WT: Obama hoped to use Islamic State as leverage against Assad


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Who doubted that????

Well before Russia’s military came to Bashar Assad’s aid in Syria, the Obama administration calculated that the Islamic State’s expansion in the region would force the Syrian president into negotiating with Washington, according to private comments Secretary of State John F. Kerry made last fall.

Leaked audio captures Mr. Kerry’s closed-door discussion with Syrian activists on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in late September.
Obama hoped to use ISIS as leverage against Assad, John Kerry reveals
And just a day ago Pentagon chief Ashton Carter said Russia’s contribution to fighting terrorism in Syria was “virtually zero.” At least Russia did zero in creating ISIS unlike Obaba's crooked administration.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:
“Following the logic of American military officials, Russia is to blame for failing to fix Washington’s mistakes."
Earlier Zakharova wrote, labeling the current administration “a group of foreign policy losers, bitter and narrow-minded.”


They ^ all + Soros should be judged by International Military Tribunal for all their war crimes
Excellent post. Obama was born a Muslim and will die a Muslim. Not a moderate Muslim. Full bore Muslim.
He shattered the uneasy peace in the Middle East, by overthrowing our ally in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Then armed ISIS terrorists to overthrow Assad, and take over Syria. And is backing terrorist Hamas, against Israel. He and He alone is responsible for this Muslim mess. Then had the nerve to tell us we were going to love his Muslim Spring.
Excellent post. Obama was born a Muslim and will die a Muslim. Not a moderate Muslim. Full bore Muslim.
He shattered the uneasy peace in the Middle East, by overthrowing our ally in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Then armed ISIS terrorists to overthrow Assad, and take over Syria. And is backing terrorist Hamas, against Israel. He and He alone is responsible for this Muslim mess. Then had the nerve to tell us we were going to love his Muslim Spring.

Right now the Senators, who could really be called war criminals themselves (McCain is just one of them), are questioning Rex Tillerson: do you agree that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal?

Dear Americans, your Senate seems to be insane...

US needs to move Russia from constant adversary to partner at times – Tillerson
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It's not a news, in fact... How could else ISIS grew in world, controlled by US, in region, controlled by US... And got 2000 humwees - don't forget about this.

But it need investigation to get details.
Excellent post. Obama was born a Muslim and will die a Muslim. Not a moderate Muslim. Full bore Muslim.
He shattered the uneasy peace in the Middle East, by overthrowing our ally in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Then armed ISIS terrorists to overthrow Assad, and take over Syria. And is backing terrorist Hamas, against Israel. He and He alone is responsible for this Muslim mess. Then had the nerve to tell us we were going to love his Muslim Spring.

Don't generalize too much. Islam of most muslim and IslamISM of ISIS - very different things. ISIS ahe heretics from the sight of view of traditional Muslims... Have you seen, how cruel ISIS executes "a spies" - because this spies are Muslim and hate ISIS for their terrorism...

But you're not only wrong, but also right... Muslim faith of Obama could point on his links with Islamists and ISIS. In any cases, ISIS hire their volunteers not in Christian or Buddism environment, but in Muslim... And what about Huma Abedin - she is from Muslim environment too..
Who doubted that????

Well before Russia’s military came to Bashar Assad’s aid in Syria, the Obama administration calculated that the Islamic State’s expansion in the region would force the Syrian president into negotiating with Washington, according to private comments Secretary of State John F. Kerry made last fall.

Leaked audio captures Mr. Kerry’s closed-door discussion with Syrian activists on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in late September.
Obama hoped to use ISIS as leverage against Assad, John Kerry reveals
And just a day ago Pentagon chief Ashton Carter said Russia’s contribution to fighting terrorism in Syria was “virtually zero.” At least Russia did zero in creating ISIS unlike Obaba's crooked administration.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:
“Following the logic of American military officials, Russia is to blame for failing to fix Washington’s mistakes."

