Wow! Now that Sarah is on Fox.

Talk about being anal!
Damn dude, look on their website for schedule or something.

Listen Captain Save-A-Hoe, it was HE who made the claim, I'd like HIM to back it up.

I don't find any of the shows to be straight up news shows, HE does, so HE needs to present what HE thinks they are.


Now fly away!


You best try and understand the claim.... you're asking for a schedule.. I only stated that the news broadcasts themselves are not the evil RW machine you claim them to be.... how about trying to actually validate your claims, winger?
Talk about being anal!
Damn dude, look on their website for schedule or something.

Listen Captain Save-A-Hoe, it was HE who made the claim, I'd like HIM to back it up.

I don't find any of the shows to be straight up news shows, HE does, so HE needs to present what HE thinks they are.


Now fly away!


you keep posting this guy. he's in your family???

Talk about being anal!
Damn dude, look on their website for schedule or something.

Listen Captain Save-A-Hoe, it was HE who made the claim, I'd like HIM to back it up.

I don't find any of the shows to be straight up news shows, HE does, so HE needs to present what HE thinks they are.


Now fly away!

What is with you anyway? You asked when straight up news was on and I told you. You now want me to back it up? SO if I give you names of the shows that will be proof?
What is that all about?

I'd wager that these..."news broadcasts" that you're referring to come on that network about 10% of the day. And thats being generous.

I watched FOXNews almost all-day for about a year and a half and I can tell you that its all opinion. Yes, they do present news story, but all the news presenters give their comments, feelings and opinions on every story...and I can present tons of YouTubes as evidence.

No other network does this. Seeing as how FOXNews' very motto is "Fair and Balanced" reporting, its staggering that that network is so openly biased. And the viewers who proclaim to buy into that bogus proclamation of "fair and balanced" are well...words can do no justice to describe these people.

Why does it not surprise me that you are one of the bong-smoking Fox scouts taking notes to bitch about it

Funny... just had the guys in our network center turn the channel from the weather channel to Fox News.. seems to be a news broadcast right now

Now.. do you really want to go down the line of the other station reporters and the commentary they give??? You sure you REALLY want to go down that route? CNN is horrible for this, and I DO know that for it is the one channel we have on our network center monitors at all times... for you to think that no other station does this shows exactly how much of a winger you are

From what I have seen of the news broadcasts.. they are pretty standard... and it takes a special kind of winger, like yourself, to think otherwise

I could really not give a rat's ass about the opinion shows.. for they are about as valid as any other opinion show.. which is why I watch none of them

Are you simply choosing to ignore my post about Faux News being the only channel to tout themselves as "Fair and Balanced" when they are in fact, anything but?

I don't give a shit what their tagline is.. I don't see you bitching about the claims of the likes of CNN having 'the best news team on television' or other unsubstantiated bullshit

What it comes down to is the news is pretty straight... whether you wish to argue opinion shows is another story.. but then again, we don't see you bitching about the extremist opinion shows on the other networks, now do we?
For such an insignificant person, she sure does seem to keep a lot of interest. For everybody to be always poking fun and throwing spears at Fox News, it seems to be watched alot. If you liberals and Fox Haters weren't watching Fox News, how would you know what was going on with that channel?

It is the "two minute hate" thing that so animates the worst sort of liberal. They sit in an uncomfortable chair in the dark and lonely studio apartment, adjust the tin foil hats nice and tight, and then build up the atavistic fury to a fever pitch.

All the libs watching Fox for the two minute hate are the reason fox is doing well, and Oberman/maddow aren't.

I'd wager that these..."news broadcasts" that you're referring to come on that network about 10% of the day. And thats being generous.

I watched FOXNews almost all-day for about a year and a half and I can tell you that its all opinion. Yes, they do present news story, but all the news presenters give their comments, feelings and opinions on every story...and I can present tons of YouTubes as evidence.

No other network does this. Seeing as how FOXNews' very motto is "Fair and Balanced" reporting, its staggering that that network is so openly biased. And the viewers who proclaim to buy into that bogus proclamation of "fair and balanced" are well...words can do no justice to describe these people.

Why does it not surprise me that you are one of the bong-smoking Fox scouts taking notes to bitch about it

Funny... just had the guys in our network center turn the channel from the weather channel to Fox News.. seems to be a news broadcast right now

Now.. do you really want to go down the line of the other station reporters and the commentary they give??? You sure you REALLY want to go down that route? CNN is horrible for this, and I DO know that for it is the one channel we have on our network center monitors at all times... for you to think that no other station does this shows exactly how much of a winger you are

From what I have seen of the news broadcasts.. they are pretty standard... and it takes a special kind of winger, like yourself, to think otherwise

I could really not give a rat's ass about the opinion shows.. for they are about as valid as any other opinion show.. which is why I watch none of them

Are you simply choosing to ignore my post about Faux News being the only channel to tout themselves as "Fair and Balanced" when they are in fact, anything but?

