WRONG AGAIN: Rice touted Obama administration's 'success' in removing Syrian WMDs months before atta

Rice claim on Syria chemical weapons gets 'four Pinocchios'

'Oops, I did it again...'
- Rice, NOT Brittney Spears. :p
Hello Vlad, this is your buddy Donald. I'm gonna launch a cruise missile strike that should get your way in about two hours. Could you tell us where the chemical weapons storage bunkers are, so we don't accidently hit them, oh... and we'll leave the runways intact so you guys can still use the airfield.
Chances are if a Democrat's lips are moving, he's lying about something.

Mexico will pay for the wall
Repeal Obamacare on day one
Defeat ISIS
Pay off the national debt

Funny how you never notice when your own lips move,
Please provide quotes and sources to prove to us you aren't lying and setting up a false straw man.

I happen to know you are lying and terribly inaccurate in your re-statement of The President's policies.

2ndly. You are a moron. No one in his right mind would want to hit a Chemical Weapons store of Chemical Weapons that were stockpiled for destruction. If one person died as a result of that, then you have completely undermined your own reasoning for taking the action you did.

But knowing that you are a troll, you would have been giddy with Joy had a bunch of people died if that stockpile was hit. You'd come on here and puke your dribble all over the board, and say "

President Trump Kills Syrians With Chemical Weapons." You scumbags already tried to blame Assad's Chemical Weapon attack on President Trump despite the face he had only been in office a couple months. This ultimately proves that Leftist Trolls are Two Faced Evil Lying Unpatriotic, Subversive Son of a Bitches!

Here is some advice for you. Phuck You! Jump off a building. Go move to Saudi Arabia and out yourself, or leave the country if you are in this country. Do us a favor and thin the Gene Pool a bit by self aborting and eradicating your faulty DNC from the Human Race.

And lastly: Get the phuck out of my country & STFU.
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Rice claim on Syria chemical weapons gets 'four Pinocchios'

'Oops, I did it again...'
- Rice, NOT Brittney Spears. :p
Hello Vlad, this is your buddy Donald. I'm gonna launch a cruise missile strike that should get your way in about two hours. Could you tell us where the chemical weapons storage bunkers are, so we don't accidently hit them, oh... and we'll leave the runways intact so you guys can still use the airfield.
Pulled that one out of the nether regions of your 'southern orifice'... :p

Chemical weapons stores....

You mean the ones Syria and Russia promised they got rid of, the ones Barry knew they didn't get rid of, but the ones he lied to the American people about by claiming they had anyway?

Rice claim on Syria chemical weapons gets 'four Pinocchios'

President Trump Kills Syrians With Chemical Weapons." You scumbags already tried to blame Assad's Chemical Weapon attack on President Trump despite the face he had only been in office a couple months. .

Maybe then you nuts should stop trying to give Trump credit for every positive thing under the sun that has happened in the last 5 months.
Most likely the chemical weapons came from Saddam Hussein, and they have been stockpiled in Syria the whole time. Our incompetent federal government failed to realize that...

Saddam had no WMD's. Even Bush admitted that.
Obama said Syria had no chemical weapons anymore… Gee, wonder where they came from?

So you don't dispute my post.

Good. Case closed.
Fact remains you can't trust any career politician, obviously Obama lied through his teeth every second he was there typical of a career politician.
The OP is caught lying about Susan Rice.

You've got to be kidding...
There's something wrong with anyone that can deny Rice is a bald faced liar and one that lies a LOT.
What exactly would some oogy, slimy democrat have to do before you would FINALLY stop covering for them?
Kill your dog?
Saddam had no WMD's.

Yet, there they were, Schumer, Feinstein, Liebermann, Waxman, Reid, all the top Dems pushing 110% for war with Iraq over 100% obvious lies....

