WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

As the completely retarded MORON you are, you parrot Faux and believe "solar theory." And you then disprove yourself by noticing the Sun's effects on Earth are actually constant, they cause NO CHANGE.

To CHANGE the CLIMATE, you need CHANGE, and the Sun gives you NONE.

Thanks for proving how STUPID one has to be to believe FAUX and the official version of 911....


PARROT is as PARROT does.

YOU did NONE of those "studies."

During the past million years, Greenland went from all green to ice age, and North America did the exact opposite. As with WTC 7, you do not like truth if truth refutes the bullshit you've been parroting...

Oh? How did Greenland defy all other parts of the world and turn icebound? Is it because of a dragon, living in a mountain, and his breath freezes everything?

Enquiring minds want to know!
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This is the SUB. The SUB is a committed traitor. The SUB exists to serve the cause of Zionism. The SUB cheered when Israel attacked the USS Liberty and murdered American Naval personnel. The SUB cheered when the Mossad offed 250 US Marines in Lebanon 1983 and hate hoaxed it on Hezbo. The SUB loved it when Jew Army Rangers executed Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it on AQ. The SUB cannot explain why W sided with Taliban over The Northern Alliance and doesn't care. The SUB did not care or become curious why W made "Osama" NOT A PRIORITY. The SUB doesn't care about truth or America. The SUB insists this

is not controlled demolition

The SUB is the problem with the GOP today. The SUB is really a big government liberal full of factless fear and a desire for a handout like socialized senior drugs....

Ahhh! So it IS DA JOOOOS!

You ARE a fucking retard.
We are still asking for all you "experts" to answer the following question:

Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland and no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

Y'all have had months to come up with an answer, and to date you have all failed...

$20 trillion wasted on the Co2 fraud and the Co2 fraud cannot explain A MAP OF THE ARCTIC....

It's called AN OCEAN!
Oh look.
The debate between Always 100% Crazy EMH (I ignore), and Demented Wetwall depleting the last 5% of his gray matter!
All of you who even answer [Greenland] EMH (who should be Removed) are idiots.
He lasted 2 mos on MODERATED/sane PoliticalForum.
But here he's a star of a sci section Forever. 28 Months and 11,000 posts.
Just another crackpot anti-science Troll here. Indistinguishable from the others.

What a great message board!
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You forgot "on record":

The moron I responded to said......


Do you think we have more than 100,000 years on record?
Oh look.
The debate between Always 100% Crazy EMH (I ignore), and Demented Wetwall depleting the last 5% of his gray matter!
All of you who even answer [Greenland] EMH (who should be Removed) are idiots.
He lasted 2 mos on MODERATED/sane PoliticalForum.
But here he's a star of a sci section Forever. 28 Months and 11,000 posts.
Just another crackpot anti-science Troll here. Indistinguishable from the others.

What a great message board!
We have been lied to over and over for many many years from people we used to trust. 8 billion humans living in far more places than even a half century ago with 3 billion and many years before with 1 billion is a huge difference in an era of modern technologies showing videos of weather caused damage.
The moron I responded to said......

View attachment 812783
Do you think we have more than 100,000 years on record?
I sure don't, but I'd have to research exactly what they mean by "on record" before dismissing it out of hand. A glance at my link affirms that abu afak has been accurately reporting what climate scientists have been concluding. "It's official, scientists confirm." You like the Financial Times, right? "hottest month on record."
I sure don't, but I'd have to research exactly what they mean by "on record" before dismissing it out of hand. A glance at my link affirms that abu afak has been accurately reporting what climate scientists have been concluding. "It's official, scientists confirm." You like the Financial Times, right? "hottest month on record."

A glance at my link affirms that abu afak has been accurately reporting what climate scientists have been concluding.

I know lying climate scientists have been reporting that they can calculate global monthly or even daily temperatures to 2 significant digits from 100,000 plus years ago using tree rings and ice cores.

It's ridiculous.

I'm not surprised that gullible clowns like Abu believe them
Luckily Joe Biden has issued bold new steps to counter the relentless climate change that’s causing this extreme, killer heat. For example, workers will get “hazard alerts” telling them it’s hot. Also, a new website will urge everyone to stay hydrated. His aides say this shows that Joe is treating climate change with “the urgency it deserves.”

