Wrong for white man to be in black face, but not appropriation when dresses like a woman.

Just summed up the mental disorder of every pathetic liberal on the planet in the title

Dafuck does this have to do with "Liberals"?

You don't understand that "Liberalism" is a political philosophy, not a social one, is that it?

More basically where the fuck do you get this wacko idea that said political philosophies have something to do with "mental disorders"?

Is Rump's Narcissistic Personality Disorder the result of being "Republican"? You actually want to tell us that's a causation?

Might want to actually read your own posts before you put them up and question whether they make any sense. Tip for the day.
Talking to bushes that burn but are not consumed in ancient myths to me is not worth bending a knee over yet some folks are different.
So you believe in evolution?
Evolution is the progress of humanity through procreation. How can you evolve when you either "put a man's dick in another man's ass", or be totally frustrated when 1 woman cannot penetrate another woman, without a mechanical device? There is no evolution in either, just sinful immoral "feel" good, liberal/ Marxist agenda.

Just summed up the mental disorder of every pathetic liberal on the planet in the title

Dafuck does this have to do with "Liberals"?

You don't understand that "Liberalism" is a political philosophy, not a social one, is that it?

More basically where the fuck do you get this wacko idea that said political philosophies have something to do with "mental disorders"?

Is Rump's Narcissistic Personality Disorder the result of being "Republican"? You actually want to tell us that's a causation?

Might want to actually read your own posts before you put them up and question whether they make any sense. Tip for the day.

They believe in the everyman playwright scenario for all things considered.
Talking to bushes that burn but are not consumed in ancient myths to me is not worth bending a knee over yet some folks are different.
So you believe in evolution?
Evolution is the progress of humanity through procreation. How can you evolve when you either "put a man's dick in another man's ass", or be totally frustrated when 1 woman cannot penetrate another woman, without a mechanical device? There is no evolution in either, just sinful immoral "feel" good, liberal/ Marxist agenda.

It never stops. It's like diarrhea. Now "Marxism" has something to do with sex. Marx would be very surprised.

Pogo Preddicts: after these blind forays into first "Liberalism" and then "Marxism", the very next post will flail aimlessly into "the left". An endless torrent of pasta thrown at the wall hoping that one sticks.
How can less than one percent of the population control 350 million people?

The left has made it a political controversy. It is a lot more than just transgenders that are trying to say gender is a social construct. The left is attempting to paint the right as bullies because they won't change their opinion on this. Nobody is trying to prevent these people from having freedom.
Talking to bushes that burn but are not consumed in ancient myths to me is not worth bending a knee over yet some folks are different.
So you believe in evolution?
Evolution is the progress of humanity through procreation. How can you evolve when you either "put a man's dick in another man's ass", or be totally frustrated when 1 woman cannot penetrate another woman, without a mechanical device? There is no evolution in either, just sinful immoral "feel" good, liberal/ Marxist agenda.

It never stops. It's like diarrhea. Now "Marxism" has something to do with sex. Marx would be very surprised.

Pogo Preddicts: after these blind forays into first "Liberalism" and then "Marxism", the very next post will flail aimlessly into "the left". An endless torrent of pasta thrown at the wall hoping that one sticks.
Marxism is anti anything to do with God the Creator.
How can less than one percent of the population control 350 million people?

The left has made it a political controversy. It is a lot more than just transgenders that are trying to say gender is a social construct. The left is attempting to paint the right as bullies because they won't change their opinion on this. Nobody is trying to prevent these people from having freedom.
The reason it is such an issue is the abuses that they have suffered at the hands of people in their communities and their ostracization while exercising their god given rights.
Pogo Preddicts: after these blind forays into first "Liberalism" and then "Marxism", the very next post will flail aimlessly into "the left". An endless torrent of rhetorical pasta thrown at the wall hoping that one sticks.

The left has made it a political controversy. It is a lot more than just transgenders that are trying to say gender is a social construct. The left is attempting to paint the right as bullies because they won't change their opinion on this. Nobody is trying to prevent these people from having freedom.

And there it is, right on time. WHO DA MAN. :rock:
Talking to bushes that burn but are not consumed in ancient myths to me is not worth bending a knee over yet some folks are different.
So you believe in evolution?
Evolution is the progress of humanity through procreation. How can you evolve when you either "put a man's dick in another man's ass", or be totally frustrated when 1 woman cannot penetrate another woman, without a mechanical device? There is no evolution in either, just sinful immoral "feel" good, liberal/ Marxist agenda.

It never stops. It's like diarrhea. Now "Marxism" has something to do with sex. Marx would be very surprised.

Pogo Preddicts: after these blind forays into first "Liberalism" and then "Marxism", the very next post will flail aimlessly into "the left". An endless torrent of pasta thrown at the wall hoping that one sticks.
Marxism is anti anything to do with God the Creator.
That is not how it works but please do carry on.
Oh, I will. Even Einstein believed in Intelligent Design.
Talking to bushes that burn but are not consumed in ancient myths to me is not worth bending a knee over yet some folks are different.
So you believe in evolution?
Not really, but I have never tried to study it in detail.
Do you believe there is a Creator?
Not really because if there is he/she/it sure likes to hide..
Look at nature, The Creator has revealed himself/herself everywhere in every creature.
Pogo Preddicts: after these blind forays into first "Liberalism" and then "Marxism", the very next post will flail aimlessly into "the left". An endless torrent of rhetorical pasta thrown at the wall hoping that one sticks.

