WRONG AGAIN: Rice touted Obama administration's 'success' in removing Syrian WMDs months before atta

If you're a Trump supporter, you shouldn't be talking about anyone's lies.

I am not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him because he is a big government Liberal.

However, that has nothing to do with the Obama Administration's blatant dishonesty on about everything and this Susan Rice bitch is one of Obama's lying mouth pieces.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America and Crooked Hillary, Obama, Rice and other idiots like John "Asshole" Kerry and John "Wikileaks Caught Me" Pesdesta are great examples of the dishonesty we see from the filthy party of Moon Bat Libtards.

You're talking in Platitudes--with Rant & Rave--no verifiable links as usual. So I don't believe your claim you're not a Trump supporter, and you're nothing more than a Hillary Clinton hater.

That's like a child stating they don't support or didn't vote for their mother--LOL

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Susan Rice and other former Obama administration officials are taking heat for past claims that their 2013 Syria agreement successfully led to the Assad regime purging its entire chemical weapons stockpile -- in the wake of this week's alleged sarin gas attack.

On Thursday, President Trump launched a targeted strike at a Syrian airfield in response to what he called a barbaric chemical attack on innocent civilians at the hand of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

“There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the U.N. Security Council,” Trump said.

Video footage from the chemical attack scene immediately raised credibility problems for claims made by members of the Obama administration that the prior agreement had rid the war-torn country of chemical agents.
Susan Rice, Obama colleagues take heat for past claims on Syria chemical weapons purge

I think right now, there is a lot of doubt that Assad did this.

First of all, they claimed this was Serin gas. You'll note that they were not using gloves when handling the people who had been exposed. Serin gas requires full body suits--as it absorbs through the skin.

Assad was on the verge of a peace agreement. Why would he order this now. For the last 4 years he has been bombing the crap out of the area. Why would he switch course and bring world wide negative serious attention onto himself at this point in time, when he could have used bombs?

Could it have been Turkey or the rebels that did this? The rebels to delay any peace talks, or Turkey who can't stand the rebels?

Ron Paul and several others have brought this up.

It seems like it was quite a knee jerk reaction--without any proof that Assad actually did this. There are clearly others that had motive to do this, but it wasn't Assad. If it was Assad then he is insane and needs to be taken out.
/----- US releases flight path of plane used in Syria chemical attack US releases flight path of plane used in Syria chemical attack Now ask Mommy to read you the news so you can keep up.

flight path.jpg
The OP is caught lying about Susan Rice.

You've got to be kidding...
There's something wrong with anyone that can deny Rice is a bald faced liar and one that lies a LOT.
What exactly would some oogy, slimy democrat have to do before you would FINALLY stop covering for them?
Kill your dog?

It is called Libtard Denial and we see it every day from these Moon Bats that post on here.

If some Liberal asshole like Obama told them that the sun did not rise then these idiots would cite that as fact.

Obama was by far the worst President this country ever had and the most dishonest in almost every way. These Libards have to go into their denial mode in order to justify being so stupid as to have elected the lying sonofabitch.
If you're a Trump supporter, you shouldn't be talking about anyone's lies.

I am not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him because he is a big government Liberal.

However, that has nothing to do with the Obama Administration's blatant dishonesty on about everything and this Susan Rice bitch is one of Obama's lying mouth pieces.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America and Crooked Hillary, Obama, Rice and other idiots like John "Asshole" Kerry and John "Wikileaks Caught Me" Pesdesta are great examples of the dishonesty we see from the filthy party of Moon Bat Libtards.

You're talking in Platitudes--with Rant & Rave--no verifiable links as usual. So I don't believe your claim you're not a Trump supporter, and you're nothing more than a Hillary Clinton hater.

That's like a child stating they don't support or didn't vote for their mother--LOL

You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I am a real Conservative that did not vote for Trump. He is a big government Liberal. I think he will be a much better President than that vile lying corrupt and incompetent Crooked Hillary bitch but then anyone would be.
If you're a Trump supporter, you shouldn't be talking about anyone's lies.

I am not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him because he is a big government Liberal.

However, that has nothing to do with the Obama Administration's blatant dishonesty on about everything and this Susan Rice bitch is one of Obama's lying mouth pieces.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America and Crooked Hillary, Obama, Rice and other idiots like John "Asshole" Kerry and John "Wikileaks Caught Me" Pesdesta are great examples of the dishonesty we see from the filthy party of Moon Bat Libtards.

