Wow: Sarah Palin Was More Accomplished At Governor Than Mitt Romney Was


May 11, 2012
It's true. She took on big government and was far more successful in her tenior as governor than Mitt Romney was. She dealt with massive billion dollar budgets that dwarfed Mitt Romney's budgets of Massachusetts. She was far more accomplished in getting things done pertaining to multi billion dollar corporations compared to Romney. One thing Palin did was take on members of her own party and had several go to jail for corruption. Palin was more fiscally conservative than Romney. Palin didn't put a burden on the Alaskan citizen unlike Romney who did. Let's have a look at the numbers:

Governor Palin's record:
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
In June 2007, Palin signed a record $6.6 billion operating budget into law. At the same time, she used her veto power to make the second-largest cuts of the capital budget in state history. The $237 million in cuts represented over 300 local projects, and reduced the capital budget to $1.6 billion. In 2008, Palin vetoed $286 million, cutting or reducing funding for 350 projects from the FY09 capital budget.

When it comes to Fiscal Conservatism, Governor Palin reduced spending in her budget for Fiscal Year 2010 by more than one billion dollars from the previous governor’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget, a 9.5% real reduction in spending. Her FY2010 budget was $10.57 billion compared to Governor Murkowski’s FY2007 budget of nearly $11.7 billion. At the same time, she fulfilled her campaign promise to forward fund education, allowing districts greater flexibility and predictability in their planning.

A general rule of thumb for both liberal and conservative administrations is to claim that they may reasonably increase spending every year at a rate of 2% to 3% because of inflation and that should not count against them as increased spending. Even if we use the low end of inflation at 2%, Governor Palin’s budget could have been (without calling it a spending increase): $12,413,374,459.20. Of course, the budget is not $12.4 billion; it is actually $10.57 billion. In other words, she cut spending. Total reduction in spending between 2007 and 2010: a whopping 9.5% or $1,127,400,000

When Governor Palin set out to cut Alaska’s dependence on government funds, she was serious. Governor Palin reduced earmark requests for the state of Alaska by 80% during her administration, requesting only earmarks that would benefit the country as a whole.

FFY2007- Gov. Murkowski 63 projects at $349,497,000
FFY08- Gov. Palin 52 projects at $256,037,000
FFY09- Gov. Palin 31 projects at $195,094,900
FFY10- Gov. Palin: 8 projects @ $69,100,000
As you can clearly see, there was a noticeable drop in federal requests year after year during Governor Palin’s administration.

Now let's look at Romneys numbers:
Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Upon entering office in the middle of a fiscal year, Romney faced an immediate $650 million shortfall and a projected $3 billion deficit for the next year. Unexpected revenue of $1.0–1.3 billion from a previously enacted capital gains tax increase and $500 million in unanticipated federal grants decreased the deficit to $1.2–1.5 billion. Romney supported raising various fees by more than $300 million, including those for driver's licenses, marriage licenses, and gun licenses. He increased a special gasoline retailer fee by two cents per gallon, generating about $60 million per year in additional revenue. (Opponents said the reliance on fees sometimes imposed a hardship on those who could least afford them.) Romney also closed tax loopholes that brought in another $181 million from businesses over the next two years and over $300 million for his term.Romney did so in the face of conservative and corporate critics that considered them tax increases.

The state legislature, with Romney's support, also cut spending by $1.6 billion, including $700 million in reductions in state aid to cities and towns. The cuts also included a $140 million reduction in state funding for higher education, which led state-run colleges and universities to increase tuition by 63 percent over four years. The cuts in state spending put added pressure on localities to reduce services or raise property taxes, and the share of town and city revenues coming from property taxes rose from 49 to 53 percent. The combined state and local tax burden in Massachusetts increased during Romney's governorship but remained below the national average.

Now I wont even get into the universal healthcare that he imposed on the Massachusetts citizens. The overall picture is that Palin was a more successful governor when it came to fiscal responsibility. She knew how to handle business's at a corporate level who were cheating the state. Romney is successful but he isn't fiscally responsible compared to Palin. The ending result is Governor Palin is more suited to be president than Governor Romney. Her record proves it and her record on tackling corruption or crony capitalism solidifies it.
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I forgot to ad that she had more political influence in the mid term 2010 elections than Mitt Romney. For some reason you didn't see Mitt out campaigning against democrats across the nation like Palin. I have often wondered why?
The left should have loved Palin. She was a hockey mom who challenged the establishment and became mayor and governor. Why did the left hate her so damned much? She was only a VP candidate. Hell, we have a brain damaged VP right now that nobody seems to pay any attention to. The left hated Palin because she was a conservative woman. Romney is a man and that seems to be less of a threat to radical lefties.
The left should have loved Palin. She was a hockey mom who challenged the establishment and became mayor and governor. Why did the left hate her so damned much? She was only a VP candidate. Hell, we have a brain damaged VP right now that nobody seems to pay any attention to. The left hated Palin because she was a conservative woman. Romney is a man and that seems to be less of a threat to radical lefties.