Feinstein took the floor right before the Senate vote to spearhead the charge = take out Iraq and give that land to Israel in accordance with Ch1 of Book of Joshua...
The Obama administration BELIEVED that the Syrians through the Russians, DID remove their Chemical weapons and they went years without Assad using them...

That simply is NOT a lie.

A lie is when you KNOW, without a doubt, what you are saying, is absolutely not true.

You are loosey goosey on what you call a lie.

The Obama administration, turned out to be wrong....but it was not a lie.

No. It was a lie.
Every single syllable on the subject of the Middle East has been a lie, from our media and our "leaders."
Susan Rice and other former Obama administration officials are taking heat for past claims that their 2013 Syria agreement successfully led to the Assad regime purging its entire chemical weapons stockpile -- in the wake of this week's alleged sarin gas attack.

On Thursday, President Trump launched a targeted strike at a Syrian airfield in response to what he called a barbaric chemical attack on innocent civilians at the hand of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

“There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the U.N. Security Council,” Trump said.

Video footage from the chemical attack scene immediately raised credibility problems for claims made by members of the Obama administration that the prior agreement had rid the war-torn country of chemical agents.
Susan Rice, Obama colleagues take heat for past claims on Syria chemical weapons purge

I think right now, there is a lot of doubt that Assad did this.

First of all, they claimed this was Serin gas. You'll note that they were not using gloves when handling the people who had been exposed. Serin gas requires full body suits--as it absorbs through the skin.

Assad was on the verge of a peace agreement. Why would he order this now. For the last 4 years he has been bombing the crap out of the area. Why would he switch course and bring world wide negative serious attention onto himself at this point in time, when he could have used bombs?

Could it have been Turkey or the rebels that did this? The rebels to delay any peace talks, or Turkey who can't stand the rebels?

Ron Paul and several others have brought this up.

It seems like it was quite a knee jerk reaction--without any proof that Assad actually did this. There are clearly others that had motive to do this, but it wasn't Assad. If it was Assad then he is insane and needs to be taken out.
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If you're a Trump supporter, you shouldn't be talking about anyone's lies.

I am not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him because he is a big government Liberal.

However, that has nothing to do with the Obama Administration's blatant dishonesty on about everything and this Susan Rice bitch is one of Obama's lying mouth pieces.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America and Crooked Hillary, Obama, Rice and other idiots like John "Asshole" Kerry and John "Wikileaks Caught Me" Pesdesta are great examples of the dishonesty we see from the filthy party of Moon Bat Libtards.
Susan Rice and other former Obama administration officials are taking heat for past claims that their 2013 Syria agreement successfully led to the Assad regime purging its entire chemical weapons stockpile -- in the wake of this week's alleged sarin gas attack.

On Thursday, President Trump launched a targeted strike at a Syrian airfield in response to what he called a barbaric chemical attack on innocent civilians at the hand of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

“There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the U.N. Security Council,” Trump said.

Video footage from the chemical attack scene immediately raised credibility problems for claims made by members of the Obama administration that the prior agreement had rid the war-torn country of chemical agents.
Susan Rice, Obama colleagues take heat for past claims on Syria chemical weapons purge

I think right now, there is a lot of doubt that Assad did this.

First of all, they claimed this was Serin gas. You'll note that they were not using gloves when handling the people who had been exposed. Serin gas requires full body suits--as it absorbs through the skin.

Assad was on the verge of a peace agreement. Why would he order this now. For the last 4 years he has been bombing the crap out of the area. Why would he switch course and bring world wide negative serious attention onto himself at this point in time, when he could have used bombs?

Could it have been Turkey or the rebels that did this? The rebels to delay any peace talks, or Turkey who can't stand the rebels?

Ron Paul and several others have brought this up.

It seems like it was quite a knee jerk reaction--without any proof that Assad actually did this. There are clearly others that had motive to do this, but it wasn't Assad. If it was Assad then he is insane and needs to be taken out.
/---- Nice spin. And you have no reason to lie to cover up for Dirty Rice and Obozo, now do you?

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