Earlier Zakharova wrote, labeling the current administration “a group of foreign policy losers, bitter and narrow-minded.”

View attachment 106237

They ^ all + Soros should be judged by International Military Tribunal for all their war crimes
You absolutely nailed it!!! Nicely done!!
Excellent post. Obama was born a Muslim and will die a Muslim. Not a moderate Muslim. Full bore Muslim.
He shattered the uneasy peace in the Middle East, by overthrowing our ally in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Then armed ISIS terrorists to overthrow Assad, and take over Syria. And is backing terrorist Hamas, against Israel. He and He alone is responsible for this Muslim mess. Then had the nerve to tell us we were going to love his Muslim Spring.

Don't generalize too much. Islam of most muslim and IslamISM of ISIS - very different things. ISIS ahe heretics from the sight of view of traditional Muslims... Have you seen, how cruel ISIS executes "a spies" - because this spies are Muslim and hate ISIS for their terrorism...

But you're not only wrong, but also right... Muslim faith of Obama could point on his links with Islamists and ISIS. In any cases, ISIS hire their volunteers not in Christian or Buddism environment, but in Muslim... And what about Huma Abedin - she is from Muslim environment too..

Look at those liberals: they elected a Kenyan president, who has been a puppet for wealthy Jews (like Soros) and Saudis for 8 long years, and now they are bitching about alleged "Trump's ties to Kremlin". Amazing....

However, ISIS is much more useful for Russia, because creating a refugee crisis is essential in their plans to break apart the EU.
However, ISIS is much more useful for Russia, because creating a refugee crisis is essential in their plans to break apart the EU.

How insane is to say that. Russia did not create refugee crisis, Obama did. It was Obama who was bombing Libya and Syria, created ISIS and started the civil war there, it was not Russia. FYI, refugees crisis started several months before Russia started fighting ISIS in Syria (Sep,30 2015).

Putin: The reason for today’s problem with migrants lies in the destabilization of states and whole regions of the world – North Africa, Afghanistan and other nations. And in order to resolve the migration problem, we need to eliminate the root cause of this – we need to restore statehood, the economy and the social sphere in these states, so that people can live in their own nation or return home. We need to create all the necessary conditions for this. But to do this, we need, first and foremost, to eliminate terrorists. This is our number one challenge.
News conference following Russian-Hungarian talks

Putin: you asked me if Russia prefers to deal with a strong or a weak Europe? Of course, Russia wants to interact with a strong Europe, because a dialogue with a weak partner is more trouble than it is worth: they can always be pressured by a third party, and all agreements and cooperation plans go down the drain. A strong partner would never allow this.
Joint news conference with Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi
A chain of suspicious acts have long pointed, IMO, to some nefarious deeds in our intel community.

1. Turns out that Turkey was providing logistical and medical support to ISIS, as well as providing access to oil markets. and they are members of NATO and should not be allowed to do that. Our intel community had to be informing Obama of this and yet Obama did nothing about it, so it would seem he was at least tacitly allowing it.

2. All this comes out in the international press and Turkey was embarrassed by Russian sources into ending this support around July 2015, the evidence of which is the series of terrorist attacks directed at Turkey by ISIS, Erdogans meeting with Putin in Moscow (which went really well). This came after a Russian jet was shot down by the Turks for crossing momentarily into Turkish air space. Erdogan apologized for the downing of the Russian jet and apparently other things were discussed and Russian - Turkish relations have actually improved. The linked article on Russian PR embarrassing Turkey is summarizing the collective efforts over the preceding months, as I understand it.

3. There was an attempted coup in Turkey to put in place some clergy that the USA has been harboring and apparently aiding. Erdogan blamed this man and the US for coup and immediately began a purge of the whole country of pro-Western elements in not only the Turkish military but also in the Turkish media. When the Turks demanded that this cleric (Gulen) be extradited The US response was to demand evidence of his guilt, which is a joke since Gulen was a pro-Hillary Turkish national who very likely had complete support from the pro-Clinton CIA.

