Writer sues Chelsea Clinton because she stole his book idea

So really he's suing Penguin House. Fake news and probably the last we'll hear about this.
Yeah, I could imagine the publisher pushing this idea on her as original, knowing that the name Chelsea Clinton would attract more buyers than anything from a Christopher Janes Kimberley. I hope he gets justice.
Yeah, I could imagine the publisher pushing this idea on her as original, knowing that the name Chelsea Clinton would attract more buyers than anything from a Christopher Janes Kimberley. I hope he gets justice.
He released his book for free 3 years ago. My kid nephew could have released it and expected more profit. If he's smart, he'll start charging for it and making a killing from the braindead rubes who will flock to his book.
So really he's suing Penguin House. Fake news and probably the last we'll hear about this.
Suing both actually.
Penguin would shoulder any payment. Regardless, this is the last we'll hear about it.
Oh I am sure it will be,the leftist media LOVES the Clinton Crime Family.
Do they? Trump, Faux, and the rest of the RWNJ world have been particularly obsessed with the Clintons these days. Which is saying something, considering the levels of hysterical obsession you rubes have suffered over them before.
Clinton needs to pay, he'll she can afford it and left wing nuts are all about redistributing wealth. So what is the big deal?

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