Wow...this is about as cool a story I’ve heard in a long time

So a bloke with a blowtorch attacks a group who warn him off with a shot, and the guy gets years in jail? Sorry; seems a tad ridiculous.

BTW: KKK is scum!! But even scum have the right to defend themselves.

Good on the bridge builder; should be more of it.

So a bloke with a blowtorch attacks a group who warn him off with a shot, and the guy gets years in jail? Sorry; seems a tad ridiculous.

BTW: KKK is scum!! But even scum have the right to defend themselves.

Good on the bridge builder; should be more of it.

If it were brandishing a gun, that’d be one thing. Firing is totally different, what goes up must come down, that’s still dangerous and could’ve got someone killed or seriously hurt. Very stupid. We also don’t know if the blow torcher was posing any threat or not. I could walk around with a knife, still doesn’t give you the right to shoot at me (or in my direction), unless I’m displaying a credible threat to someone’s life.
So a bloke with a blowtorch attacks a group who warn him off with a shot, and the guy gets years in jail? Sorry; seems a tad ridiculous.

BTW: KKK is scum!! But even scum have the right to defend themselves.

Good on the bridge builder; should be more of it.

If it were brandishing a gun, that’d be one thing. Firing is totally different, what goes up must come down, that’s still dangerous and could’ve got someone killed or seriously hurt. Very stupid. We also don’t know if the blow torcher was posing any threat or not. I could walk around with a knife, still doesn’t give you the right to shoot at me (or in my direction), unless I’m displaying a credible threat to someone’s life.

Yes; we don't know but the court will have taken that into account. But on the face of it there seems to be a self defence at least possible. I hope that the Judge based his decision on the FACTS and not some preconceived idea. he test usually is: if no blowtorch would the accused have fired shots?

Again, this seems a possible travesty of justice. The fact that no-one was hit at close range suggests that the shooter was either a lousy shot or aiming to scare a possible attacker away. We'll probably never know for certain. Was the guy with the blowtorch also charged with the same crime I wonder?

Lord... is that all you think is cool OP?

My Lord where have you been all trough the century

Nothingness total nothingess

yawn is too little for these people
So a bloke with a blowtorch attacks a group who warn him off with a shot, and the guy gets years in jail? Sorry; seems a tad ridiculous.

BTW: KKK is scum!! But even scum have the right to defend themselves.

Good on the bridge builder; should be more of it.

If it were brandishing a gun, that’d be one thing. Firing is totally different, what goes up must come down, that’s still dangerous and could’ve got someone killed or seriously hurt. Very stupid. We also don’t know if the blow torcher was posing any threat or not. I could walk around with a knife, still doesn’t give you the right to shoot at me (or in my direction), unless I’m displaying a credible threat to someone’s life.

Agreed, but a guy with a flaming torch heading to your group in an aggressive manner; looks like a threat to me.


Preston claims he only shot the gun because he was trying to protect people from the blowtorch

But the Judge didn't believe him. Sounds dodgy as, bru!!

Lord... is that all you think is cool OP?

My Lord where have you been all trough the century

Nothingness total nothingess

yawn is too little for these people
Dude brought 200 members of the klan out of the clan just by befriending them. I never thought that’d be possible. He’s showing us a different way on how to treat our enemies, as well a different way for the misguided folks he’s helping. There’s more to the world than just Trump bad, Trump good. You can choose to live your life that way, you’re gonna be unhappy no matter what side of the aisle you’re on. I don’t give a shit, you do you. If this is such a waste of time, then why bother wasting time posting on that? If you don’t care, worry about yourself, not what other people think are “cool” stories. Don’t act like you have better things to do, and then worry about stupid shit like what do other people find cool... that’s just silly. Quite down fish .

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