WOW, Mueller's investigation has proven most effective and expeditious

They are easy rubes, even easier than the "trump university" marks.

Often I wonder how many Trump ass kissers on here would STILL readily pay big bucks to enroll in that infamous Trump U.???..........Trump cut membership mentality is a serious condition.
HANNITY flipping out too

About this article

Hannity Flips Out: Mueller Probe 'Is A Direct Threat To This American Republic'
"Mueller is causing irreparable damage to the rule of law in this country.”

These POS think if they say it enough people will believe far they're right deplorables will believe anything
It is little wonder that Trump acolytes are bawling that the Mueller investigation must end (the, "or else," I'll leave up to them.).......An objective review of the efficacy of the investigation is rather amazing when compared to others in length and results.
View attachment 194474

As often stated, most special counsel investigation average almost 2 1/2 years. Mueller was appointed exactly a year ago, and regardless of previous inquiries before Mueller's appointment, the investigations were not coordinated..........One MUST wonder why there is so much dirt uncovered and still to uncover regarding the Trump campaign AND current administration.

Most likely, Trump himself will not be charged with any direct crime (the Constitution shields him and places his butt ABOVE the law until he is out of office).....HOWEVER, what the investigation yields is a Trump cadre without ethics, amoral to the core, inept and ignorant of history and as corrupt as the Grant administration proved to be.
You have no idea what "effective" means, and much less "expeditious". Dingbat!
It is little wonder that Trump acolytes are bawling that the Mueller investigation must end (the, "or else," I'll leave up to them.).......An objective review of the efficacy of the investigation is rather amazing when compared to others in length and results.
View attachment 194474

As often stated, most special counsel investigation average almost 2 1/2 years. Mueller was appointed exactly a year ago, and regardless of previous inquiries before Mueller's appointment, the investigations were not coordinated..........One MUST wonder why there is so much dirt uncovered and still to uncover regarding the Trump campaign AND current administration.

Most likely, Trump himself will not be charged with any direct crime (the Constitution shields him and places his butt ABOVE the law until he is out of office).....HOWEVER, what the investigation yields is a Trump cadre without ethics, amoral to the core, inept and ignorant of history and as corrupt as the Grant administration proved to be.
You have no idea what "effective" means, and much less "expeditious". Dingbat!
Hey maga bud! Trump university is the one true educational opportunity because fuck libs! For a low introductory price of only $500 you can be truly maga!
You have no idea what "effective" means, and much less "expeditious". Dingbat!

"true, true"......You see, most of us come on here to be informed and educated by someone who chooses the very apt screen name of MeatHead.........We can only express our awe of brilliant posts likes yours above..
There were investigations into trump before election that were NEVER revealed that definitely helped trump not Hillary
But do any trumpettes say anything??
Hey maga bud! Trump university is the one true educational opportunity because fuck libs! For a low introductory price of only $500 you can be truly maga!

Will an applicant to Trump U.also get a free MAGA red hat made in Vietnam?
It is little wonder that Trump acolytes are bawling that the Mueller investigation must end (the, "or else," I'll leave up to them.).......An objective review of the efficacy of the investigation is rather amazing when compared to others in length and results.
View attachment 194474

As often stated, most special counsel investigation average almost 2 1/2 years. Mueller was appointed exactly a year ago, and regardless of previous inquiries before Mueller's appointment, the investigations were not coordinated..........One MUST wonder why there is so much dirt uncovered and still to uncover regarding the Trump campaign AND current administration.

Most likely, Trump himself will not be charged with any direct crime (the Constitution shields him and places his butt ABOVE the law until he is out of office).....HOWEVER, what the investigation yields is a Trump cadre without ethics, amoral to the core, inept and ignorant of history and as corrupt as the Grant administration proved to be.

Heck, if I could find a way to charge the government $1000/hr plus unlimited expenses, I would do it for as long as I could get away with it.

It is great work if you can find it.
There were investigations into trump before election that were NEVER revealed that definitely helped trump not Hillary
But do any trumpettes say anything??

I've often stated that if Trump ass kissers had any decency, they would have erected a statue of Comey, praising him for NOT revealing that the charlatan was under FBI investigation PRIOR to the election.......But, alas......ingrates.
Wake me when they uncover and prove something significant.

Why "wake" you up???........You've been sleeping for the last couple of years...Stay that way; no one really gives a crap.