The left has made it a political controversy. It is a lot more than just transgenders that are trying to say gender is a social construct. The left is attempting to paint the right as bullies because they won't change their opinion on this. Nobody is trying to prevent these people from having freedom.

And there it is, right on time. WHO DA MAN. :rock:

So you disagree with my statements? Maybe you could articulate your disagreement a little better.
How can less than one percent of the population control 350 million people?

The left has made it a political controversy. It is a lot more than just transgenders that are trying to say gender is a social construct. The left is attempting to paint the right as bullies because they won't change their opinion on this. Nobody is trying to prevent these people from having freedom.
The reason it is such an issue is the abuses that they have suffered at the hands of people in their communities and their ostracization while exercising their god given rights.
Homosexuality is sin against the Creator. Humans are heterosexual by nature. That means "natural".
Evolution is the progress of humanity through procreation. How can you evolve when you either "put a man's dick in another man's ass", or be totally frustrated when 1 woman cannot penetrate another woman, without a mechanical device? There is no evolution in either, just sinful immoral "feel" good, liberal/ Marxist agenda.

It never stops. It's like diarrhea. Now "Marxism" has something to do with sex. Marx would be very surprised.

Pogo Preddicts: after these blind forays into first "Liberalism" and then "Marxism", the very next post will flail aimlessly into "the left". An endless torrent of pasta thrown at the wall hoping that one sticks.
Marxism is anti anything to do with God the Creator.
That is not how it works but please do carry on.
Oh, I will. Even Einstein believed in Intelligent Design.
Good for him, notice he had that freedom to make that choice without having to go through conversion therapy?
Many homosexuals have repented of their sins just like others, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc, all sinners.
So you believe in evolution?
Not really, but I have never tried to study it in detail.
Do you believe there is a Creator?
Not really because if there is he/she/it sure likes to hide..
Look at nature, The Creator has revealed himself/herself everywhere in every creature.
Then it is a most imperfect creator.

We're the ones who screwed it up not God.
Marxism is anti anything to do with God the Creator.
That is not how it works but please do carry on.
Oh, I will. Even Einstein believed in Intelligent Design.
Good for him, notice he had that freedom to make that choice without having to go through conversion therapy?
Many homosexuals have repented of their sins just like others, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc, all sinners.
I am sure there have been and with the doctrine of Christ they are accepted unlike with many humans who refuse to accept that which they can't control.

Drug addicts, alcoholics, etc cant control themselves. Its not just homosexuals.
Pogo Preddicts: after these blind forays into first "Liberalism" and then "Marxism", the very next post will flail aimlessly into "the left". An endless torrent of rhetorical pasta thrown at the wall hoping that one sticks.

The left has made it a political controversy. It is a lot more than just transgenders that are trying to say gender is a social construct. The left is attempting to paint the right as bullies because they won't change their opinion on this. Nobody is trying to prevent these people from having freedom.

And there it is, right on time. WHO DA MAN. :rock:

So you disagree with my statements? Maybe you could articulate your disagreement a little better.

Take it, Captain Obvious.

Ahem, thank you. You see son, the OP started out with a social structure comment to which he tried to associate "Liberals". A few posts later another wag tried to do the same thing only this time with "Marxism". Then I predicted the next post would then repeat the same mendacity with "the left". Actually I hadn't seen that you had already gone there back in post 2 so I was late with that one.

Of course, as you MUST know, neither "Liberalism", nor "Marxism" nor "the left" have jack friggety squat to do with "sex" or with social structures. My that was easy, wasn't it.

I actually had this thread confused with another current thread where that OP headed his title with "Progressives", then in the first line of his own OP switched that to "the Left" and in the next line posted a link referring to "Dems". Again, three different things, same mendacious bullshit. Pretty soon another poster introduced a fourth different thing, "Liberals". As if they're all "one thing". It's rampant.

Now why are all these disparate terms being tossed willy-nilly like a salad? Because it's pure Argument from Emotion. AfromE doesn't give a shit about accuracy or facts, it just wants to spew. Collateral damage, including apparently to one's own credibility, becomes irrelevant. It all blurs into "them", which is all the Emmanuel Goldstein needed for the process of Eliminationism -- the sicko philosophy that everyone who dissents from one's own views must be not reasoned with but literally exterminated. As such, distinctions on who "them" represents become unimportant.

And in the process they make no point, since their very subject is constantly changing costume. Of course, those who can't be bothered to see distinctions, are not exactly deep thinkers and their thought process demonstrates that.

See here for that other thread that committed the same logical faux pas.

You're welcome.

Thanks Captain Obvious. Way too much work for me.
Of course, as you MUST know, neither "Liberalism", nor "Marxism" nor "the left" have jack friggety squat to do with "sex" or with social structures.

Well then people on the left should stop making so much noise about it.

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