WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

Worse yet. President Potato is planning on seizing all the incandescent light bulbs.
At this point in time, the only place incandescent bulbs should be is at Thomas Edison's house.

(and in Easy-Bake ovens)

Do I still have a box full? Need to check that tomorrow.

I was blowing a light bulb every other week with incandescents. LEDs are better.

Now you can even get soft white LEDs, but you have to hunt for them.
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Who the fuck is the government's expert? It could be just another lying Right-Wing asshole paid by the oil industry.



Algore picked the "expert."


90% of Earth ice on Antarctica INCREASING

Co2 lagged, not led, prior "warming" and hence is not the cause by rather a by product
At this point in time, the only place incandescent bulbs should be is at Thomas Edison's house.

(and in Easy-Bake ovens)

Do I still have a box full? Need to check that tomorrow.

I was blowing a light bulb every other week with incandescents. LEDs are better.

Now you can even get soft white LEDs, but you have to hunt for them.
Thomas Edison's house? Or laboratory? Which would be in Dearborn Mich.
This is the Dennis Quaid McBullshit, that 2.5 mile thick ice on Chicago originated in northern Canada (true) 75k years earlier (laughable)...

ALL current ice age glacier data today shows McBullshit off by at least a factor of 10.

2 million years ago there was at least 5 million cubic miles of ice on North America.

ALL DATA in OP here...

And once again, this moron is claiming NA froze AS IT MOVED AWAY FROM THE POLE....

The northern latitudes have frozen and then thawed many times over the past million years. Many times.
This is the Dennis Quaid McBullshit, that 2.5 mile thick ice on Chicago originated in northern Canada (true) 75k years earlier (laughable)...

ALL current ice age glacier data today shows McBullshit off by at least a factor of 10.

2 million years ago there was at least 5 million cubic miles of ice on North America.

ALL DATA in OP here...

And once again, this moron is claiming NA froze AS IT MOVED AWAY FROM THE POLE....

The term ice age describes the condition of the planet (i.e. bipolar glaciation). Ice age is not about a specific location on the planet. When they say ice age they mean icehouse planet. Because that's what our present configuration is. It is uniquely configured for colder temperatures.
I don't believe it is viable at all. And that's why you just punted on the question.
It would depend on voluntary participation by concerned citizens. That's step one. After that the amount and type of waste needs to be calculated. If there is enough 'feedstock' for a biogas program to 'break even' cost wise the rest is academic.

We have two large manure digesters operating in my area, one of which already incorporates small amounts of food waste. What its capacity for more is I don't know.

"Adding food waste to raw manure increases the biogas production of an anaerobic digester, as does adding plant matter. You get 8 times more biogas from a system digesting silage than manure because manure has been stripped of some of its organic matter energy potential by the cow that produced it."

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Everyone is out of control, government and the people. :omg:
So we really can't trust anyone to place rules that will be detrimental to the livelihoods of the working class who are just trying to make ends meet. Especially when those rules are based on bias opinions and not hard, solid facts.
So we really can't trust anyone to place rules that will be detrimental to the livelihoods of the working class who are just trying to make ends meet. Especially when those rules are based on bias opinions and not hard, solid facts.
Rules mean nothing when both leaders and the people are out of control.
There's an old truth: The shorter the chain, the more the chained fight against it. Too much control leads to rebellion. We're about there.
I think the opposite. Our permissiveness is leading us toward anarchy. We have long since freed ourselves of personal responsibility. What remains is to simply run amok.
I think the opposite. Our permissiveness is leading us toward anarchy. We have long since freed ourselves of personal responsibility. What remains is to simply run amok.

Crick "What controls do you believe are getting too tight?"

The reason there is less personal responsibility is that government has decided to regulate every aspect of our lives from the moment we get up to the moment we go to sleep. There are more laws on the American books today than at any other time in history. What is the benefit of such government overreach?
Crick "What controls do you believe are getting too tight?"

The reason there is less personal responsibility is that government has decided to regulate every aspect of our lives from the moment we get up to the moment we go to sleep. There are more laws on the American books today than at any other time in history. What is the benefit of such government overreach?
You punted completely. Try getting serious. Our gubmint is now vastly bought by unregulated private sector billionaires because they can and we let them. The far too rich are "regulating every aspect of our lives" more than anyone else because your ilk is always more concerned about ensuring they get a pass.. a longer leash.. to "overreach" from.. because you privately imagine you might be in their shoes some sunny day.. You fucking idiots.
You punted completely. Try getting serious. Our gubmint is now vastly bought by unregulated private sector billionaires because they can and we let them. The far too rich are "regulating every aspect of our lives" more than anyone else because your ilk is always more concerned about ensuring they get a pass.. a longer leash.. to "overreach" from.. because you privately imagine you might be in their shoes some sunny day.. You fucking idiots.
You just admitted that the government is corrupt. Why didn't you save your breath and just say it? Their pockets are lined with special interest money, including the scammers pushing this "climate change" hoax. Pay attention.
... because you privately imagine you might be in their shoes some sunny day ...

That's a mistake ... I was very public about my designs on a certain rich guy's very young daughter ... in order to get at the old man's money ... she just wanted half ... he caved and gave me some rentals and a check to leave his lil' girl alone ...

... and the rest is history ...
Eastern USA 65F today, actually had to wear a light jacket last night. Unprecedent non-global warming in August!

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