WSJ: The FBI Is Abusing Secrecy Powers To Save Itself From Embarrassment


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation has seen better days. While there is zero evidence of collusion, the political Left thinks Russia’s meddling in our 2016 election helped tilt the race in Donald Trump’s favor. Congress has launched investigations into the matter. Yet, it seems the meddling was also coming from within the halls of the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

We have a since demoted DOJ official meeting with
the author of the infamous Trump dossier, former MI6 operative Christopher Steele.

To boot,
his wife worked for the firm that hired Steele during the 2016 election.

Concerning other bias, you have Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s top lieutenant, Andrew Weissmann, being
spotted at Hillary Clinton’s election night party, the same man who voiced praise for then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates for defying the White House in refusing to enforce its executive order on immigration.

Yet, the 10,000 texts sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair, have become the subject of concern. Yes, the texts are anti-Trump and pro-Hillary, with the timeline of such communications beginning in
August 15, 2015-December 1, 2016. The August 15, 2016 text between Page and Strzok is the one that's raised eyebrows because the former was a top counter-intelligence agent at the time, who mentioned something about “insurance” against a Trump presidency.

What is that? Strzok did sign off on the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump-Russia connection that
began in July of 2016. Is that what he meant?

The Wall Street Journal noted the rather troubling instances that have potentially damaged the integrity of the FBI and the Department of Justice.

So, what about disclosure concerning these activities and will we get any answers?

The FBI seems more concerned about hiding their potentially bad, or embarrassing, behavior. She aptly noted that this has nothing to do with protecting national security."

WSJ Columnist: The FBI Is Abusing Secrecy Powers To Save Itself From Embarrassment
Many people like to believe that the bad behavior of the FBI ended when Hoover finally kicked the damned bucket. But that is not the truth by any stretch of the imagination.

Here are a couple, just a couple, of the scandals that have plagued the FBI since that time.

Lead Matching tests. The FBI claimed that their laboratory was the only one in the world that could match lead bullets. This was used when ballistic matching was impossible due to damage to the bullet. The FBI argued that they could positively match the lead to the same type of bullet, even the same box as opposed to all the other boxes. To call it Junk Science would be to diminish Junk Science.

The FBI continued this miracle for more than four decades, sending hundreds of people to prison based upon their “expert” tests and testimony.

Finally, the tests were proven to be hogwash by a former agent who proved that all the lead was pretty much the same, and you couldn’t prove one bullet came from on manufacturer, much less one lot of bullets by using lead matching.

The FBI realizing that this technique was bad did what anyone would expect of the scumsuckers in the FBI. They quietly quit offering the service. They did not tell anyone about it. They did not tell the defense attorneys that the test that convicted their clients was actually bullshit. They kept it quiet, for almost two years. Then they admitted it when reporters started asking questions.

Evidence Of Injustice

How about matching hair? It turns out the experts couldn’t tell the difference between a blond and a brunette. They were essentially saying we are the FBI, and we’re awesome, and we swear to you that the hair matches exactly.

FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades

Again, they covered it up as long as they could, before finally admitting the fuck ups.

The FBI is most concerned with their reputation. They committed crimes since their inception. Hoover called them Black Bag Jobs which is where they broke into houses, and stole information they wanted. You know, without a pesky warrant.

Then Fred Cook exposed it in a book called the FBI nobody knows. The practice did not stop. They were called FBI specials when they were needed. The only thing that ended was the term Black Bag Jobs.

G. Gordon Liddy talked about his time with the FBI and how he performed many of those jobs for years with pride. He was protecting America, or something.

So every FBI agent was either a participant in a burglary or covered up and withheld evidence of them.

Since it’s inception, the FBI has ignored the law, while championing themselves as the greatest law enforcement agency in the world.

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