WT*? GOP Comes Up With Its Own 'Carbon Credit / Tax' Crap?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ok, so it's not the EXACT same idea, but it is still stupid as hell...

Senior Republican statesmen propose replacing Obama’s climate policies with a carbon tax

"Representatives from a coalition of veteran Republican officials — including five who have either served as treasury secretary or as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers — met Wednesday with White House officials to discuss the idea of imposing a national carbon tax, rather than using federal regulations, to address climate change.

The newly formed Climate Leadership Council — which includes James A. Baker, Henry Paulson, George P. Shultz, Marty Feldstein and Greg Mankiw — is
proposing elimination of nearly all of the Obama administration’s climate policies in exchange for a rising carbon tax that starts at $40 per ton, and is returned in the form of a quarterly check from the Social Security Administration to every American."

It's just another TAX.....except it has nothing to do with Climate Change. It SOUNDS like a plan to return some of the money they stole from Americans by raiding Social Security, giving it back to Americans (propping up SS).

“I really don’t know the extent to which it is man-made, and I don’t think anybody can tell you with certainty that it’s all man-made,” Baker said in an interview with The Washington Post.

Oh, no - it is DEFINITELY man-made. 'Man', politicians, definitely raided SS over decades, and now....oh, wait...I think he was talking about Global Warming. Never mind... :p

"A proposed carbon tax also failed recently in a ballot initiative in Washington state, in part because it divided the left — with some liberals wanting to use any revenue to invest in clean energy and other social causes rather than to return it to the public."

Of course - when taxes are increased, what do liberals do with it? Do they pay down the deficit, shore up programs like SS? Hell NO! They want to SPEND IT! The US government just took in a RECORD amount in tax revenue...while funding projects like 'Shrimp on a Treadmill', teaching alcoholic CHINESE prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on duty, etc...the really important issues that plagues the average American tax-paying worker... We already collect more than we need in taxes - the dumbasses in Washington just need to spend it for wisely and fiscally responsibly!

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