Hey natters4900, you clearly have a lot invested in seeing the orange clown brought down by Mueller. It reminds of the prediction by some republicans for the legal lynching of Hellary. They never got to rub one out while reading the court ordered incarceration of Hellary. I would lay good money you will be continue to be flaccid waiting for your masterbation material too. And that makes me happy.
It is little wonder that Trump acolytes are bawling that the Mueller investigation must end (the, "or else," I'll leave up to them.).......An objective review of the efficacy of the investigation is rather amazing when compared to others in length and results.
View attachment 194474

As often stated, most special counsel investigation average almost 2 1/2 years. Mueller was appointed exactly a year ago, and regardless of previous inquiries before Mueller's appointment, the investigations were not coordinated..........One MUST wonder why there is so much dirt uncovered and still to uncover regarding the Trump campaign AND current administration.

Most likely, Trump himself will not be charged with any direct crime (the Constitution shields him and places his butt ABOVE the law until he is out of office).....HOWEVER, what the investigation yields is a Trump cadre without ethics, amoral to the core, inept and ignorant of history and as corrupt as the Grant administration proved to be.

If the government came to your house, took money directly from your wallet and threw it out the window, you'd get the point of this Mueller "investigation". Most people would be furious at their hard earned money being wasted.

You're talking about the price of a round of Presidential golf. I'd rather try to learn how Rooskies attempt to infiltrate America's election processes, than send Hush Money out to ride around in a cart.

So now we're passing this farce off as "how did the Russians infiltrate America's election process?". LOL Yea OK. whatever makes you feel good about money being monumentally wasted.

I said "attempt", which you miraculously omitted from your "quote". If money is your issue, you could do a lot better looking at Trump's golf travel.

Trump is corrupt to the core. Stormy Daniels shows that he is open to engaging in bribery, and that he is susceptible to blackmail. Don, Jr. shows they wanted to collude with Russia to damage Clinton. Why don't you sit back and let Mueller do his job? He is a lot more reliable than Trump, by orders of magnitude.

Russia and Stormy Daniels. LMAO! No wonder your side lost the election. You have nothing to offer.
What they DONT have is any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Which was their reason for being. It’s a huge stretch of the imagination to call this farce successful.
It is little wonder that Trump acolytes are bawling that the Mueller investigation must end (the, "or else," I'll leave up to them.).......An objective review of the efficacy of the investigation is rather amazing when compared to others in length and results.
View attachment 194474

As often stated, most special counsel investigation average almost 2 1/2 years. Mueller was appointed exactly a year ago, and regardless of previous inquiries before Mueller's appointment, the investigations were not coordinated..........One MUST wonder why there is so much dirt uncovered and still to uncover regarding the Trump campaign AND current administration.

Most likely, Trump himself will not be charged with any direct crime (the Constitution shields him and places his butt ABOVE the law until he is out of office).....HOWEVER, what the investigation yields is a Trump cadre without ethics, amoral to the core, inept and ignorant of history and as corrupt as the Grant administration proved to be.

If the government came to your house, took money directly from your wallet and threw it out the window, you'd get the point of this Mueller "investigation". Most people would be furious at their hard earned money being wasted.

You're talking about the price of a round of Presidential golf. I'd rather try to learn how Rooskies attempt to infiltrate America's election processes, than send Hush Money out to ride around in a cart.

So now we're passing this farce off as "how did the Russians infiltrate America's election process?". LOL Yea OK. whatever makes you feel good about money being monumentally wasted.

I said "attempt", which you miraculously omitted from your "quote". If money is your issue, you could do a lot better looking at Trump's golf travel.

Trump is corrupt to the core. Stormy Daniels shows that he is open to engaging in bribery, and that he is susceptible to blackmail. Don, Jr. shows they wanted to collude with Russia to damage Clinton. Why don't you sit back and let Mueller do his job? He is a lot more reliable than Trump, by orders of magnitude.

Russia and Stormy Daniels. LMAO! No wonder your side lost the election. You have nothing to offer.

The reference to Stormy is to show how sleazy Trump's character is. You probably didn't notice.
The reference to Stormy is to show how sleazy Trump's character is. You probably didn't notice.

Actually, I bit more than just pointing out that Trump is a sleazy,low-life; actually, the Stormy pay-off with hush money (after 10 years and a few days before an election) may indeed prove a breach of election finance laws.
The reference to Stormy is to show how sleazy Trump's character is. You probably didn't notice.

Actually, I bit more than just pointing out that Trump is a sleazy,low-life; actually, the Stormy pay-off with hush money (after 10 years and a few days before an election) may indeed prove a breach of election finance laws.

Yes, probably.

In a sane world, these pinheads wouldn't be supporting a guy who pays bribes to buy silence.
Yes, probably.

In a sane world, these pinheads wouldn't be supporting a guy who pays bribes to buy silence.

Of course, you're correct.......But these pinheads would then have to admit that they backed (and are still backing) a moron-in-chief.....and THAT would take a lot more guts than they have.

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