WSJ poll on values shows serious decline.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
The Wall Street Journal has conducted a poll and the results are enlightening. At least to some of us.

The percent of people who think the “Traditional Values” are important has dropped. Dramatically.

A majority thought Patriotism was important during the Clinton Era. There was a drop to the opinions during 2019. And now? 38% of the people think it is important.

And before you say it is those folks that make the numbers bad. I think it is more about who is wrapping themselves in the term. Who is the proverbial standard bearer. After all. Only 59% of Republicans think Patriotism is very important.

I especially think it shows doom for the Trump and even DeSantos Presidential Aspirations. The America First for Patriots message just isn’t resonating anymore.

And before you say this is proof the Left hates America. I think it is a rejection of the idealism of those claiming to be Patriotic. I think the term has been redefined in the minds of the people today to represent things abhorrent to the traditional Americans. I think this shows the nation really wants a slightly right of center Moderate to lead us into the future.
The Wall Street Journal has conducted a poll and the results are enlightening. At least to some of us.

The percent of people who think the “Traditional Values” are important has dropped. Dramatically.

A majority thought Patriotism was important during the Clinton Era. There was a drop to the opinions during 2019. And now? 38% of the people think it is important.

And before you say it is those folks that make the numbers bad. I think it is more about who is wrapping themselves in the term. Who is the proverbial standard bearer. After all. Only 59% of Republicans think Patriotism is very important.

I especially think it shows doom for the Trump and even DeSantos Presidential Aspirations. The America First for Patriots message just isn’t resonating anymore.

And before you say this is proof the Left hates America. I think it is a rejection of the idealism of those claiming to be Patriotic. I think the term has been redefined in the minds of the people today to represent things abhorrent to the traditional Americans. I think this shows the nation really wants a slightly right of center Moderate to lead us into the future.

This should be good news to lefties, it's the 'progress' they've been looking for. The problem is there will be no 'patriotism' when they're running things either. Hard to be 'patriotic' about a completely corrupt, over bloated, money grubbing federal 'government'.
Congratulations to all the zombie Marxist assholes!
You've done it! Your DECADES LONG campaign to destroy American society has been accomplished! The model of rasing a family is being REJECTED by the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies YOU CREATED!!!!! You finally got there! Hoooooooraaay!!!!
I think that our new South of the Border overlords will have something to say about all that.

I went to the flea market yesterday and I bet every Hispanic woman I saw there had two or more kids in tow....A couple of them were knocked-up too. They had their men with them as a family unit and they were all neat, clean, and well turned-out.

I remember a time when I would have looked down my nose at the Hispanics.....Now not so much when I see some purple-haired crazy woman that looks like a tatted-up pin cushion and hoping to Gawd that she doesn't reproduce.
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That is curious. You see. At the time of the Revolution Jews were restricted in Europe. As they had been for centuries. Restricted in what jobs they could have. Restrictions on where they could live. Restrictions on their political power. These were traditional values. And these traditional values were rejected by the Fledgling America.

At no time in our American History has there been laws prohibiting Jews from jobs, or where they could live. Oh I’m not saying they or any other people didn’t face discrimination and difficulties. Far from it. But these Traditional Values were rejected by our ancestors.

The problem isn’t one of traditional values. It is one of defining those values. Or how those values are perceived to be defined.

When I was growing up Patriotism was our history. Of American soldiers fighting foreign enemies and freeing the oppressed. The motto of our Special Forces is literally To Free the Oppressed. When I was growing up in Church. The lessons were that God is Love. We loved people. Even if they committed a sin. We loved them. We Children were taught that the good and bad of American History. So we could learn from our mistakes. So we could be better.

I remember the fireworks and celebrations during the Bicentennial. 1976. Two hundred years of the grand experiment.

There was an energy crisis. A lot of things going wrong. And we knew we could get through. Our ancestors had endured so much more. The Dust Bowl famine. The Depression. Wars. Plagues. And the list goes on.

Today. If the store shelves are bare of a single item. It is a disaster. It is a failure of the government. A failure of someone. Always someone of the other political party.

But what has changed the most is Patriotism. We didn’t hate. We didn’t even hate the Russian People. Reagan the Father of Conservative idealism loved the Russian People. He hated the Soviet Government. We prayed for those who sinned. We didn’t demean them. Those who did were viewed with sorrow and hopes that they would be enlightened by Gods love.