4. The Russian ambassador was assassinated by a Turkish police officer who had ties to ISIS (and the CIA?) which did nothing to harm Turkish-Russian relations at all, implying that both knew who was likely responsible for it.

5. Israel has been providing at least medical support to ISIS, and this implies that the CIA and Obama are also tacitly allowing this. This all ended in the last half of 2015 after July 2015, as I understand it. What else happened at that time? Donald Trump ran for POTUS and eventually began making ISIS an election issue in December, undermining Hillary Clinton's public position claims of opposing ISIS while she accepted hundreds of millions in donation to the Clinton Foundation from the Saudis and other Gulf states that have been bank rolling ISIS.

Saudi Funding of ISIS
There is a misconception that the kingdom does not get in the way of private Saudi financing of terrorist groups operating in Syria, including ISIS. Yet one of Riyadh's most observable counter-terrorism financing activities is its monitoring of the country's formal financial sector in order to block suspect donations. Indeed, social media fundraising campaigns highlight the challenges of sending such funds from Saudi Arabia to Syria. To ensure that their contributions actually reach Syria, Saudi donors are encouraged to send their money to Kuwait, long considered one of the most permissive terrorism financing environments in the Persian Gulf.

Riyadh's concern about blowback -- namely, the belief that allowing citizens to support terrorist groups hostile to the al-Saud monarchy will eventually spawn attacks on Saudi soil -- helps drive the kingdom's counterterrorism approach. In the mid-2000s, the country suffered a series of dramatic al-Qaeda attacks linked to Saudis returning home from the jihad in Afghanistan, and that experience was important in shaping the current mindset. As mentioned above, Riyadh formally outlawed private donations to ISIS and other groups when it designated them as terrorist organizations in March. That move may have been connected to increasing government concern about Saudi membership in foreign terrorist groups, and may have coincided with the investigation of the domestic ISIS-linked cell announced in May.

Today, Saudi citizens continue to represent a significant funding source for Sunni groups operating in Syria. Arab Gulf donors as a whole -- of which Saudis are believed to be the most charitable -- have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to Syria in recent years, including to ISIS and other groups. There is support for ISIS in Saudi Arabia, and the group directly targets Saudis with fundraising campaigns, so Riyadh could do much more to limit private funding. U.S. officials have hinted that a combination of politics, logistics, and limited capabilities have impeded more effective Saudi efforts to counter terrorism financing. One particularly difficult problem is how to monitor cash transfers, a method common among Saudi donors.

All of which causes me to suspect that until Trump launched his Presidential campaign, the USA, through CIA back channels, has been covertly allowing and maybe even encouraging ISIS support and, after Trumps run for POTUS was formally announced and he began raising the issue on ISIS, The US has been essentially play-fighting ISIS with no real intention of destroying them, and even proclaiming Russian attacks on ISIS controlled parts of Aleppo to be war crimes, which is just ironic considering ISIS behavior.
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However, ISIS is much more useful for Russia, because creating a refugee crisis is essential in their plans to break apart the EU.

What is the profit for Russia to break EU? Where the Russian crimes and officials would buy their luxury cars, if EU fall? :)

They would prefer to sell all Russia to ISIS wholesale, than lose their access to Kurshavel and Azure Coast...
A chain of suspicious acts have long pointed, IMO, to some nefarious deeds in our intel community.

1. Turns out that Turkey was providing logistical and medical support to ISIS, as well as providing access to oil markets. and they are members of NATO and should not be allowed to do that. Our intel community had to be informing Obama of this and yet Obama did nothing about it, so it would seem he was at least tacitly allowing it.

