WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

The "Comparison" image above also shows WHERE Antarctica and South America BROKE APART after being ATTACHED when breaking off from Africa 125 million years ago.
That is NOT what the DATA says, nor the tectonic movement, that is what McBullshit says.

2 million years ago all of Greenland GREEN including the northern part...

Center of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago...

Greenland has been moving NW because of the angle of the fault in the center of the Atlantic, which on the other side pushed Europe SE and hence explains why all of Europe's glaciers are melting. Greenland froze while Europe's glaciers melted AT THE SAME TIME, eliminating atmosphere (and hence Co2) as potential cause.

What happens when land get to within 600 miles of a pole?

The annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the "summer" and hence starts to STACK, and that is the start of an ICE AGE which is a CONTINENT SPECIFIC EVENT because ice age glacier does not grow out over ocean, IT BREAKS OFF.

Stack for a million years - Greenland = 7% of Earth ice
Stack for 40 million years = Antarctica = 90% of Earth ice

Earth climate change = 99% about WHERE LAND IS and LAND MOVES

2 polar oceans - Earth has NO ICE

2 polar continents - two "Antarcticas" - twice the ice


Antarctic vs Arctic Infographic | Antarctica activities, Geography ...

Oh? That's what HISTORY proves. Greenland has remained icebound since the last glacial period. There is one part that gets warmth from the ocean currents and during the medieval warming period, that current, combined with a global increase in temperature allowed the vikings to colonise that area, and it was viable for hundreds of years till the Little Ice Age changed things and the Vikings were forced to leave.

This is well known history and your little temper tantrums can't change that.
Greenland has remained icebound since the last glacial period

You are LOST parroting McBullshit and believing Earth warms and cools as a whole.

The vikings settled Greenland when the Greenland continent specific ice age was hung up on the mountain range at the top of the southern tip.

Ocean currents are a completely bullshit argument. Ocean currents are to oceans what wind is to atmosphere = weather that changes directions and has nothing to do with climate.

Greenland froze while North America thawed. Which was the "glacial" and which was the "interglacial" AT THE SAME TIME?


20k years ago there was still ice age glacier in Indiana and Chicago. That melted. During the same time, the Southern tip of Greenland froze, forcing the Vikings to leave.

repeat after me

Greenland froze while North America thawed

the entire "glacials" "interglacials" is absolutely DESTROYED by that truth
You are LOST parroting McBullshit and believing Earth warms and cools as a whole.

The vikings settled Greenland when the Greenland continent specific ice age was hung up on the mountain range at the top of the southern tip.

Ocean currents are a completely bullshit argument. Ocean currents are to oceans what wind is to atmosphere = weather that changes directions and has nothing to do with climate.

Greenland froze while North America thawed. Which was the "glacial" and which was the "interglacial" AT THE SAME TIME?


20k years ago there was still ice age glacier in Indiana and Chicago. That melted. During the same time, the Southern tip of Greenland froze, forcing the Vikings to leave.

repeat after me

Greenland froze while North America thawed

the entire "glacials" "interglacials" is absolutely DESTROYED by that truth

Yes, the Earth warms and cools as a whole. The climate is driven by that huge orange ball in the sky. It takes an absolute moron to think the Sun can bake one part of the globe, while somehow, magically, missing the other part of the globe.

Here's the deal, skippy, there are hundreds of climate studies, real studies, not the climate model crap, that show the medieval warming period was global. Northern and Southern hemispheres were BOTH far warmer than today.

The Sierra Nevada mountains, where I live, were 2°to 3°C warmer than now. The same is true for New Zealand and southern Australia.

It is not arguable. So take your little magical fantasy and stick it where the Sun don't shine.
Oh? That's what HISTORY proves. Greenland has remained icebound since the last glacial period. There is one part that gets warmth from the ocean currents and during the medieval warming period, that current, combined with a global increase in temperature allowed the vikings to colonise that area, and it was viable for hundreds of years till the Little Ice Age changed things and the Vikings were forced to leave.

This is well known history and your little temper tantrums can't change that.
He doesn't believe in glacial cycles yet posts pictures and links to thermally isolated polar regions which are the conditions for glacial cycles. His arguments are totally confusing.
He doesn't believe in glacial cycles yet posts pictures and links to thermally isolated polar regions which are the conditions for glacial cycles. His arguments are totally confusing.

