WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

2 significant digits from 100,000 plus years ago
Wudda you mean,"100,000"? Which 2 digits are you looking at?
First try practicing what you preach:
The significance of trailing zeros in a number not containing a decimal point can be ambiguous. For example, it may not always be clear if the number 1300 is precise to the nearest unit (just happens coincidentally to be an exact multiple of a hundred) or if it is only shown to the nearest hundreds due to rounding or uncertainty. Many conventions exist to address this issue. However, these are not universally used and would only be effective if the reader is familiar with the convention:

  • An overline, sometimes also called an overbar, or less accurately, a vinculum, may be placed over the last significant figure; any trailing zeros following this are insignificant. For example, 1300 has three significant figures (and hence indicates that the number is precise to the nearest ten).
  • Less often, using a closely related convention, the last significant figure of a number may be underlined; for example, "1300" has two significant figures.
  • A decimal point may be placed after the number; for example "1300." indicates specifically that trailing zeros are meant to be significant.[8]
As the conventions above are not in general use, the following more widely recognized options are available for indicating the significance of number with trailing zeros:

  • Eliminate ambiguous or non-significant zeros by changing the unit prefix in a number with a unit of measurement. For example, the precision of measurement specified as 1300 g is ambiguous, while if stated as 1.30 kg it is not. Likewise 0.0123 L can be rewritten as 12.3 mL
  • Eliminate ambiguous or non-significant zeros by using Scientific Notation: For example, 1300 with three significant figures becomes 1.30×103. Likewise 0.0123 can be rewritten as 1.23×10−2. The part of the representation that contains the significant figures (1.30 or 1.23) is known as the significand or mantissa. The digits in the base and exponent (103 or 10−2) are considered exact numbers so for these digits, significant figures are irrelevant.
  • Explicitly state the number of significant figures (the abbreviation s.f. is sometimes used): For example "20 000 to 2 s.f." or "20 000 (2 sf)".
  • State the expected variability (precision) explicitly with a plus–minus sign, as in 20 000 ± 1%. This also allows specifying a range of precision in-between powers of ten.
And mentally ill morons give your answer.

That's a steel framed building that housed CIA and FBI offices, and that CIA office is where the drone 767 CARGO VERSION that hit the south tower was controlled.

Let all Patriotic Americans see who here is a patriotic American and who is a Zionist Fascist supporter of mass murder, treason, looting America, starting wars over lies and hate hoaxes all to benefit country Israel and the Zionist Fascists who support it...
Wudda you mean,"100,000"? Which 2 digits are you looking at?
First try practicing what you preach:

The global average temperature Tuesday reached 17.18 degrees Celsius (62.92 degrees Fahrenheit), data from the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute showed, the hottest ever recorded on any day of any year.

The same record was broken the day before, when July 3 temperatures reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 degrees Fahrenheit), higher than the previous hottest-day record of 16.92 degrees Celsius
That's a steel framed building that housed CIA and FBI offices, and that CIA office is where the drone 767 CARGO VERSION that hit the south tower was controlled.

Let all Patriotic Americans see who here is a patriotic American and who is a Zionist Fascist supporter of mass murder, treason, looting America, starting wars over lies and hate hoaxes all to benefit country Israel and the Zionist Fascists who support it...

I'll pray they find a cure for your mental defect.
I'll pray they find a cure for your mental defect.

Patriotism to America is not a "mental defect" and the SS and the KGB were 100% correct about Judaism being

"not a religion, just a conspiracy against everyone else"

and WTC 7 is Exhibit A of the proof...
It is called tectonic plate movement. The original definition of ice age was done under the assumption that land was fixed and did not move. Land does move, and that is a huge problem for the Co2 fraud and the "definition of ice age" they use.

This is the fault in the center of the Atlantic. It slants SW to NE, meaning it is pushing Europe SE (why Europe's glaciers have been melting for tens of millions of years) and Greenland NW (why Greenland just entered continent specific ice age)

Atlantic Ocean Floor | Map art, National geographic maps, Geology

Amazing, isn't it. Continents move away from the pole warm. Continents that move towards the pole cool.