2. All this comes out in the international press and Turkey was embarrassed by Russian sources into ending this support around July 2015, the evidence of which is the series of terrorist attacks directed at Turkey by ISIS, Erdogans meeting with Putin in Moscow (which went really well). This came after a Russian jet was shot down by the Turks for crossing momentarily into Turkish air space. Erdogan apologized for the downing of the Russian jet and apparently other things were discussed and Russian - Turkish relations have actually improved. The linked article on Russian PR embarrassing Turkey is summarizing the collective efforts over the preceding months, as I understand it.

3. There was an attempted coup in Turkey to put in place some clergy that the USA has been harboring and apparently aiding. Erdogan blamed this man and the US for coup and immediately began a purge of the whole country of pro-Western elements in not only the Turkish military but also in the Turkish media. When the Turks demanded that this cleric (Gulen) be extradited The US response was to demand evidence of his guilt, which is a joke since Gulen was a pro-Hillary Turkish national who very likely had complete support from the pro-Clinton CIA.

4. The Russian ambassador was assassinated by a Turkish police officer who had ties to ISIS (and the CIA?) which did nothing to harm Turkish-Russian relations at all, implying that both knew who was likely responsible for it.

5. Israel has been providing at least medical support to ISIS, and this implies that the CIA and Obama are also tacitly allowing this. This all ended in the last half of 2015 after July 2015, as I understand it. What else happened at that time? Donald Trump ran for POTUS and eventually began making ISIS an election issue in December, undermining Hillary Clinton's public position claims of opposing ISIS while she accepted hundreds of millions in donation to the Clinton Foundation from the Saudis and other Gulf states that have been bank rolling ISIS.

Saudi Funding of ISIS
There is a misconception that the kingdom does not get in the way of private Saudi financing of terrorist groups operating in Syria, including ISIS. Yet one of Riyadh's most observable counter-terrorism financing activities is its monitoring of the country's formal financial sector in order to block suspect donations. Indeed, social media fundraising campaigns highlight the challenges of sending such funds from Saudi Arabia to Syria. To ensure that their contributions actually reach Syria, Saudi donors are encouraged to send their money to Kuwait, long considered one of the most permissive terrorism financing environments in the Persian Gulf.

Riyadh's concern about blowback -- namely, the belief that allowing citizens to support terrorist groups hostile to the al-Saud monarchy will eventually spawn attacks on Saudi soil -- helps drive the kingdom's counterterrorism approach. In the mid-2000s, the country suffered a series of dramatic al-Qaeda attacks linked to Saudis returning home from the jihad in Afghanistan, and that experience was important in shaping the current mindset. As mentioned above, Riyadh formally outlawed private donations to ISIS and other groups when it designated them as terrorist organizations in March. That move may have been connected to increasing government concern about Saudi membership in foreign terrorist groups, and may have coincided with the investigation of the domestic ISIS-linked cell announced in May.

Today, Saudi citizens continue to represent a significant funding source for Sunni groups operating in Syria. Arab Gulf donors as a whole -- of which Saudis are believed to be the most charitable -- have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to Syria in recent years, including to ISIS and other groups. There is support for ISIS in Saudi Arabia, and the group directly targets Saudis with fundraising campaigns, so Riyadh could do much more to limit private funding. U.S. officials have hinted that a combination of politics, logistics, and limited capabilities have impeded more effective Saudi efforts to counter terrorism financing. One particularly difficult problem is how to monitor cash transfers, a method common among Saudi donors.

All of which causes me to suspect that until Trump launched his Presidential campaign, the USA, through CIA back channels, has been covertly allowing and maybe even encouraging ISIS support and, after Trumps run for POTUS was formally announced and he began raising the issue on ISIS, The US has been essentially play-fighting ISIS with no real intention of destroying them, and even proclaiming Russian attacks on ISIS controlled parts of Aleppo to be war crimes, which is just ironic considering ISIS behavior.

What a great research, thank you, Jim! I'd like to present just one small example of US led coalition directly helping ISIS. But there are a lot more, this thread would not hold them.