Actually, Fox NEWS IS fair and balanced. Fox News Network has right wing commentary shows as well. But they do not advertise Beck, Hannity, Oreilly and Greta as fair and balanced. Only the news anchors use that slogan.
Why does it not surprise me that you are one of the bong-smoking Fox scouts taking notes to bitch about it

Funny... just had the guys in our network center turn the channel from the weather channel to Fox News.. seems to be a news broadcast right now

Now.. do you really want to go down the line of the other station reporters and the commentary they give??? You sure you REALLY want to go down that route? CNN is horrible for this, and I DO know that for it is the one channel we have on our network center monitors at all times... for you to think that no other station does this shows exactly how much of a winger you are

From what I have seen of the news broadcasts.. they are pretty standard... and it takes a special kind of winger, like yourself, to think otherwise

I could really not give a rat's ass about the opinion shows.. for they are about as valid as any other opinion show.. which is why I watch none of them

Are you simply choosing to ignore my post about Faux News being the only channel to tout themselves as "Fair and Balanced" when they are in fact, anything but?

I don't give a shit what their tagline is.. I don't see you bitching about the claims of the likes of CNN having 'the best news team on television' or other unsubstantiated bullshit

What it comes down to is the news is pretty straight... whether you wish to argue opinion shows is another story.. but then again, we don't see you bitching about the extremist opinion shows on the other networks, now do we?

How about the New York Times. "All the News thats fit to Print".
They needed to add a line. "Except fot the news we prefer you not hear about"

If the NYT was my only source of news, I would have believed Obama was going to get 90% of the vote.
I mean, according to the times Obama never made any type of questionable move in his entire life and McCain was one day away from senility.
And if it were not for Juan Williams of Fox news, I probaboly would not have voted for Obama.

That is why I find this thread humorous. But alas, it is the same crap I was dealing with over on the Hannity forum.
Juan Williams is a moderate repulbican/RWer.

So if HE is not your typical RWer...then who is? Rush? Hannity? Coulter?

Perhaps thats why the RW has fallen as they have.

Juan Williams a Rightwinger??? :lol:

It may be time for you to put down the pipe and return to reality.
Juan Williams is a moderate repulbican/RWer.

So if HE is not your typical RWer...then who is? Rush? Hannity? Coulter?

Perhaps thats why the RW has fallen as they have.

Juan Williams a Rightwinger??? :lol:

It may be time for you to put down the pipe and return to reality.

According the the wingers like Marc and rdean.. anything to the right of Karl Marx is 'right wing"
As for "straight news" programs, you need to give an example of what you would define that as.

I would say America's Newsroom, Happening Now, The Live Desk, Studio B, Special Report and The Fox Report are all news programs.
As for "straight news" programs, you need to give an example of what you would define that as.

I would say America's Newsroom, Happening Now, The Live Desk, Studio B, Special Report and The Fox Report are all news programs.

Everyone of them are.
They make up 9 hours of programming on a 17 hour cycle.
As for "straight news" programs, you need to give an example of what you would define that as.

I would say America's Newsroom, Happening Now, The Live Desk, Studio B, Special Report and The Fox Report are all news programs.

In my book, a definition of straight news is where the news is reported and the anchors/reporters do not give commentary.

Sometimes, a story warrants a 1 or 2 minute debate for the viewers. Fox news, on those news shows will always offer two individuals with different takes on the story to debate the story.
Talk about being anal!
Damn dude, look on their website for schedule or something.

Listen Captain Save-A-Hoe, it was HE who made the claim, I'd like HIM to back it up.

I don't find any of the shows to be straight up news shows, HE does, so HE needs to present what HE thinks they are.


Now fly away!

What is with you anyway? You asked when straight up news was on and I told you. You now want me to back it up? SO if I give you names of the shows that will be proof?
What is that all about?

his mental illness
Juan Williams is a moderate repulbican/RWer.

So if HE is not your typical RWer...then who is? Rush? Hannity? Coulter?

Perhaps thats why the RW has fallen as they have.

Juan Williams a Rightwinger??? :lol:

It may be time for you to put down the pipe and return to reality.

Williams may not be a right winger, but he is no left winger either. You'll see him the most on Special Report sitting with neo-con folks like Krauthammer and Barnes. He agrees with them more than disagrees......much like Alan Colmes did with Hannity. Fox just doesn't have any hard left folks on the analysis and commentary payroll. If you think they do, name them and provide an example.
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Juan Williams is a moderate repulbican/RWer.

So if HE is not your typical RWer...then who is? Rush? Hannity? Coulter?

Perhaps thats why the RW has fallen as they have.

Juan Williams a Rightwinger??? :lol:

It may be time for you to put down the pipe and return to reality.

Williams may not be a right winger, but he is no left winger either. You'll see him the most on Special Report sitting with neo-con folks like Krauthammer and Barnes. He agrees with them more than disagrees......much like Alan Colmes did with Hannity. Fox just doesn't have any hard left folks on the analysis and commentary payroll. If you think they do, name them and provide an example.

So someone on the left who sometimes agree with those on the right is not worthy of the distinction of being on the left?
They must be hard nosed left wingers to be deemd as having an accurate take on things?
So now you are suggesting that Fox should employ those that say that fox is a right wing network that does not report the news and should not be deemed a news network?
Wouldnt you say that is kind of a silly thing for Fox to do?

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