If you can't understand that...

I actually am a geologist, so know far more about plate tectonics than you ever will. And we have now moved beyond that simple description, because it wasn't accurate enough.

And no, plate tectonics has a very, very small impact on global temps. The SUN, is the driver of climate. Plate tectonics, specifically orographic effects can have an impact, but only in terms of pushing the climate regions around a little bit. The Amazon rain forest has a far greater impact on climate than ALL of the mountains in the region.

I'm using simple terms for you because you are a simpleton.
Patriotism to America is not a "mental defect" and the SS and the KGB were 100% correct about Judaism being

"not a religion, just a conspiracy against everyone else"

and WTC 7 is Exhibit A of the proof...

Anyone who quotes the SS, and then claims to be a patriotic American is a fucking nutjob.
Patriotism to America is not a "mental defect" and the SS and the KGB were 100% correct about Judaism being

"not a religion, just a conspiracy against everyone else"

and WTC 7 is Exhibit A of the proof...

Patriotism to America is not a "mental defect"

No, but what you have is.
I actually am a geologist, so know far more about plate tectonics than you ever will. And we have now moved beyond that simple description, because it wasn't accurate enough.

And no, plate tectonics has a very, very small impact on global temps. The SUN, is the driver of climate. Plate tectonics, specifically orographic effects can have an impact, but only in terms of pushing the climate regions around a little bit. The Amazon rain forest has a far greater impact on climate than ALL of the mountains in the region.

I'm using simple terms for you because you are a simpleton.

Why is every piece of land within 600 miles of a pole covered in ice age glacier?

There are 70 million year old dinosaur fossils on Antarctica. Did those live on top of 2 miles of ice age -60F? Where was Antarctica 70 million years ago, on the South Pole or halfway to Africa?

Rejection of the clear truth of Greenland vs NA and Europe is rejection of 100% documented truth and no ability to refute, except by name calling, changing the subject, and lying, all three your treasonous rear end just did for the whole USMB to see regarding WTC 7

Why is every piece of land within 600 miles of a pole covered in ice age glacier?

There are 70 million year old dinosaur fossils on Antarctica. Did those live on top of 2 miles of ice age -60F? Where was Antarctica 70 million years ago, on the South Pole or halfway to Africa?

Rejection of the clear truth of Greenland vs NA and Europe is rejection of 100% documented truth and no ability to refute, except by name calling, changing the subject, and lying, all three your treasonous rear end just did for the whole USMB to see regarding WTC 7




The fossils are from when Antarctica was a part of GONDWANA, you halfwit, you know, plate tectonics moving continents around!

Fuck you are a stupid twat. You post up a map of the various plates, then can't use your tiny little head to figure out that maybe those fossils in Antarctica were laid down when it was ELSWHERE ON THE PLANET!
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Anyone who quotes the SS, and then claims to be a patriotic American is a fucking nutjob.

The SS was a spy operation. It reported accurate info, because if it didn't it got shot...

The SS and the KGB both spied on Judaism and both came to the SAME CONCLUSION....


And your pathetic pea brain cannot even go further and admit land warms or cools depending on the direction of its tectonic movement.
The SUN, is the driver of climate

Everyone who pushes the Solar Cycle here has been unable to answer the following question.

WHAT does the SUN CHANGE on EARTH regarding climate?

A: it doesn't because it is CONSTANT

The SUN is an argument that Faux "News" likes because it is 100% wrong and morons parrot it....
Everyone who pushes the Solar Cycle here has been unable to answer the following question.

WHAT does the SUN CHANGE on EARTH regarding climate?

A: it doesn't because it is CONSTANT

The SUN is an argument that Faux "News" likes because it is 100% wrong and morons parrot it....