JimBowie said: the USA, through CIA back channels, has been covertly allowing and maybe even encouraging ISIS support

Putin: Americans insisted that we first need to declare a ceasefire and then they will take care of separating the terrorists from the non-terrorists. Finally, we agreed to make concessions, agreed to their terms, and on September 12 declared a day of silence and cessation of hostilities. On September 16, American aircraft launched a strike against Syrian army forces that killed 80 people.

At this same moment, immediately after the airstrike, ISIS launched an offensive in this very same place. Our American colleagues told us that this airstrike was made by error. This error cost the lives of 80 people and, also just coincidence, perhaps, ISIS took the offensive immediately afterwards.

At the same time, lower down the ranks, at the operations level, one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike. How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation?

This is how our ceasefire agreement ended up broken. Who broke the agreement? Was it us? No.
Answers to questions from French journalists from TF1 TV channel
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A chain of suspicious acts have long pointed, IMO, to some nefarious deeds in our intel community.

1. Turns out that Turkey was providing logistical and medical support to ISIS, as well as providing access to oil markets. and they are members of NATO and should not be allowed to do that. Our intel community had to be informing Obama of this and yet Obama did nothing about it, so it would seem he was at least tacitly allowing it.

2. All this comes out in the international press and Turkey was embarrassed by Russian sources into ending this support around July 2015, the evidence of which is the series of terrorist attacks directed at Turkey by ISIS, Erdogans meeting with Putin in Moscow (which went really well). This came after a Russian jet was shot down by the Turks for crossing momentarily into Turkish air space. Erdogan apologized for the downing of the Russian jet and apparently other things were discussed and Russian - Turkish relations have actually improved. The linked article on Russian PR embarrassing Turkey is summarizing the collective efforts over the preceding months, as I understand it.

3. There was an attempted coup in Turkey to put in place some clergy that the USA has been harboring and apparently aiding. Erdogan blamed this man and the US for coup and immediately began a purge of the whole country of pro-Western elements in not only the Turkish military but also in the Turkish media. When the Turks demanded that this cleric (Gulen) be extradited The US response was to demand evidence of his guilt, which is a joke since Gulen was a pro-Hillary Turkish national who very likely had complete support from the pro-Clinton CIA.

4. The Russian ambassador was assassinated by a Turkish police officer who had ties to ISIS (and the CIA?) which did nothing to harm Turkish-Russian relations at all, implying that both knew who was likely responsible for it.

5. Israel has been providing at least medical support to ISIS, and this implies that the CIA and Obama are also tacitly allowing this. This all ended in the last half of 2015 after July 2015, as I understand it. What else happened at that time? Donald Trump ran for POTUS and eventually began making ISIS an election issue in December, undermining Hillary Clinton's public position claims of opposing ISIS while she accepted hundreds of millions in donation to the Clinton Foundation from the Saudis and other Gulf states that have been bank rolling ISIS.

Saudi Funding of ISIS
There is a misconception that the kingdom does not get in the way of private Saudi financing of terrorist groups operating in Syria, including ISIS. Yet one of Riyadh's most observable counter-terrorism financing activities is its monitoring of the country's formal financial sector in order to block suspect donations. Indeed, social media fundraising campaigns highlight the challenges of sending such funds from Saudi Arabia to Syria. To ensure that their contributions actually reach Syria, Saudi donors are encouraged to send their money to Kuwait, long considered one of the most permissive terrorism financing environments in the Persian Gulf.

Riyadh's concern about blowback -- namely, the belief that allowing citizens to support terrorist groups hostile to the al-Saud monarchy will eventually spawn attacks on Saudi soil -- helps drive the kingdom's counterterrorism approach. In the mid-2000s, the country suffered a series of dramatic al-Qaeda attacks linked to Saudis returning home from the jihad in Afghanistan, and that experience was important in shaping the current mindset. As mentioned above, Riyadh formally outlawed private donations to ISIS and other groups when it designated them as terrorist organizations in March. That move may have been connected to increasing government concern about Saudi membership in foreign terrorist groups, and may have coincided with the investigation of the domestic ISIS-linked cell announced in May.

