WRONG AGAIN: Rice touted Obama administration's 'success' in removing Syrian WMDs months before atta

I enjoy it when your attempt at logic both destroys your own argument and makes you look like a fool...lol.
Yes, apparently there are some kinks to work out in the verification process because the entire world believes that the system had worked.
Now because the system didn't work, Susan Rice had some nefarious hand in it...lol.
Guy grow up.

Hmmm, wasn't Obama, Kerry and Susan Rice the ones that promoted "the system". Regarding Susan Rice specifically, Syria certainly wasn't her first lie nor her last.
Being that you have no evidence that Susan Rice lied about anything in Syria...shows your lack of truthfulness and exposes you as a liar.
Pres. Obama respected the system when he went before Congress as he should have done and trump neglected to do.

Maybe trump just did not want to explain to Congress why he had to warn putin and by extension, the Syrian military before Russia said he could launch the missiles.
It was smart to warn Russia. I guess you wanted us to kill Russians and start ww3?
It was smart, no one wants to piss off the supervisors...
Obama is out of office, try to keep up.

It's all over but the crying for snowflakes.
Sure they did. See that part where she says "verified"? Yeah, that one, that was her lying through her teeth.

No, that's you lying, being that you can't show any lies by Rice, and haven't even tried. None of the conservative liars here have shown any lies by Rice. They're all just lying like they've never lied before, because that's what they've been ordered to do. Such good little Stalinists. I especially like the racism some of 'em are tossing in, which is getting winked at by all the other conservatives.

Why? To make excuses for Trump's massive failure, of course. Obama didn't fail. Syria remained tamed under his watch. Syria then saw that Trump was a wimp. They tested him. He reacted. Now they're laughing at him, because his strike helped them. Russia will make good all their small losses and more, and Russia now has the excuse to defend Syria more actively. As a bonus for the Trump ISIS-lovers, US air operations against ISIS are now much more difficult, since there's no longer an airspace agreement with Russia.

And now Trump is backed into a corner. He can't escalate, because the Russians will respond, but he looks like an even bigger wimp if he doesn't back up his big words. Wow. Such humiliation. I imagine the Trump-snowflakes feel the humiliation by proxy, which is why they're so upset.

So, for how many years will you snowflakes be blaming Trump's catastrophic foreign policy fuckups on Obama? In contrast, we never had to blame Obama's foreign policy fuckups on Bush, being Obama didn't make any such fuckups.

He used Chemical weapons all the way up to September of last year, you political lying hack... All Rice did was lie for Obama...

Just an FYI. US outspends Russia on the military by a factor of 10.

Russia isn't controlling the fucking USA, you dumb fucks,
I have not been able to make up my mind if this person, Susan Rice, is a Rank Fool or a Gross Liar.

I at first thought it had to be one or the other, but I was wrong.

She is both.

Hence, perfect for the administration that she served.
Let's end this stupid thread now.
Tillerson to press Russia on Syrian chemical weapons
Our Trumpster friends, just exposed themselves to be overactive haters. And man did they make fools out of themselves, again.
I cut myself shaving this morning and it's all that black woman, Susan Rice's fault.

Only you liberals would go on and on babbling about diplomacy is better then might...

Let's see so far liberal diplomacy blunders:

Bill Clinton's NK nuke deal


Kerry's/obama removing Chemical weapons from Syria


Obama's Iran deal

Failing as we speak.

Sure they did. See that part where she says "verified"? Yeah, that one, that was her lying through her teeth.

No, that's you lying, being that you can't show any lies by Rice, and haven't even tried. None of the conservative liars here have shown any lies by Rice. They're all just lying like they've never lied before, because that's what they've been ordered to do. Such good little Stalinists. I especially like the racism some of 'em are tossing in, which is getting winked at by all the other conservatives.

Why? To make excuses for Trump's massive failure, of course. Obama didn't fail. Syria remained tamed under his watch. Syria then saw that Trump was a wimp. They tested him. He reacted. Now they're laughing at him, because his strike helped them. Russia will make good all their small losses and more, and Russia now has the excuse to defend Syria more actively. As a bonus for the Trump ISIS-lovers, US air operations against ISIS are now much more difficult, since there's no longer an airspace agreement with Russia.

And now Trump is backed into a corner. He can't escalate, because the Russians will respond, but he looks like an even bigger wimp if he doesn't back up his big words. Wow. Such humiliation. I imagine the Trump-snowflakes feel the humiliation by proxy, which is why they're so upset.

So, for how many years will you snowflakes be blaming Trump's catastrophic foreign policy fuckups on Obama? In contrast, we never had to blame Obama's foreign policy fuckups on Bush, being Obama didn't make any such fuckups.

He used Chemical weapons all the way up to September of last year, you political lying hack... All Rice did was lie for Obama...


"During an interview this past January with National Public Radio, former National Security Adviser Rice touted the “success” in Syria, in striking a deal with Russia's help that resulted in the prior administration dropping the threat of military action.

“We were able to find a solution that didn’t necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished,” she boasted. “We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.”"