Today. Patriotism has been mutated. It has become something that was eschewed historically. The HUAC hearings. Government persecution, not viewed as defenders of American Values.

It is the extremists who have given the word Patriotism a bad name. The hatred of the Right has harmed it far more than the supposed ideals of the left.

When I was a young man. It was viewed as Patriotic to serve. To serve your nation or your community. To dedicate your life to service. What is Patriotic today? Hating the Left seems to be the most often described value of the Patriot. People who serve are denigrated. Librarians denounced because they resist book banning. Banning of books was viewed with contempt by Americans during even the Reagan Era.

It isn’t love of the nation that has changed. It isn’t love of our founding ideals that has changed. It is the rejection of those who wrap themselves in the terms while espousing hatred and intolerance. The term is getting a bad rap because of those who declare themselves and their followers as Patriotic. It is Religion that is getting a bad rap because of the intolerance of those who proclaim themselves as Religious.
The Wall Street Journal has conducted a poll and the results are enlightening. At least to some of us.

The percent of people who think the “Traditional Values” are important has dropped. Dramatically.

A majority thought Patriotism was important during the Clinton Era. There was a drop to the opinions during 2019. And now? 38% of the people think it is important.

And before you say it is those folks that make the numbers bad. I think it is more about who is wrapping themselves in the term. Who is the proverbial standard bearer. After all. Only 59% of Republicans think Patriotism is very important.

I especially think it shows doom for the Trump and even DeSantos Presidential Aspirations. The America First for Patriots message just isn’t resonating anymore.

And before you say this is proof the Left hates America. I think it is a rejection of the idealism of those claiming to be Patriotic. I think the term has been redefined in the minds of the people today to represent things abhorrent to the traditional Americans. I think this shows the nation really wants a slightly right of center Moderate to lead us into the future.

That is curious. You see. At the time of the Revolution Jews were restricted in Europe. As they had been for centuries. Restricted in what jobs they could have. Restrictions on where they could live. Restrictions on their political power. These were traditional values. And these traditional values were rejected by the Fledgling America.

At no time in our American History has there been laws prohibiting Jews from jobs, or where they could live. Oh I’m not saying they or any other people didn’t face discrimination and difficulties. Far from it. But these Traditional Values were rejected by our ancestors.

The problem isn’t one of traditional values. It is one of defining those values. Or how those values are perceived to be defined.

When I was growing up Patriotism was our history. Of American soldiers fighting foreign enemies and freeing the oppressed. The motto of our Special Forces is literally To Free the Oppressed. When I was growing up in Church. The lessons were that God is Love. We loved people. Even if they committed a sin. We loved them. We Children were taught that the good and bad of American History. So we could learn from our mistakes. So we could be better.

I remember the fireworks and celebrations during the Bicentennial. 1976. Two hundred years of the grand experiment.

There was an energy crisis. A lot of things going wrong. And we knew we could get through. Our ancestors had endured so much more. The Dust Bowl famine. The Depression. Wars. Plagues. And the list goes on.

Today. If the store shelves are bare of a single item. It is a disaster. It is a failure of the government. A failure of someone. Always someone of the other political party.

But what has changed the most is Patriotism. We didn’t hate. We didn’t even hate the Russian People. Reagan the Father of Conservative idealism loved the Russian People. He hated the Soviet Government. We prayed for those who sinned. We didn’t demean them. Those who did were viewed with sorrow and hopes that they would be enlightened by Gods love.

Today. Patriotism has been mutated. It has become something that was eschewed historically. The HUAC hearings. Government persecution, not viewed as defenders of American Values.

It is the extremists who have given the word Patriotism a bad name. The hatred of the Right has harmed it far more than the supposed ideals of the left.

When I was a young man. It was viewed as Patriotic to serve. To serve your nation or your community. To dedicate your life to service. What is Patriotic today? Hating the Left seems to be the most often described value of the Patriot. People who serve are denigrated. Librarians denounced because they resist book banning. Banning of books was viewed with contempt by Americans during even the Reagan Era.

It isn’t love of the nation that has changed. It isn’t love of our founding ideals that has changed. It is the rejection of those who wrap themselves in the terms while espousing hatred and intolerance. The term is getting a bad rap because of those who declare themselves and their followers as Patriotic. It is Religion that is getting a bad rap because of the intolerance of those who proclaim themselves as Religious.
This is the result of a globalist media and social media manufacturing a whole new ‘American’, one who basically hates America. This is easily achieved in the echo chambers they create by pumping peoples heads with anti-America rhetoric every second of every day.