The SUN is NOT constant you uneducated baboon!
The SUN is NOT constant you uneducated baboon!

For Earth purposes it is. The fluctuations in the output of the Sun are incredibly minor and statistically insignificant, and the weather on Earth proves it.


Start the Jeopardy! music, this is question #2 this sick Zionist Fascist Traitor cannot answer...
For Earth purposes it is. The fluctuations in the output of the Sun are incredibly minor and statistically insignificant, and the weather on Earth proves it.


Start the Jeopardy! music, this is question #2 this sick Zionist Fascist Traitor cannot answer...

No it isn't you scientific illiterate. A half percent drop in solar output has immediate, and devastating impact on the Earth. Look up Maunder Minimum.

"The Maunder Minimum, also known as the "prolonged sunspot minimum", was a period around 1645 to 1715 during which sunspots became exceedingly rare. During a 28-year period (1672–1699) within the minimum, observations revealed fewer than 50 sunspots. This contrasts with the typical 40,000–50,000 sunspots seen in modern times over a similar timespan"

TOO FUNNY!!! Tell us of the marvelous EQUIPMENT USED in 1672 to find sunspots....

This is what they did with canes. When the satellites first went up, we saw storms that never hit land that we did not see before the satellites. The Co2 fraud used that to claim "more storms" = not kidding.

"The Maunder Minimum was first noted by Gustav Spörer in publications in 1887 and 1889"

LOL!! "first noted" 200 years later, wow, that's good. FIRST NOTED 200 years LATER....

"The term Maunder Minimum was popularised by John A. Eddy,[7] who published a landmark paper in Science in 1976.[8]"

You cannot make this shit up. Think it through, people, this is a good example of Co2 fraud "science."

WE NOTICED FEWER SUNSPOTS. When? in 1672. Using what equipment???

When did we first record this info? 200 years LATER....

What is the evidence? Well, it was published in Science, so it must be true because a BEAKED BIRDBRAIN can PARROT IT...

wiki also busts little ice age...

The Maunder Minimum occurred within the Little Ice Age, a long period of lower-than-average European (NOT GLOBAL, JUST EUROPE) temperatures.

AS the saying goes, for the SUN (Solar Cycle) Theory which was FUNDED and PUT OUT BY THE Co2 FRAUD (which is why Faux loves it) for IDIOTS to PARROT...



"The Maunder Minimum, also known as the "prolonged sunspot minimum", was a period around 1645 to 1715 during which sunspots became exceedingly rare. During a 28-year period (1672–1699) within the minimum, observations revealed fewer than 50 sunspots. This contrasts with the typical 40,000–50,000 sunspots seen in modern times over a similar timespan"

TOO FUNNY!!! Tell us of the marvelous EQUIPMENT USED in 1672 to find sunspots....

This is what they did with canes. When the satellites first went up, we saw storms that never hit land that we did not see before the satellites. The Co2 fraud used that to claim "more storms" = not kidding.

"The Maunder Minimum was first noted by Gustav Spörer in publications in 1887 and 1889"

LOL!! "first noted" 200 years later, wow, that's good. FIRST NOTED 200 years LATER....

"The term Maunder Minimum was popularised by John A. Eddy,[7] who published a landmark paper in Science in 1976.[8]"

You cannot make this shit up. Think it through, people, this is a good example of Co2 fraud "science."

WE NOTICED FEWER SUNSPOTS. When? in 1672. Using what equipment???

When did we first record this info? 200 years LATER....

What is the evidence? Well, it was published in Science, so it must be true because a BEAKED BIRDBRAIN can PARROT IT...

wiki also busts little ice age...

The Maunder Minimum occurred within the Little Ice Age, a long period of lower-than-average European (NOT GLOBAL, JUST EUROPE) temperatures.

AS the saying goes, for the SUN (Solar Cycle) Theory which was FUNDED and PUT OUT BY THE Co2 FRAUD (which is why Faux loves it) for IDIOTS to PARROT...