Today, Saudi citizens continue to represent a significant funding source for Sunni groups operating in Syria. Arab Gulf donors as a whole -- of which Saudis are believed to be the most charitable -- have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to Syria in recent years, including to ISIS and other groups. There is support for ISIS in Saudi Arabia, and the group directly targets Saudis with fundraising campaigns, so Riyadh could do much more to limit private funding. U.S. officials have hinted that a combination of politics, logistics, and limited capabilities have impeded more effective Saudi efforts to counter terrorism financing. One particularly difficult problem is how to monitor cash transfers, a method common among Saudi donors.

All of which causes me to suspect that until Trump launched his Presidential campaign, the USA, through CIA back channels, has been covertly allowing and maybe even encouraging ISIS support and, after Trumps run for POTUS was formally announced and he began raising the issue on ISIS, The US has been essentially play-fighting ISIS with no real intention of destroying them, and even proclaiming Russian attacks on ISIS controlled parts of Aleppo to be war crimes, which is just ironic considering ISIS behavior.

What a great research, thank you, Jim! I'd like to present just one small example of US led coalition directly helping ISIS. But there are a lot more, this thread would not hold them.

JimBowie said: the USA, through CIA back channels, has been covertly allowing and maybe even encouraging ISIS support

Putin: Americans insisted that we first need to declare a ceasefire and then they will take care of separating the terrorists from the non-terrorists. Finally, we agreed to make concessions, agreed to their terms, and on September 12 declared a day of silence and cessation of hostilities. On September 16, American aircraft launched a strike against Syrian army forces that killed 80 people.

At this same moment, immediately after the airstrike, ISIS launched an offensive in this very same place. Our American colleagues told us that this airstrike was made by error. This error cost the lives of 80 people and, also just coincidence, perhaps, ISIS took the offensive immediately afterwards.

At the same time, lower down the ranks, at the operations level, one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike. How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation?

This is how our ceasefire agreement ended up broken. Who broke the agreement? Was it us? No.
Answers to questions from French journalists from TF1 TV channel

There are three possible scenarios to explain this, and I start with the less harmless:

1) It is mere coincidence. That is simply not plausible. Such mistakes are rare and are unpredictable and yet ISIS seemed to predict this one as prep time for a successful offensive is measured in days, not hours and so they had to have been aware of it days before hand.

2) The USA is actively colluding with ISIS. While that is plausible and seems to have been the case prior to July 2015, it presents political risks that I doubt the Obama Regime would take.

3) The US Defense establishment is completely compromised and has enough informants for Islamic radicals that they are willing to burn some of these assets in order to take advantage of leaked information. Since such informants take time to ride the normal promotion cycles to upper levels of command and assignments, this implies that the Islamacists at their highest levels of command believe themselves to be in such a state of infiltration of the Pentagon that they can simply discard these assets by putting them at risk for the sake of small local offensives.

The last possibility is the most damaging state for our defense establishment and I think that is what we are dealing with.

Thank you President Obama for utterly weakening and corrupting US military and USIC capabilities. - Signed the Muslim Brotherhood
However, ISIS is much more useful for Russia, because creating a refugee crisis is essential in their plans to break apart the EU.

What is the profit for Russia to break EU? Where the Russian crimes and officials would buy their luxury cars, if EU fall? :)

They would prefer to sell all Russia to ISIS wholesale, than lose their access to Kurshavel and Azure Coast...
I think you are right.

The EU I think is something that Russia wants to keep in place so that it only has to bully one government in order to control almost all of Europe.
However, ISIS is much more useful for Russia, because creating a refugee crisis is essential in their plans to break apart the EU.