This is also the result of the presence of 20-50 million illegal aliens and their America hating spawn…the result of importing people by the tens of millions from all over the world and then not DEMANDING they assimilate and then forcing our core people to assimilate to fit them.

We fucked up BIG-TIME, our two prior generations fucked us BIG-TIME, the Great Experiment has failed miserably and now we will pay the price for our “TOLERANCE”, our INCLUSION and PUSSIFICATION.
It won’t be long before America is a crossbreed of Liberia and El Salvador
Very simple. It is the Leftist takeover of Academe, the Media, the entertainment industry, and the Deep State (masses of government workers at all levels).

While normal Americans (now called, "Conservatives") were out making a living and ignoring what was going on, a cabal of Leftists were simply recruiting and taking over the prevailing culture, government entities, and most destructively, our public schools and universities. People used to go to work for "government" because the hiring standards were low, the work was easy, and you were guaranteed a generous and early retirement. Now people go to work for government because they want power. People used to become Journalists to inform people; now they become Journalists to influence people - and truth is no longer a mandatory aspect of "reporting." The public school teachers' unions have become bastions of the Hard Left, spreading subversive garbage to our children - for three generations now.

And we wonder why people are no longer "patriotic"? Good lord, how could anyone be proud to be a citizen of Joe Biden's America? The America that has no borders, that takes better care of illegals and drug addicts than it does of its tax-paying citizens...the America that seeks to take over private industry in the name of saving the planet, promoting "equality," and obliterating the distinctions between the TWO sexes. The only reason we are not a shit-hole country yet is they haven't had enough time.
The Wall Street Journal has conducted a poll and the results are enlightening. At least to some of us.

The percent of people who think the “Traditional Values” are important has dropped. Dramatically.

A majority thought Patriotism was important during the Clinton Era. There was a drop to the opinions during 2019. And now? 38% of the people think it is important.

And before you say it is those folks that make the numbers bad. I think it is more about who is wrapping themselves in the term. Who is the proverbial standard bearer. After all. Only 59% of Republicans think Patriotism is very important.

I especially think it shows doom for the Trump and even DeSantos Presidential Aspirations. The America First for Patriots message just isn’t resonating anymore.

And before you say this is proof the Left hates America. I think it is a rejection of the idealism of those claiming to be Patriotic. I think the term has been redefined in the minds of the people today to represent things abhorrent to the traditional Americans. I think this shows the nation really wants a slightly right of center Moderate to lead us into the future.
No. We need to outlaw government controlled by a tiny elite.
Very simple. It is the Leftist takeover of Academe, the Media, the entertainment industry, and the Deep State (masses of government workers at all levels).

While normal Americans (now called, "Conservatives") were out making a living and ignoring what was going on, a cabal of Leftists were simply recruiting and taking over the prevailing culture, government entities, and most destructively, our public schools and universities. People used to go to work for "government" because the hiring standards were low, the work was easy, and you were guaranteed a generous and early retirement. Now people go to work for government because they want power. People used to become Journalists to inform people; now they become Journalists to influence people - and truth is no longer a mandatory aspect of "reporting." The public school teachers' unions have become bastions of the Hard Left, spreading subversive garbage to our children - for three generations now.

And we wonder why people are no longer "patriotic"? Good lord, how could anyone be proud to be a citizen of Joe Biden's America? The America that has no borders, that takes better care of illegals and drug addicts than it does of its tax-paying citizens...the America that seeks to take over private industry in the name of saving the planet, promoting "equality," and obliterating the distinctions between the TWO sexes. The only reason we are not a shit-hole country yet is they haven't had enough time.

The numbers dropped from 1998 to 2019. Now as memory serves, Biden wasn’t yet President in 2019. So why the drop during that era?
This is the result of a globalist media and social media manufacturing a whole new ‘American’, one who basically hates America. This is easily achieved in the echo chambers they create by pumping peoples heads with anti-America rhetoric every second of every day.

This is also the result of the presence of 20-50 million illegal aliens and their America hating spawn…the result of importing people by the tens of millions from all over the world and then not DEMANDING they assimilate and then forcing our core people to assimilate to fit them.

