WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

You just admitted that the government is corrupt. Why didn't you save your breath and just say it? Their pockets are lined with special interest money, including the scammers pushing this "climate change" hoax. Pay attention.
Oops, he punted again..
"special interest money" - '"climate change" hoax' - LOL!
This one-man-island hasn't punched up in so long he can't even remember how to type "rich" or "billionaire."
Oops, he punted again..
"special interest money" - '"climate change" hoax' - LOL!
This one-man-island hasn't punched up in so long he can't even remember how to type "rich" or "billionaire."
Try hard to make a point or go back to smoking your Hookah.
So we really can't trust anyone to place rules that will be detrimental to the livelihoods of the working class who are just trying to make ends meet. Especially when those rules are based on bias opinions and not hard, solid facts.
The fact is that we have built a dysfunctional society. It's like a machine that is so poorly designed that it can't function properly, be maintained, or repaired.
I did not take that factor into consideration. They do use more electricity.
They give off light and heat, which is needed in cold climates. When they burn out, they leave no dangerous substances to deal with.
The fact is that we have built a dysfunctional society.
By allowing the richest among us to run the entire show, now foreign billionaires as well, constantly catapulting their propaganda (GWB's "base"): restrict, regulate, control.. capitalism (or "the market") and soon communism inevitably results. Nothing could possibly exist betwixt or between. At least half are willing dupes now, pretending to give a shit about the working slob like Action Jackson above. Vacuous gas. One can never have too much wealth or private firepower, especially the clinically insane.
By allowing the richest among us to run the entire show, now foreign billionaires as well, constantly catapulting their propaganda (GWB's "base"): restrict, regulate, control.. capitalism (or "the market") and soon communism inevitably results. Nothing could possibly exist betwixt or between. At least half are willing dupes now, pretending to give a shit about the working slob like Action Jackson above. Vacuous gas. One can never have too much wealth or private firepower, especially the clinically insane.
We need government controls, especially law enforcement.
It would depend on voluntary participation by concerned citizens. That's step one. After that the amount and type of waste needs to be calculated. If there is enough 'feedstock' for a biogas program to 'break even' cost wise the rest is academic.

We have two large manure digesters operating in my area, one of which already incorporates small amounts of food waste. What its capacity for more is I don't know.

"Adding food waste to raw manure increases the biogas production of an anaerobic digester, as does adding plant matter. You get 8 times more biogas from a system digesting silage than manure because manure has been stripped of some of its organic matter energy potential by the cow that produced it."

I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Voluntary participation by concerned citizens doesn't seem like a reliable business model. They would probably expend more energy getting their waste to the central processing plant than would be produced by what they dropped off at the central processing plant.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.
They didn't change the climate, they changed the calendars and transported us directly to Fall!

This is our climate ... only stupid people live were low temperatures stay above 65ºF ... maybe the same stupidity that makes people live where it snows ...

Highs in the low 80s for the Los Angeles area ... what did we do wrong? ...
The northern latitudes have frozen and then thawed many times over the past million years. Many times.

You have ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of that. The ice core data refutes that entirely.

The data from Earth today is that all land within 600 miles of a pole is buried under ice age glacier. That is a TRUTH the Co2 FRAUD really hates...
The term ice age describes the condition of the planet (i.e. bipolar glaciation). Ice age is not about a specific location on the planet. When they say ice age they mean icehouse planet. Because that's what our present configuration is. It is uniquely configured for colder temperatures.

Which is laughably wrong.

The polar glaciation is all about LAND NEAR THE POLES.

Ice ages are about specific locations, mainly inside or out of 600 miles to the pole.

Greenland just moved inside, so it is now in ice age. During those same million years, North America lost all if its ice age glacier, the last being 10k years ago in Indiana, because North America, except ellesmere island, moved out of that 600 miles to the pole zone... and hence lost its ice age...

Greenland froze while North America thawed.

That is clear truth of the data.

The Co2 fraud doesn't like that one bit, because it outs Co2 as a non factor. So now Dennis Quaid bullshit is peddled that an ice age takes 3 days...
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I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Voluntary participation by concerned citizens doesn't seem like a reliable business model. They would probably expend more energy getting their waste to the central processing plant than would be produced by what they dropped off at the central processing plant.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Or free energy.
This is our climate ... only stupid people live were low temperatures stay above 65ºF ... maybe the same stupidity that makes people live where it snows ...

Highs in the low 80s for the Los Angeles area ... what did we do wrong? ...
I like the sun good.
You have ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of that. The ice core data refutes that entirely.

The data from Earth today is that all land within 600 miles of a pole is buried under ice age glacier. That is a TRUTH the Co2 FRAUD really hates...
Sure we do. The oxygen isotope curve.

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