Like I said, you are a scientific illiterate.
"Little Ice Age (LIA) austral summer temperature anomalies were derived from palaeoequilibrium line altitudes at 22 cirque glacier sites across the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Modern analog seasons with temperature anomalies akin to the LIA reconstructions were selected, and then applied in a sampling of high-resolution gridded New Zealand climate data and global reanalysis data to generate LIA climate composites at local, regional and hemispheric scales. The composite anomaly patterns assist in improving our understanding of atmospheric circulation contributions to the LIA climate state, allow an interrogation of synoptic type frequency changes for the LIA relative to present, and provide a hemispheric context of the past conditions in New Zealand. An LIA summer temperature anomaly of −0.56 °C (±0.29 °C) for the Southern Alps based on palaeo-equilibrium lines compares well with local tree-ring reconstructions of austral summer temperature. Reconstructed geopotential height at 1,000 hPa (z1000) suggests enhanced southwesterly flow across New Zealand occurred during the LIA to generate the terrestrial temperature anomalies. The mean atmospheric circulation pattern for summer resulted from a crucial reduction of the ‘HSE’-blocking synoptic type (highs over and to the west of NZ; largely settled conditions) and increases in both the ‘T’- and ‘SW’-trough synoptic types (lows passing over NZ; enhanced southerly and southwesterly flow) relative to normal. Associated land-based temperature and precipitation anomalies suggest both colder- and wetter-than-normal conditions were a pervasive component of the base climate state across New Zealand during the LIA, as were colder-than-normal Tasman Sea surface temperatures. Proxy temperature and circulation evidence were used to corroborate the spatially heterogeneous Southern Hemisphere composite z1000 and sea surface temperature patterns generated in this study. A comparison of the composites to climate mode archetypes suggests LIA summer climate and atmospheric circulation over New Zealand was driven by increased frequency of weak El Niño-Modoki in the tropical Pacific and negative Southern Annular Mode activity."

"In addition, we computed a (linear) trend surface of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) for the LIA based on 22 cirque glaciers previously studied24,49, which compared favourably with the neoglacial ELA proposed by Porter50 for a transect between Mt Cook and Jollie Glacier (Fig. SI 1). By discriminating the land above this LIA ELA trend surface, we scrutinised the landscape to find many low-relief moraines, trimlines (Fig. 2), and more subtle geomorphological evidence that helped us to infer a LIA glacier outline for a total of 400 glaciers. The subtle evidence included stripped bedrock at elevations beneath surrounding vegetated hillslopes, locally-depressed treelines, boulder trains running sub-parallel to contours, truncated fan toe slopes and gully heads. Whilst there are > 3,150 glaciers in the Southern Alps in the 1978 inventory, a vast majority constitute smaller portions of formerly larger (and more contiguous) LIA glaciers. We did not map where moraines or trimlines were absent, such as is common in Fiordland for example where the hard crystalline rock and steep slopes makes the creation and preservation of such features unlikely. More details on the volume loss calculations, which are limited to glacier ablation areas (Fig. SI 2), are given in the SI."

"the end of the Little Ice Age (here defined as 1500–1850 CE). The Little Ice Age (LIA) was characterised by generally cooler global climates, particularly in the northern hemisphere (Marcott et al., 2013). There was no globally coherent cold phase associated with the full extent of the LIA, however the period 1571–1722 CE was globally cooler and included a window between 1594 and 1677 CE (termed the “peak LIA”) where a large majority of proxy records indicate cooling (Neukom et al., 2014). On the Australian continent, the small number and sparse distribution of temperature reconstructions hamper firm conclusions about temperature variability over the last millennium, with the majority of tree ring records being located either in the cool climates of Tasmania, or indeed New Zealand, augmented by a small number of (shorter) coral records from the tropics. These data suggest that ∼1500–1900 CE was characterised by cooler Australian climates relative to the rest of the millennium (Gergis et al., 2016)."


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