We fucked up BIG-TIME, our two prior generations fucked us BIG-TIME, the Great Experiment has failed miserably and now we will pay the price for our “TOLERANCE”, our INCLUSION and PUSSIFICATION.
It won’t be long before America is a crossbreed of Liberia and El Salvador

It’s interesting to me. Thirty plus years ago I heard the comedian Jerry Clower. He talked about something that is relevant. He said that when people talk about what is wrong in the Country, or the world. The person talking is the one who doesn’t need to do anything different to make the country better. Everyone needs to be more like him. That fellow is always perfect to his thinking.

Interesting observation. As true today as when he said it. Many years before I first heard it.
Then why is it only 60% of Republicans feel that way?
Not hard to say why patriotism is dropping.
Just look at the Gallop charts below
Patriotism rose under Trump and is dropping under Xiden ("Extremely Proud" chart)

Patriotism by Republicans is 98%, judged by the "How Proud are you to be an American" chart.



So like said, bullshit WSJ poll.
Not hard to say why patriotism is dropping.
Just look at the Gallop charts below
Patriotism rose under Trump and is dropping under Xiden ("Extremely Proud" chart)

Patriotism by Republicans is 98%, judged by the "How Proud are you to be an American" chart.

View attachment 770041

View attachment 770043

So like said, bullshit WSJ poll.

It seems to me that the numbers started falling in 2019. Which again, doesn’t seem to be part of the Biden Administration. Or has the CT changed to show Biden stealing the Presidency eighteen months before the election was “stolen”?

Also. How many Republicans abandoned the party when they saw it going in the wrong direction? The election of 2020 seemed to show a rejection of Trump.

However these voters were generally back, for Republicans who didn’t genuflect before Trump. The Trump Endorsed Candidates didn’t do all that well. By contrast the Republicans didn’t do that badly if you separate them into Trump approved and Trump ignored.

Lastly. Only 38% in your Gallop poll which is the same as the WSJ poll.
It seems to me that the numbers started falling in 2019. Which again, doesn’t seem to be part of the Biden Administration. Or has the CT changed to show Biden stealing the Presidency eighteen months before the election was “stolen”?

Also. How many Republicans abandoned the party when they saw it going in the wrong direction? The election of 2020 seemed to show a rejection of Trump.

However these voters were generally back, for Republicans who didn’t genuflect before Trump. The Trump Endorsed Candidates didn’t do all that well. By contrast the Republicans didn’t do that badly if you separate them into Trump approved and Trump ignored.

Lastly. Only 38% in your Gallop poll which is the same as the WSJ poll.
1. True the numbers started falling in 2019. Probably due to Covid.

2. You really have no clue WTF you're typing do you. You just spout partisan lies. Look at the number of Republican votes in the recent presidential elections. What looks suspicious to me is the number of democrat votes in 2020.

74m votes in 2020 is NOT REJECTION, is it?

3. The 2022 mid-terms were far from normal. The young voters came out in droves to vote for the democrats. IMHO the RvW decision had them motivated.
Republicans still took the House, but the big "Red Wave" didn't happen.

4. 58% (not 38%) of Republicans are "Extremely Proud" to be an American. But 98% have a positive view, only 2% of Republicans have a negative view.
1. True the numbers started falling in 2019. Probably due to Covid.

2. You really have no clue WTF you're typing do you. You just spout partisan lies. Look at the number of Republican votes in the recent presidential elections. What looks suspicious to me is the number of democrat votes in 2020.

View attachment 770072 74m votes in 2020 is NOT REJECTION, is it?

3. The 2022 mid-terms were far from normal. The young voters came out in droves to vote for the democrats. IMHO the RvW decision had them motivated.
Republicans still took the House, but the big "Red Wave" didn't happen.

4. 58% (not 38%) of Republicans are "Extremely Proud" to be an American. But 98% have a positive view, only 2% of Republicans have a negative view.

You need to remember history better.

Covid didn’t appear until December. So blaming the falling numbers on Covid, or Biden, long before they showed up is a deflection.

The question in the poll I posted the results of was do you think Patriotism is important? The people who answered yes are similar, in fact identical to your poll.

It wasn’t a how important on a scale. It was yes, or no.

You accuse me of following talking points while busily rewriting history to deflect from the truth. A truth you know in your heart but won’t admit.

Using your Gallop site.

Economy is a third of the replies for those saying most important issues.

Now don’t you think that people who were answering this would put money as more important if they wondered what was important? That number went up.

Stop pretending that the Republicans hold the high ground on Patriotism. Most of the troops supported Biden in the election. Not Trump.

And it would be hard to argue that those who risk their lives in the Military are not Patriotic.

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