Her best 'defense' is, they lied to her, and she promoted that lie
Sure they did. See that part where she says "verified"? Yeah, that one, that was her lying through her teeth.

No, that's you lying, being that you can't show any lies by Rice, and haven't even tried. None of the conservative liars here have shown any lies by Rice. They're all just lying like they've never lied before, because that's what they've been ordered to do. Such good little Stalinists. I especially like the racism some of 'em are tossing in, which is getting winked at by all the other conservatives.

Why? To make excuses for Trump's massive failure, of course. Obama didn't fail. Syria remained tamed under his watch. Syria then saw that Trump was a wimp. They tested him. He reacted. Now they're laughing at him, because his strike helped them. Russia will make good all their small losses and more, and Russia now has the excuse to defend Syria more actively. As a bonus for the Trump ISIS-lovers, US air operations against ISIS are now much more difficult, since there's no longer an airspace agreement with Russia.

And now Trump is backed into a corner. He can't escalate, because the Russians will respond, but he looks like an even bigger wimp if he doesn't back up his big words. Wow. Such humiliation. I imagine the Trump-snowflakes feel the humiliation by proxy, which is why they're so upset.

So, for how many years will you snowflakes be blaming Trump's catastrophic foreign policy fuckups on Obama? In contrast, we never had to blame Obama's foreign policy fuckups on Bush, being Obama didn't make any such fuckups.

He used Chemical weapons all the way up to September of last year, you political lying hack... All Rice did was lie for Obama...


"During an interview this past January with National Public Radio, former National Security Adviser Rice touted the “success” in Syria, in striking a deal with Russia's help that resulted in the prior administration dropping the threat of military action.

“We were able to find a solution that didn’t necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished,” she boasted. “We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.”"

Her best 'defense' is, they lied to her, and she promoted that lie

It was funny after the Kerry /obama WMD deal I kept wondering why I kept reading reports from AP once in a while that Syria was still using them and the Media didn't make a big deal about it..

I thought the times had changed and now it was acceptable to use WMDs

But it turns out the world was concerned and nothing much they could do about it because the leader of the free worlds largest military wimped out.

The Obama Administration was the most dishonest administration in the history of the Republic. That is saying a lot knowing we had LBJ and Slick Willy as Presidents.

Susan Rice claims that Obama got the Syrians to give up their poison gas . Big fucking lie. That stupid bitch lies every time she opens her mouth, doesn't she?

In January, Susan Rice Assured NPR the Obama Admin Removed Chemical Weapons From Syria

In January, Susan Rice Assured NPR the Obama Admin Removed Chemical Weapons From Syria

It seems the former national security adviser has a credibility problem.
It wasn't just Rice that said it... that windy fart machine Obama said it flat out as well.
Fucking bald faced liars
She has some serious Bad Karma coming her way, and that is just for The Benghazi Lies.
She lied about the wiretapping, unmasking, espionage and leaking of classified information.
She lied about knowing anything about it.
And she lied about Syria too.

Even her own party cannot trust her, and that is why she got booted from being considered for Secretary of State.
'Looks like Susan Rice got caught lying once again'

(Yawn) Water's wet, the sun's hot, the wind blows...Some things are what they are and do what they do.

Even her own party cannot trust her, and that is why she got booted from being considered for Secretary of State.

Her own party don't care about her lies. The Democrat Party is a party of dishonesty. They have to be in order to sell their snake oil.

Even her own party cannot trust her, and that is why she got booted from being considered for Secretary of State.

Her own party don't care about her lies. The Democrat Party is a party of dishonesty. They have to be in order to sell their snake oil.
Let's put it this way then. Her own party was so exposed for being the lying pieces of shit they are and she is, that The Dems had to ask her to remove herself from being considered for Secretary of State.

Yah, Susan Rice was Obama's 1st choice for SOS, then he had to settle for another liar in Hillary Rotten Clinton instead.
What did Butthurt Barry know and when did he know it!

What did Liar Susan know and when did she know it!

Mentally ill Congressman Adam Schiff needs to demand hearings to get to the facts!
Susan Rice lied about Benghazi to protect Barry's 2012 Presidental election narrative that he had terrorism under control.

Somebody would have had to be a real idiot to have voted for that asshole in 2012.

The bitch lied about Syria because she wouldn't admit that Obama had a disastrous weak foreign policy and didn't have the courage to stand up to Syria and the Russians.

It is obvious that the dishonesty is the manifestation of denial about Obama being such terrible President. Everything they did was wrong. They had to lie about it in order to invent some false success.
The OP is caught lying about Susan Rice.
Why did the Democrats lie about WMD's in Syria? Obama had a back bone for about 3 seconds, then Putin ripped it out and installed his puppet string. The result is Obama did what Putin ordered him to do.
The OP is caught lying about Susan Rice.

So Susan Rice was telling the truth and Assad got rid of all his poison gas but magically brought them back after Trump took office??? LOL!

Is that what you us to believe in order to protect the lies of the Obama Administration?

Then you wonder why we ridicule you Moon Bat idiots do much for your stupidity.

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