Excuse me while I have a political heat stroke. Urgency? The same day Biden launched his pathetic global warming “policy,” the Republican Supreme Court rubber stamped his disastrous push for the massively-polluting Mountain Valley Pipeline. This 300-mile environmental scar across two states will be like adding 26 more coal-fired power plants to our climate change crisis. Then there’s his unconscionable approval this year of Willow, an oil-drilling project in the Arctic that will release hundreds of millions of tons of additional greenhouse gas emissions. Plus approving and subsidizing dozens of other fossil fuel boondoggles.
climate scientists have been reporting that they can calculate global monthly or even daily temperatures to 2 significant digits from 100,000 plus years ago using tree rings and ice cores.
"to 2 significant digits from 100,000 plus years ago"
When scientists focus on climate from before the past 100-150 years, they use records from physical, chemical, and biological materials preserved within the geologic record. Organisms (such as diatoms, forams, and coral) can serve as useful climate proxies. Other proxies include ice cores, tree rings, and sediment cores. Chemical proxy records include isotope ratios, elemental analyses, biomarkers, and biogenic silica. Taken together, these proxies extend our knowledge of past climate back hundreds of millions of years into the past.
You mean England has warmed up since Dickens was alive because the UK has moved 11-12 feet south?! Wow, that is ripe. Do the math Bozo: 170 years X 2cm per year. :auiqs.jpg:

The tectonic direction actually explains Earth climate change completely. Continents and islands moving AWAY from the pole have melting glaciers and are getting warmer = Europe, North America, while continents and islands moving towards the nearest pole - Greenland - get colder, and when they get to within 600 miles of a pole, they go into continent specific ice age - Greenland and Antarctica - which are 97% of Earth ice.
It's called AN OCEAN!

Once again, we have a sick person who is not attempting to answer the question, but rather is just here to scuttle the discussion....

Jeopardy! music still playing....
Oh look.
The debate between Always 100% Crazy EMH (I ignore), and Demented Wetwall depleting the last 5% of his gray matter!
All of you who even answer [Greenland] EMH (who should be Removed) are idiots.
He lasted 2 mos on MODERATED/sane PoliticalForum.
But here he's a star of a sci section Forever. 28 Months and 11,000 posts.
Just another crackpot anti-science Troll here. Indistinguishable from the others.

What a great message board!

The question is as follows:

Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

You and your pathetic Co2 fraud cannot answer that...

Jeopardy! music still playing...
"to 2 significant digits from 100,000 plus years ago"

Abu posted this link in one of her threads recently.

July 4 Was Earth’s Hottest Day In Over 100,000 Years—Breaking Record For 2nd Day In A Row​

The global average temperature Tuesday reached 17.18 degrees Celsius (62.92 degrees Fahrenheit), data from the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute showed, the hottest ever recorded on any day of any year.

The same record was broken the day before, when July 3 temperatures reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 degrees Fahrenheit), higher than the previous hottest-day record of 16.92 degrees Celsius held by a tie of two dates, July 24, 2022, and August 14, 2016, according to the University of Maine and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

The exact modeling system used to estimate Tuesday’s temperature has only been used since 1979, but scientists are able to estimate average temperatures going back tens of thousands of years by using instrument-based global temperature records, tree rings and ice cores, climate scientist Paulo Ceppi told the Washington Post.

How did Greenland defy all other parts of the world and turn icebound?

It is called tectonic plate movement. The original definition of ice age was done under the assumption that land was fixed and did not move. Land does move, and that is a huge problem for the Co2 fraud and the "definition of ice age" they use.

This is the fault in the center of the Atlantic. It slants SW to NE, meaning it is pushing Europe SE (why Europe's glaciers have been melting for tens of millions of years) and Greenland NW (why Greenland just entered continent specific ice age)

Atlantic Ocean Floor | Map art, National geographic maps, Geology

Amazing, isn't it. Continents move away from the pole warm. Continents that move towards the pole cool.


If you can't understand that...
Is this controlled demolition or not?

You are either a patriotic American or a Zionist Fascist Traitor....

No. It is the interior support beams made of steel, weakening due to the heat, and then losing strength, which causes a catastrophic failure.

Kind of like this one.

Or this one

Or this one

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