You're talking in Platitudes--with Rant & Rave--no verifiable links as usual. So I don't believe your claim you're not a Trump supporter, and you're nothing more than a Hillary Clinton hater.

That's like a child stating they don't support or didn't vote for their mother--LOL

You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I am a real Conservative that did not vote for Trump. He is a big government Liberal. I think he will be a much better President than that vile lying corrupt and incompetent Crooked Hillary bitch but then anyone would be.

You're still claiming something that is not true. You're addicted to right wing talk show hosts that have convinced you that Hillary Clinton is a crook. Yet out of all the investigations that have gone on--there has never been a single charge brought against her. So you have been spoon fed regurgitated information about her to make you believe that she is corrupt.


Republicans put on 8 investigations over Benghazi--and 6 million taxpayer dollars were wasted when G.W. Bush had a few of his own Benghazi's.


And it appears that Colin Powell and Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton when they were Secretary of State.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

To add insult to injury this is who Donald Trump was considering for Secretary of State--while you were chanting "Lock her Up."
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
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Saddam had no WMD's.

Yet, there they were, Schumer, Feinstein, Liebermann, Waxman, Reid, all the top Dems pushing 110% for war with Iraq over 100% obvious lies....

Feinstein took the floor right before the Senate vote to spearhead the charge = take out Iraq and give that land to Israel in accordance with Ch1 of Book of Joshua...

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war.
Being that you have no evidence that Susan Rice lied about anything in Syria...shows your lack of truthfulness and exposes you as a liar.
Pres. Obama respected the system when he went before Congress as he should have done and trump neglected to do.

Maybe trump just did not want to explain to Congress why he had to warn putin and by extension, the Syrian military before Russia said he could launch the missiles.
It was smart to warn Russia. I guess you wanted us to kill Russians and start ww3?
It was smart, no one wants to piss off the supervisors...
Obama is out of office, try to keep up.
The russian's puppet is in office, try to keep up...
Actually Obama was the puppet, he proved his weakness to Putin and he told Obama to kiss his ass. Liberals loved Putin up till then.
Sorry son, Obama's never been a second son to putin, never sold out America to putin and doesn't make his living making deals with putin behind America's back...
Thanks for admitting my post was correct, white trash did vote on those issues...

are you going to get anything right today?
If, like you, I had nothing factual to argue I might be inclined to post the silliness you have.

The facts are there, they have been posted, and you ignore them.

How far will you lower yourself to cover for Rice, and the last administration?

So far, you've gone pretty low.
So your attempts only yield two logical conclusions:
1.You are too stupid to know what a lie is.
2.You are simply stupid.
your responses yield 3 possible conclusions...

you're one of the more partisan posters on this board

you're playing silly games

or you're a fool.
Don't worry, there's other arguments for you to lose...in the meantime find a dictionary and learn how to use it; otherwise I'll just continue to make a sucker of you...
It was smart to warn Russia. I guess you wanted us to kill Russians and start ww3?
It was smart, no one wants to piss off the supervisors...
Obama is out of office, try to keep up.
The russian's puppet is in office, try to keep up...
Actually Obama was the puppet, he proved his weakness to Putin and he told Obama to kiss his ass. Liberals loved Putin up till then.
Sorry son, Obama's never been a second son to putin, never sold out America to putin and doesn't make his living making deals with putin behind America's back...
He told Putin's right hand man to tell Putin to wait till after the election. So he could do more. He didn't know there was a Mic on near him. You're delusional, Obama proves how weak he was , and Putin told him to fu#k off.
It was smart, no one wants to piss off the supervisors...
Obama is out of office, try to keep up.
The russian's puppet is in office, try to keep up...
Actually Obama was the puppet, he proved his weakness to Putin and he told Obama to kiss his ass. Liberals loved Putin up till then.
Sorry son, Obama's never been a second son to putin, never sold out America to putin and doesn't make his living making deals with putin behind America's back...
He told Putin's right hand man to tell Putin to wait till after the election. So he could do more. He didn't know there was a Mic on near him. You're delusional, Obama proves how weak he was , and Putin told him to fu#k off.
So it's agreed, you can't prove Susan Rice lied about anything, was talking out you ass and now want to deflect to Pres. Obama and a comment you know even less the content of....
No wonder trump garnered the white trash vote...you people are that stupid.
He told Putin's right hand man to tell Putin to wait till after the election. So he could do more. He didn't know there was a Mic on near him. You're delusional, Obama proves how weak he was , and Putin told him to fu#k off.