He is a mental case. Makes sense, he probably thinks the JOOOOS are responsible for the ice ages!
The climate is driven by that huge orange ball in the sky. It takes an absolute moron to think the Sun can bake one part of the globe, while somehow, magically, missing the other part of the globe.

As the completely retarded MORON you are, you parrot Faux and believe "solar theory." And you then disprove yourself by noticing the Sun's effects on Earth are actually constant, they cause NO CHANGE.

To CHANGE the CLIMATE, you need CHANGE, and the Sun gives you NONE.

Thanks for proving how STUPID one has to be to believe FAUX and the official version of 911....

there are hundreds of climate studies, real studies, not the climate model crap, that show the medieval warming period was global. Northern and Southern hemispheres were BOTH far warmer than today.


PARROT is as PARROT does.

YOU did NONE of those "studies."

During the past million years, Greenland went from all green to ice age, and North America did the exact opposite. As with WTC 7, you do not like truth if truth refutes the bullshit you've been parroting...
The polar regions are thermally isolated from warmer marine currents. Yes or no?


So to you there are CONSTANT ocean currents that NEVER CHANGE and THEY CAUSE all the "melting" and "freezing?"

This is pathetic.

Earth climate data today

All land within 600 miles of a pole is COVERED WITH ICE

All land outside 600 miles of a pole is NOT

And OCEAN CURRENTS are responsible?????

You cannot make this shit up. The IQ required to believe either the "glacials" or the "Solar Cycle" is the same IQ needed to believe the "official version" of 911 IQ<5
He is a mental case. Makes sense, he probably thinks the JOOOOS are responsible for the ice ages!

This is the SUB. The SUB is a committed traitor. The SUB exists to serve the cause of Zionism. The SUB cheered when Israel attacked the USS Liberty and murdered American Naval personnel. The SUB cheered when the Mossad offed 250 US Marines in Lebanon 1983 and hate hoaxed it on Hezbo. The SUB loved it when Jew Army Rangers executed Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it on AQ. The SUB cannot explain why W sided with Taliban over The Northern Alliance and doesn't care. The SUB did not care or become curious why W made "Osama" NOT A PRIORITY. The SUB doesn't care about truth or America. The SUB insists this

is not controlled demolition

The SUB is the problem with the GOP today. The SUB is really a big government liberal full of factless fear and a desire for a handout like socialized senior drugs....
Are you in an assisted living home per chance? Possibly the memory care section?

We are still asking for all you "experts" to answer the following question:

Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland and no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

Y'all have had months to come up with an answer, and to date you have all failed...

$20 trillion wasted on the Co2 fraud and the Co2 fraud cannot explain A MAP OF THE ARCTIC....
to thermally isolated polar regions which are the conditions for glacial cycles

And the "thermal isolation" is OCEAN CURRENTS that change like the wind....

And Antarctica thaws and freezes every hundred years like Dennis Quaid said... and never moves either... and don't notice we got 800k years of ice core data by drilling about halfway through the 2.5 mile thick ice....

There's hungry people still in the world. There shouldn't be any waste.

And no, it doesn't work that way. They aren't taking the 40% waste and turning it into energy.
There's a lot of wasted food, and 'food waste', in the developed world that can be turned into fuel. Even "Second Harvest" can't deal with all the vegetables that are left in the fields because they aren't cosmetically perfect.
You are LOST parroting McBullshit and believing Earth warms and cools as a whole.
Hey Ace--- West was a professional scientist who worked in related Earth science fields---- you? While Earth Science was never my specialty, I've yet to hear him claim anything specious or that I knew was erroneous.

Ocean currents are a completely bullshit argument. Ocean currents are to oceans what wind is to atmosphere = weather that changes directions and has nothing to do with climate.
  1. Ocean currents are why western Europe like the UK enjoy balmy weather more like New England instead of central snowy Canada.
  2. Wind is pretty much EVERYTHING to the atmosphere! :auiqs.jpg: Wind is a direct result of uneven heating, mixing and other factors from both the Sun and the Earth's rotation, so you just shot down your own argument!
  3. Weather patterns are mainly short term trends reflecting long term climatic directions! They are all tied together!
Battling climate change here, boy, it is tearing us a new asshole here! Good thing I'm informed about the dreaded climate changes of Joe Biden otherwise, I might have been duped into thinking it a perfectly normal summer weather!!! :21:

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