WS Journal: Lack Of Fathers Behind Lack Of Black Income Inequality, Not Racism!

That's a spot-on, brilliant column but it will go nowhere as long as democrats remain as oblivious and obtuse on the subject. The last line is the most important and most difficult; recognizing the problem. I was made aware of this problem -- via epiphany -- 25 years ago and every time I bring it up it gets stonewalled. And it resulted in my being fired when I brought it up on a professional level. Those are democrats for you. Backwards, racist and ignorant.
That's a spot-on, brilliant column but it will go nowhere as long as democrats remain as oblivious and obtuse on the subject. The last line is the most important and most difficult; recognizing the problem. I was made aware of this problem -- via epiphany -- 25 years ago and every time I bring it up it gets stonewalled. And it resulted in my being fired when I brought it up on a professional level. Those are democrats for you. Backwards, racist and ignorant.

Interesting. Are you able to share a bit of the backstory?

Liberals don't dare "tell it like it is". They can't risk drying up their voting bloc.
Too bad a pussy had to post this, it would make for a good discussion.
That's better than blaming black failure on white people, but the real reason is blacks are mentally inferior. Outside of pro sports there are no high-paying jobs for people that can't read or even tell time. WSJ needs to say that. Everyone knows it.
In 2012, there were 24,725,000 single parent families in the US, 6,493,000 were black. So where are the comments on all the other 18,232,000 who weren't black?

HAHAHA. You made those numbers up but even if true they are damning for blacks. Blacks are only 13% of america and yet you say they make up 25% of single parent families.
That's better than blaming black failure on white people, but the real reason is blacks are mentally inferior. Outside of pro sports there are no high-paying jobs for people that can't read or even tell time. WSJ needs to say that. Everyone knows it.

That's better than blaming black failure on white people, but the real reason is blacks are mentally inferior. Outside of pro sports there are no high-paying jobs for people that can't read or even tell time. WSJ needs to say that. Everyone knows it.


This isn't the flame zone. Best mind your manners.

MISTER Pussy would suffice here.
In 2012, there were 24,725,000 single parent families in the US, 6,493,000 were black. So where are the comments on all the other 18,232,000 who weren't black?

HAHAHA. You made those numbers up but even if true they are damning for blacks. Blacks are only 13% of america and yet you say they make up 25% of single parent families.

Here's the link, racist!
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

You are correct, the black community does have a higher ratio but that does not answer the question, what about the other 18 million plus non blacks? Why are the blacks singled out? One reason and only one reason, racism.
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The truth is that the familial situation in the black community is reprehensible and certainly deserves intelligent conversation. Regretfully, the Pussy Brigade is incapable of such discourse because of their lack of intelligence, communication and human skills. Worst, many people who oppose this article (not the pussy) are unable to hold an honest conversation without accusing those who disagree of being racist (absent the obvious members of the Pussy Brigade).
Big shock.
I've been saying for decades the worst thing that ever happened to the black family unit was the Dimocrat party.

"It's okay sweetheart, we'll take care of you, we'll be sending mommy a paycheck and food stamps, and daddy don't need to hang around. He can go out and has hiself a whole lot of his babies mommas."
In 2012, there were 24,725,000 single parent families in the US, 6,493,000 were black. So where are the comments on all the other 18,232,000 who weren't black?

HAHAHA. You made those numbers up but even if true they are damning for blacks. Blacks are only 13% of america and yet you say they make up 25% of single parent families.

Here's the link, racist!
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

You are correct, the black community does have a higher ratio but that does not answer the question, what about the other 18 million plus non blacks? Why are the blacks singled out? One reason and only one reason, racism.

Its not racist to be concerned about the fact that 72% of black households dont have a father figure. Why dont you care more about that? It seems like you are only interested in calling people racist, which is really shitty and it does nothing to solve the problems in the black community. Sweeping shit under the rug is no solution.
HAHAHA. You made those numbers up but even if true they are damning for blacks. Blacks are only 13% of america and yet you say they make up 25% of single parent families.

Here's the link, racist!
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

You are correct, the black community does have a higher ratio but that does not answer the question, what about the other 18 million plus non blacks? Why are the blacks singled out? One reason and only one reason, racism.

Its not racist to be concerned about the fact that 72% of black households dont have a father figure. Why dont you care more about that? It seems like you are only interested in calling people racist, which is really shitty and it does nothing to solve the problems in the black community. Sweeping shit under the rug is no solution.
Bah, Speedo is a pussy.
HAHAHA. You made those numbers up but even if true they are damning for blacks. Blacks are only 13% of america and yet you say they make up 25% of single parent families.

Here's the link, racist!
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

You are correct, the black community does have a higher ratio but that does not answer the question, what about the other 18 million plus non blacks? Why are the blacks singled out? One reason and only one reason, racism.

Its not racist to be concerned about the fact that 72% of black households dont have a father figure. Why dont you care more about that? It seems like you are only interested in calling people racist, which is really shitty and it does nothing to solve the problems in the black community. Sweeping shit under the rug is no solution.

I agree it's a problem, but it seems there are those who think it's a problem for just one race. What about Hispanics? No problems arise? Whites? It doesn't cause socials issues?
No, let's just be closed-minded. That tunnel-vision is just that, focused on one race and ignoring the problems that cross racial lines.
This thread belongs in Race Relations.
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That's better than blaming black failure on white people, but the real reason is blacks are mentally inferior. Outside of pro sports there are no high-paying jobs for people that can't read or even tell time. WSJ needs to say that. Everyone knows it.

They're mentally superior to you. Everyone knows it.
That's a spot-on, brilliant column but it will go nowhere as long as democrats remain as oblivious and obtuse on the subject. The last line is the most important and most difficult; recognizing the problem. I was made aware of this problem -- via epiphany -- 25 years ago and every time I bring it up it gets stonewalled. And it resulted in my being fired when I brought it up on a professional level. Those are democrats for you. Backwards, racist and ignorant.

Interesting. Are you able to share a bit of the backstory?

Monitoring the in-school suspension program at the very school where I was once a student. Practically every kid sent to me lacked a mom/dad family structure. That was the epiphany and obvious causation/correlation. That was bolstered a couple of years later when I discovered the out-of-wedlock birthdate disparity between blacks and whites matched perfectly the disparity of blacks and whites sent to me. When I brought this to the attention of the school principal when addressing depleted value systems among the kids as manifested in low interest in low profile sports that had once flourished, I was fired for making gross generalizations.
Eventually, as predicted and as that school went from mostly white to mostly black, that school sank from one of the top five academically performing public high schools in the US in the 1960's (based on standardized test scores) to the lower half of schools in what has been the second worst academically performing school system in the state for over 28 years running.
That's better than blaming black failure on white people, but the real reason is blacks are mentally inferior. Outside of pro sports there are no high-paying jobs for people that can't read or even tell time. WSJ needs to say that. Everyone knows it.

They're mentally superior to you. Everyone knows it.

Oh absolutely. That idiot shootspeeders has made an art form out of stupidity.
I agree it's a problem, but it seems there are those who think it's a problem for just one race. What about Hispanics? No problems arise? Whites? It doesn't cause socials issues?
No, let's just be closed-minded. That tunnel-vision is just that, focused on one race and ignoring the problems that cross racial lines.
This thread belongs in Race Relations.

It's the proportion that matters. Where you have a majority of kids lacking dads then even those with dads get dragged into a culture. Conversely, where you a majority of structured families that will have a beneficial impact on the kids who lack dads. A Lord of the Flies thing.

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