed up. Not Bush, not his administration. I love how none of you ever even mentions them. It's like they're invisible, or don't exist...or have no power (there's a laugh).

And you might just remember...the reason the conservative base isn't all that fond of him is that he has done exactly what he says he'll do, which is to deal with and listen to the other side.

And face it, he has the reputation of being straight and tough. Something Obama can't touch him on.

Sing it sister!
Sing it sister!

When McCain came back from Vietnam, he cheated repeatedly on his crippled wife, and then divorced her to marry Cindy Hensley. In the 1980's McCain lobbied for Charles Keating, the saving and loan felon who stole billions in pension money, and took numerous jet set vacations at Keating's expense. In the 1990's McCain had an affair with a lobbyist that so scared his staff, that they told her to stay away from him. His campaigns for the Senate were all financed with his wife Cindy's mob money. In 1994 Cindy McCain forged prescriptions in the names of her employees and stole drugs from her own charity. McCain's campaign this year is getting huge amounts of oil company money. His pick for vice president is under an ethics investigation and will probably be indicted on Oct 31st. McCain is 72 years old, has had cancer 5 times and is on 5 different medications. He is so out of it, that his staff will no longer let him talk to the press unscripted.
When McCain came back from Vietnam, he cheated repeatedly on his crippled wife, and then divorced her to marry Cindy Hensley. In the 1980's McCain lobbied for Charles Keating, the saving and loan felon who stole billions in pension money, and took numerous jet set vacations at Keating's expense. In the 1990's McCain had an affair with a lobbyist that so scared his staff, that they told her to stay away from him. His campaigns for the Senate were all financed with his wife Cindy's mob money. In 1994 Cindy McCain forged prescriptions in the names of her employees and stole drugs from her own charity. McCain's campaign this year is getting huge amounts of oil company money. His pick for vice president is under an ethics investigation and will probably be indicted on Oct 31st. McCain is 72 years old, has had cancer 5 times and is on 5 different medications. He is so out of it, that his staff will no longer let him talk to the press unscripted.

Damn it where is the spam block on this message board....
I think I have seen this same spam about a million times...
His enviromental, torture, his attacks against the execution of the Iraq war and etc...
these have been consistent stances. Before and after 2000.

But the question is would the Obama of 2004 vote for the Obama of 2008?

YouTube - Barack Obama says will NOT run for President 2008 election because he lacks experience

You only continue to prove my point how people can change. Just like how the McCain of 2008 changed from the McCain of 2000.


Damn it where is the spam block on this message board....
I think I have seen this same spam about a million times...

It is not spam if it is true.

You will continue to see it as long as people tout McCain's "character." McCain has done a lot more bad things in his life than Obama. Obama never cheated on his wife. Obama never lobbied for a guy who stole BILLIONS of dollars from pensioners. Obama's wife never forged prescriptions or stole drugs like Cindy McCain. Obama's father-in-law was not in business with the mafia. Obama worked his way to the top. McCain slept his way to the top.
You only continue to prove my point how people can change. Just like how the McCain of 2008 changed from the McCain of 2000.

YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare


Ok, show me how Mccain changed his position on carbon tax credits, his calling for the Guantanamo to close, his calling for reforming the Medicare prescription bill, etc.... I know it doesn't fit in the liberal talking point but he has positions that isn't traditionally Republican that has been consistent.
It is not spam if it is true.

You will continue to see it as long as people tout McCain's "character." McCain has done a lot more bad things in his life than Obama. Obama never cheated on his wife. Obama never lobbied for a guy who stole BILLIONS of dollars from pensioners. Obama's wife never forged prescriptions or stole drugs like Cindy McCain. Obama's father-in-law was not in business with the mafia. Obama worked his way to the top. McCain slept his way to the top.

Dude just read through the other tens of thousands of threads where your spam has been disproven. If you would like I will just start copying those threads when you post the same spam.
Ok, show me how Mccain changed his position on carbon tax credits, his calling for the Guantanamo to close, his calling for reforming the Medicare prescription bill, etc.... I know it doesn't fit in the liberal talking point but he has positions that isn't traditionally Republican that has been consistent.

Just because he may not flip/flop on certain things, doesn't mean he isn't a flip flopper.

I've already made my point about Guantanamo also.

The others, I will in a short time. I like to try and clarify the things I say and have them backed up with some sort of evidence.
Dude just read through the other tens of thousands of threads where your spam has been disproven. If you would like I will just start copying those threads when you post the same spam.

kirk is unable to read and comprehend words written that are against what he already believes in.
Just because he may not flip/flop on certain things, doesn't mean he isn't a flip flopper.

I've already made my point about Guantanamo also.

The others, I will in a short time. I like to try and clarify the things I say and have them backed up with some sort of evidence.

I will provide evidence he hasn't flip flopped on these issues that are very anti republican establishment. While Obama doesn't have one single issue that he can claim is anti democratic establishment.....
Dude just read through the other tens of thousands of threads where your spam has been disproven. If you would like I will just start copying those threads when you post the same spam.

Sorry, everything in that post was true.

Too bad you can't admit it.

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