She took on both parties as Governor..they were all threatened by that..
I don't think we've seen the last of Palin.
The left should have loved Palin. She was a hockey mom who challenged the establishment and became mayor and governor. Why did the left hate her so damned much? She was only a VP candidate. Hell, we have a brain damaged VP right now that nobody seems to pay any attention to. The left hated Palin because she was a conservative woman. Romney is a man and that seems to be less of a threat to radical lefties.

[ame=]Palin: Obama 'palling Around' With Terrorists - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube[/ame]

Nuff said..
The left should have loved Palin. She was a hockey mom who challenged the establishment and became mayor and governor. Why did the left hate her so damned much? She was only a VP candidate. Hell, we have a brain damaged VP right now that nobody seems to pay any attention to. The left hated Palin because she was a conservative woman. Romney is a man and that seems to be less of a threat to radical lefties.

[ame=]Palin: Obama 'palling Around' With Terrorists - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube[/ame]

Nuff said..

I don't know how much more idiotic you people can get..Palin had nothing to do with the Gifford's desperate must you all be?
and Obama was familiar and friendly with Bill all can deny it till your blue in the face
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Apples and Oranges.

Palin governed a state that had the population about the same size of a small section of Boston.

Population in the U.S. - Google Public Data Explorer

Population is irrelevant. Look at the numbers. She handled numbers that dwarfed Mitts. The billion dollar corporations she dealt with were more complex on scale to what Mitt dealt with.
The left should have loved Palin. She was a hockey mom who challenged the establishment and became mayor and governor. Why did the left hate her so damned much? She was only a VP candidate. Hell, we have a brain damaged VP right now that nobody seems to pay any attention to. The left hated Palin because she was a conservative woman. Romney is a man and that seems to be less of a threat to radical lefties.

[ame=]Palin: Obama 'palling Around' With Terrorists - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube[/ame]

Nuff said..

I don't know how much more idiotic you people can get..Palin had nothing to do with the Gifford's desperate must you all be?
and Obama was familiar and friendly with Bill all can deny it till your blue in the face

What about Ayers?

Was he like Orlando Bosch? Who killed over 80 people? Then got to live in this country courtesy of Jeb and his pappy George HW Bush?

Was he like Osama Bin Laden? Who's family the Bushes did business with? Who's cause in Afghanistan was financed for 3 terms of George HW Bush's administration?

Are you really concerned about "terrorist" associations? Or only associations of people you don't like?

Oh..and Giffords seems to think that Palin had something to do with her shooting.

Watch the vid..
Apples and Oranges.

Palin governed a state that had the population about the same size of a small section of Boston.

Population in the U.S. - Google Public Data Explorer

Population is irrelevant. Look at the numbers. She handled numbers that dwarfed Mitts. The billion dollar corporations she dealt with were more complex on scale to what Mitt dealt with.

The left should have loved Palin. She was a hockey mom who challenged the establishment and became mayor and governor. Why did the left hate her so damned much? She was only a VP candidate. Hell, we have a brain damaged VP right now that nobody seems to pay any attention to. The left hated Palin because she was a conservative woman. Romney is a man and that seems to be less of a threat to radical lefties.

Palin: Obama 'palling Around' With Terrorists - YouTube
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube

Nuff said..
What does that have to do with fiscal policy? The thread topic is the comparison of her fiscal responsibility to Romney. Address the numbers.
Apples and Oranges.

Palin governed a state that had the population about the same size of a small section of Boston.

Population in the U.S. - Google Public Data Explorer

Population is irrelevant. Look at the numbers. She handled numbers that dwarfed Mitts. The billion dollar corporations she dealt with were more complex on scale to what Mitt dealt with.

Are you able to address the fiscal budgets of both governors?
The left should have loved Palin. She was a hockey mom who challenged the establishment and became mayor and governor. Why did the left hate her so damned much? She was only a VP candidate. Hell, we have a brain damaged VP right now that nobody seems to pay any attention to. The left hated Palin because she was a conservative woman. Romney is a man and that seems to be less of a threat to radical lefties.

Palin: Obama 'palling Around' With Terrorists - YouTube
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube

Nuff said..
What does that have to do with fiscal policy? The thread topic is the comparison of her fiscal responsibility to Romney. Address the numbers.

Address what numbers?

Alaska and Massachusettes are entirely different states. The US Government practically pays people to live in Alaska. It's a much less complex state to run.
Yeah governing Alaska is like governing one city in MItts state.

Not to priase Mitt in any way but to put things in perspective.
Yeah governing Alaska is like governing one city in MItts state.

Not to priase Mitt in any way but to put things in perspective.

Mike Dukakis did a better job governing Massachusetts than Mitt Romney did

Look how qualified Dukakis was to be President

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