Lots of presidents put things on hold until after the re-election. That way they have more breathing room, and can make harder decisions without worrying about the next election. Why do you make common politics sound like something Trump would do? Like have his NS Adv tell Putin not to sweat the Obama sanctions, because once the new sheriff is in town, they're all gonna go away, and the US and Russia will be besties, and exxon will get it's oil deal, and Trump inc would open up a new hotel in Moscow.
Saddam had no WMD's.

Yet, there they were, Schumer, Feinstein, Liebermann, Waxman, Reid, all the top Dems pushing 110% for war with Iraq over 100% obvious lies....

Feinstein took the floor right before the Senate vote to spearhead the charge = take out Iraq and give that land to Israel in accordance with Ch1 of Book of Joshua...

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war.

Yup, they voted against the Iraq war after they voted for the Iraq war.
Obama is out of office, try to keep up.
The russian's puppet is in office, try to keep up...
Actually Obama was the puppet, he proved his weakness to Putin and he told Obama to kiss his ass. Liberals loved Putin up till then.
Sorry son, Obama's never been a second son to putin, never sold out America to putin and doesn't make his living making deals with putin behind America's back...
He told Putin's right hand man to tell Putin to wait till after the election. So he could do more. He didn't know there was a Mic on near him. You're delusional, Obama proves how weak he was , and Putin told him to fu#k off.
So it's agreed, you can't prove Susan Rice lied about anything, was talking out you ass and now want to deflect to Pres. Obama and a comment you know even less the content of....
No wonder trump garnered the white trash vote...you people are that stupid.
I think you need to re-read your post. You said Obama wasn't Putin's bitch. I proved you wrong, so you insult and change the subject.
I think you need to re-read your post. You said Obama wasn't Putin's bitch. I proved you wrong, so you insult and change the subject.

All you proved is that incumbent politicians say they'll have more flexibility if they're not facing re-election. Ronald Reagan did the same thing in his second term.
Obama is out of office, try to keep up.
The russian's puppet is in office, try to keep up...
Actually Obama was the puppet, he proved his weakness to Putin and he told Obama to kiss his ass. Liberals loved Putin up till then.
Sorry son, Obama's never been a second son to putin, never sold out America to putin and doesn't make his living making deals with putin behind America's back...
He told Putin's right hand man to tell Putin to wait till after the election. So he could do more. He didn't know there was a Mic on near him. You're delusional, Obama proves how weak he was , and Putin told him to fu#k off.
So it's agreed, you can't prove Susan Rice lied about anything, was talking out you ass and now want to deflect to Pres. Obama and a comment you know even less the content of....
No wonder trump garnered the white trash vote...you people are that stupid.

Yikes, evidently you don't get any TV reception at your trailer park.
The russian's puppet is in office, try to keep up...
Actually Obama was the puppet, he proved his weakness to Putin and he told Obama to kiss his ass. Liberals loved Putin up till then.
Sorry son, Obama's never been a second son to putin, never sold out America to putin and doesn't make his living making deals with putin behind America's back...
He told Putin's right hand man to tell Putin to wait till after the election. So he could do more. He didn't know there was a Mic on near him. You're delusional, Obama proves how weak he was , and Putin told him to fu#k off.
So it's agreed, you can't prove Susan Rice lied about anything, was talking out you ass and now want to deflect to Pres. Obama and a comment you know even less the content of....
No wonder trump garnered the white trash vote...you people are that stupid.

Yikes, evidently you don't get any TV reception at your trailer park.
Wait until your next family reunion...
Would you mind giving examples?

His two years of "silence" on the climate issue 2010-2012 was because the FBI had a fraud case against the fraudulent fearmongering fudgebakers and O decided to clam that up and keep stealing.

He covered up 911, and the reality that NSA is here to exterminate truthers, nothing more.

He used taxpayer funded intelligence assets for partisan political purposes.

He kept the inmates at Gitmo knowing they were completely innocent.
But Obama did sell out America over and over, and is guilty of dozens of counts of treason.

Would you mind giving examples?


President Obama has neglected his oath of office, if not violated it outright. He has declared explicitly that whatever agreement he signs with Iran will not be subject to congressional approval, ignoring the Constitution’s explicit requirement that the Senate ratify treaties–certainly on issues as weighty as nuclear enrichment or armament. So Obama has not only failed to defend the country against a sworn enemy, but has failed to defend the U.S. Constitution itself.

But wait...there's more. Now do your own ficken homework.

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