What is the profit for Russia to break EU? Where the Russian crimes and officials would buy their luxury cars, if EU fall? :)

They would prefer to sell all Russia to ISIS wholesale, than lose their access to Kurshavel and Azure Coast...
I think you are right.

The EU I think is something that Russia wants to keep in place so that it only has to bully one government in order to control almost all of Europe.

Maybe yes, and maybe no. Europe is big and partially is a ball of anti-Russian snakes... Russia prefers to have some useful contacts with friendly european countries and parties, and not to have any contacts with all others...
Maybe yes, and maybe no. Europe is big and partially is a ball of anti-Russian snakes... Russia prefers to have some useful contacts with friendly european countries and parties, and not to have any contacts with all others...

I think that that is a fair assessment of just about any nations foreign policy.

We have Neocons in our country who have delusions of a Pax Americana Democratic Imperialism dancing in their little heads, and I suspect that Russia has the equivalent as well.

This is why people with common sense need to intervene from time to time and bring their leadership some perspectives that more reflect Reality.
Maybe yes, and maybe no. Europe is big and partially is a ball of anti-Russian snakes... Russia prefers to have some useful contacts with friendly european countries and parties, and not to have any contacts with all others...

I think that that is a fair assessment of just about any nations foreign policy.

We have Neocons in our country who have delusions of a Pax Americana Democratic Imperialism dancing in their little heads, and I suspect that Russia has the equivalent as well.

This is why people with common sense need to intervene from time to time and bring their leadership some perspectives that more reflect Reality.

Yes and no :) Our Neocons are adepts of Pax Americana Democratic too, they usually producing anti-Russian propaganda and dream to end Russia and become a part of something under US protection :))

It's problem of Russia - we don't have now a force, interesting in external politics, to compensate aggression from majority of our neighbors... So, that's why they feel unpunished and increasing a level of provocations, till the serious conflict...
Maybe yes, and maybe no. Europe is big and partially is a ball of anti-Russian snakes... Russia prefers to have some useful contacts with friendly european countries and parties, and not to have any contacts with all others...

I think that that is a fair assessment of just about any nations foreign policy.

We have Neocons in our country who have delusions of a Pax Americana Democratic Imperialism dancing in their little heads, and I suspect that Russia has the equivalent as well.

This is why people with common sense need to intervene from time to time and bring their leadership some perspectives that more reflect Reality.

The problem with the EU is that all the countries must observe the orders from Brussels no matter if they like it or not. Besides Merkel and Hollande (both Washington puppets) are dictating them a lot of things they don't like. Fortunately, in 2017 France and Germany will elect their leaders. In France Hollande has less than 10% rating and will be replaced by Francois Fillon or Marine Le Pin and Merkel may still survive. Anyway, this year the relationship between EU and Russia may warm up, especially after Trump replaces Obama.
A French official Nicolas Duik said: Ordinary people in Europe are controlled by somebody they've never elected (mostly by those who lost in their own countries!), that's one of the biggest problem of the EU.
Putin: " One of the EU leaders – a former leader—told me that the ratio of binding decisions adopted by the European Parliament is higher than made by the USSR Supreme Soviet in relation to Soviet republics.

This means that the concentration of power at the top there is very high.
Answers to media questions
Since the global financial crisis of 2008, Merkel’s leadership has been tested on four different fronts: the eurozone debt crisis, the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Schengen crisis over refugees and intra-EU migration, and the creeping authoritarian tendencies of governments in Hungary and Poland. In all four crises, Merkel’s governments have dithered and German leadership has fallen short.

The EU today is more vulnerable to external aggression than it has been in 25 years, and Merkel’s moves to further antagonize Russia will only deteriorate relations. The refugee crisis has not been solved but merely been put on the back burner.

What’s clear is that if it remains under Merkel’s leadership, Europe will remain a fading power that both Trump’s United States and Putin’s Russia can easily ignore.
The West Should Hope That Merkel Loses

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