WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

You are off on some tangent. That has absolutely nothing to do with what I just wrote. If you are trying to argue what I wrote is wrong, I'm just going to trot out the oxygen isotope curve and walk you though what that data is saying. Then I'll march out the sea level data that matches what I am saying too.

Yes you can parrot fudge and fraud, but you still have not one single photo of a landmark sinking, and your refusal to answer questions is lame.

Yes you can parrot fudge and fraud, but you still have not one single photo of a landmark sinking, and your refusal to answer questions is lame.

Several factors. I already explained the main reason why there is ice on the north pole. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation because each pole is thermally isolated due to plate tectonics.

People misuse the term ice age. The ice age began ~3 million years ago when the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet and we are still in an ice age today. Most people say ice age when they really mean to say glacial period. There have been ~30 glacial periods and ~30 interglacial periods during the last 3 million years. You can easily see when glaciation began in the northern hemisphere which is about 3 million years ago. But the really cold glacial periods have been in the last 1.5 million years which is probably what you are talking about.

crick is a dummy.jpg
Yes you can parrot fudge and fraud, but you still have not one single photo of a landmark sinking, and your refusal to answer questions is lame.

Whoah..settle down for a second. What ding posted had to do with the poles, not Greenland.

ding isn't saying there's oceans rising, he's saying things got as cold as they could get and now it's going

slightly the other way.

At least I don't think he's saying that, I know I'm late here..
Whoah..settle down for a second. What ding posted had to do with the poles, not Greenland.
Greenland is a big part of it. During the last glacial period Greenland was covered with miles of ice just like other parts of Europe, parts of Asia and parts of NA. Fairly significant parts too. If he is arguing that isn't the case, he's wrong.
Greenland is a big part of it. During the last glacial period Greenland was covered with miles of ice just like other parts of Europe, parts of Asia and parts of NA. Fairly significant parts too. If he is arguing that isn't the case, he's wrong.
Yeah, I guess the glaciers were right there, but uhh..

You literally posted a graphic which showed the polar regions being isolated from warmer marine currents and you don't even realize that's what it was showing.

So I'll ask you again... The polar regions are thermally isolated from warmer marine currents. Yes or no?

I'll even provide the graphic YOU keep using.


And add one of my own showing the polar regions being thermally isolated from warmer marine currents.

View attachment 812859

You are literally asking a moron to answer a basic question that he has no understanding of.
there is ice on the north pole

SEA ICE, and sometimes no ice if the Gakkel Ridge volcanoes go off...

each pole is thermally isolated due to plate tectonics.

Explain how a pole would NOT be thermally isolated. Would TWO POLAR OCEANS accomplish that? How much ice would Earth have if it had two polar oceans?

The ice age began ~3 million years ago

3 million years ago, Chicago was under 2.5 mile thick ice, and the Great Lakes were still being dug by the same ice age, the North American Ice Age...

Sorry, during your "ice age" an actual continent specific ICE AGE MELTED....

Yeah, I guess the glaciers were right there, but uhh..


Here is the data.

2 million years ago the top of Northern Greenland was completely green, meaning the entire continent/island was.

400-800k years ago the center of Greenland went from forest to ice age

The Vikings were able to farm the southern tip of Greenland until the 1400s when they were "frozen out" and their farmland is now under 600 years of annual ice layers.

The Vikings called Greenland GREEN land because when they found it the entire southern tip was GREEN, but is now ICE...

The ice age glacier on Greenland flows North to South...

There is no evidence

the ice is retreating


that it isn't producing an annual ice layer on top every year, what we find with ICE CORES...
The reason why Greenland froze is because it has been moving NW for tens of millions of years, pushed that way by the fault at the center bottom of the Atlantic...

GeoPicture of the Week: The Atlantic Ocean Floor

Map of the Atlantic Ocean floor- gorgeous!! | Antique maps, Map, Flooring

SEA ICE, and sometimes no ice if the Gakkel Ridge volcanoes go off...

Explain how a pole would NOT be thermally isolated. Would TWO POLAR OCEANS accomplish that? How much ice would Earth have if it had two polar oceans?

3 million years ago, Chicago was under 2.5 mile thick ice, and the Great Lakes were still being dug by the same ice age, the North American Ice Age...

Sorry, during your "ice age" an actual continent specific ICE AGE MELTED....


The reason why Greenland froze is because it has been moving NW for tens of millions of years, pushed that way by the fault at the center bottom of the Atlantic...

GeoPicture of the Week: The Atlantic Ocean Floor

Map of the Atlantic Ocean floor- gorgeous!! | Antique maps, Map, Flooring

You n ding hash that out, I don't have a cock in that fight.
You n ding hash that out, I don't have a cock in that fight.

But you do have the intellect necessary to understand the following...

Tectonic plates moving AWAY from the nearest pole are WARMING...

Tectonic plates moving TOWARDS the nearest pole are COOLING...

and for some reason, every piece of land on Earth within 600 miles of a pole is buried under ice

Antarctica 90% of Earth ice
Greenland 7%
Ellesmere Island 0.3%

and land moves...
Here is the data.

2 million years ago the top of Northern Greenland was completely green, meaning the entire continent/island was.

During an interglacial period... during the transition from a greenhouse planet... during a time when the glacial periods weren't as cold as the past 1 million years.

things got as cold as they could get

He is wrong. One Earth polar circle has 9+ times the ice of the other, is on average 50F colder on the surface, and puts 9 times the ice into the oceans.

If we had two polar continents, TWO ANTARCTICAS, we'd have twice the ice, lower oceans, less humidity, thinner atmosphere, and it would be much colder...

Difference between arctic and antarctic | Arctic Vs Antarctic ...

You are literally asking a moron to answer a basic question that he has no understanding of.
I get his mistake now. He has no concept that glacial/interglacial cycles have been going on for ~3 million years and that saying that Greenland had no ice 2 million years ago doesn't realize that was during an interglacial period. And that it was during the transition to an icehouse planet, not an icehouse planet at that time.
During an interglacial period... during the transition from a greenhouse planet... during a time when the glacial periods weren't as cold as the past 1 million years.


Great, you parrot fudge and fraud.

Your theory fails as soon as the data tells the truth that

You are literally asking a moron to answer a basic question that he has no understanding of.
I get his mistake now. He has no concept that glacial/interglacial cycles have been going on for ~3 million years and that saying that Greenland had no ice 2 million years ago doesn't realize that was during an interglacial period. And that it was during the transition to an icehouse planet, not an icehouse planet at that time.
Great, you parrot fudge and fraud.

Your theory fails as soon as the data tells the truth that

2 million years ago Greenland was without ice because 2 million years ago the northern hemisphere was ice free during interglacial times. So it was ice free 0r mostly ice free during interglacial periods. It wasn't until the past 1 million years that the northern hemisphere glacial periods became super cold.

Greenland had no ice 2 million years ago doesn't realize that was during an interglacial period

So, according to this absolute moron, as Greenland moved NW, it warmed....

NOPE, not even close...

Just the past 20k years is indisputable, since there was still North American Ice Age glacier in Indiana while the Vikings were farming the southern tip of Greenland.

Planet Earth does not warm and cool as a whole. The Co2 fraud desperately wants you to believe it does. It doesn't. The idiocy of the Solar Cycle is it maintains that false premise, that Earth warms and cools as a whole. In reality, Earth climate change is about WHERE LAND IS near the poles, and LAND MOVES...

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