WT7: Silverstein vs the Official Gov't Report

No i tell the real truth with real facts and common sense to back it up.

Yes, I know. People who tell the truth are "truthers" and you just told me that you told the truth when it comes to 9/11, thus making you a 9/11 truther.

That's all I'm saying.

I'm sorry, i hadn't realized that you were already that far gone. You go on and play nice with the other children, and no running with sharp objects in your hand....

Dude, just messing with ya. Lighten up.
really? what was all that glowing stuff that flowed like a waterfall then? lead? silver, aluminum? silver
ahhh... kokodouche IT WAS NOT THERMITE IF IT HAD been there would have been no way to cover it up...
last time I checked It would have taken several thousand pounds of it to take down the towers and wtc7...

sure there was, the building fell on it. LMAO
only when you masturbate like now...
in reality none was found...
Thanks. Some of those questions certainly do deserve answers. Allowing the bin laden family to leave while all other aircraft were grounded immediately following 9/11 strikes me as requiring a legitimate investigation.

Yea, I think there's a lot of very strange things that occurred on that day that sparked the interest of a lot of rational, logical people. 3,000 Americans died and the Bin Laden family is getting a safe trip back home when it was a Bin Laden that was responsible for the attack? I don't care if they have no direct connection with the son, they're staying and being interrogated!

Problem is there's so many outlandish theories (like the planes were holograms, or that a missile was fired into the pentagon) that I think the credibility of anyone questioning any part of the official story is diminished. The demolition theory is a little less outlandish, and I've heard some decent points that are brought up from time to time. The collapse of WTC 7 does look like a controlled demo, and it was ODD that reporters reported the building as collapsed 20 minutes prior to it happening.

However, I realize there are a lot of intelligent people (likely the consensus of most engineers) that side with the natural collapse theory.


the engineers you speak of that side with the natural collapse theory do so because they if they are brave and speak the truth like over a thousand architects and engineers have,then they lose contract work.the thousand or so that have come out and said they were brought down with demoitions,they put their jobs on the line by doing so.many professors around the country have lost their jobs for speaking out and telling the truth,same happens to them as well if they do the same.

How about naming the landscape architects and sanitation engineers that lost contract work because they signed Dickie G's petition. :eusa_whistle:
Yep over a thousand......That's like 0.014 % of all the ones in the USA....

you dont mind posting the source of these "all" supposed engineers do you?

agent gomer ignores that all the others havent been brave enough like all the others are who were willing to risk their jobs to tell the truth,most americans are cowards,the others are too afraid to put their jobs on the line since they know they will get fired if they tell the truth as so many people have lost their jobs around the country for telling the truth.:cuckoo:
"risk their jobs" :rofl:

Rimjob thinks employers actually check Dickie the G's petition to see if any of their employees signed the silly thing. :rofl:
Yes, I know. People who tell the truth are "truthers" and you just told me that you told the truth when it comes to 9/11, thus making you a 9/11 truther.

That's all I'm saying.

I'm sorry, i hadn't realized that you were already that far gone. You go on and play nice with the other children, and no running with sharp objects in your hand....

Dude, just messing with ya. Lighten up.

well definitely not off to a good start.

So far he fucked up fuel oil, it does not "explode"
fucked up freefall, its not determined the way he said
fucked up the wtc 7 facade issue
and finally he thinks aluminum can mix with other stuff and glow yellow-white hot like steel or iron

nice source of total bullshit.
Yep over a thousand......That's like 0.014 % of all the ones in the USA....

you dont mind posting the source of these "all" supposed engineers do you?

Gee there must be a thousand right here in my county alone. I wonder how many thousands are in NYC? Architects, engineers, and Lord only knows who is counted in the A&E web site's over a thousand....I bet there's some real fine landscapers in there.......
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agent gomer ignores that all the others havent been brave enough like all the others are who were willing to risk their jobs to tell the truth,most americans are cowards,the others are too afraid to put their jobs on the line since they know they will get fired if they tell the truth as so many people have lost their jobs around the country for telling the truth.:cuckoo:

do they know he is a rat?
yeh thats the latest from lunarville!

Hate to tell ya but paint falls at freefall too when the walls its sticking to come down at freefall. DUH!

9 seconds?

How long did it take for this one to freefall?


Are you really comparing that to WTC7? Really? Show me the explosions on WTC7....

I asked you a specific question that applies to any demolition or your euphemism "collapse". If you are incapable of giving us the correct answer thats fine. (its the bold red one)

Yes numbnuts almost every truther video that shows the wtc7 coming down leaves out the collapse of the east penthouse which fell into the center of the building leaving nothing to hold up the facade which then fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds..... Of course it did there was nothing behind it....When you watch the entire video you can see this...
Yep over a thousand......That's like 0.014 % of all the ones in the USA....

you dont mind posting the source of these "all" supposed engineers do you?

Gee there must be a thousand right here in my county alone. I wonder how many thousands are in NYC? Architects, engineers, and Lord only knows who is counted in the A&I web site's over a thousand....I bet there's some real fine landscapers in there.......

yah real kool, but you are quoting numbers I would like to see how those numbers or who or what if anything are attached to them.

Not that I dont trust everything you say.
Are you really comparing that to WTC7? Really? Show me the explosions on WTC7....

I asked you a specific question that applies to any demolition or your euphemism "collapse". If you are incapable of giving us the correct answer thats fine. (its the bold red one)

Yes numbnuts almost every truther video that shows the wtc7 coming down leaves out the collapse of the east penthouse which fell into the center of the building leaving nothing to hold up the facade which then fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds..... Of course it did there was nothing behind it....When you watch the entire video you can see this...

and you think that has some significant value how exactly?

I mean since that is how virtually ALL in the footprint demolitions are done. Nothing new there

yup nothing holding up the facade in this demolition either.

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you have to contain aluminum to get it to glow, otherwise it just flows away like water while it is still SILVER.

I guess you arent real up on the facts?

Magnesium? Good question!

You tell me!

How many tons did it take to do this?

they accidentally forgot to show you that on tv

Show us what? And aluminum would only be silver if it was not mixed with a thousand contaminants. Rugs, linoleum, plastics, other metals, etc.............

No shit?

Specifically what contaminants are you referring to? Plastic? LOL

You tell me what was mixed in with it. Ashes from a million different things, but as i tried to get you to look for yourself so that you might learn something, the molten spill that truthers normally point at was right where the building had been reinforced to handle the weight of a battery bank...Hundreds of tons of batteries.....

Now tell me, if aluminum melted wouldn't lead? and wouldn't all the office material that came into contact with it burn up or melt, and you expect a clean flow of aluminum? Or did you think maybe that was hundreds of tons of thermite melting some iron? you did didn't you...I'm sorry i spoiled your wish......
I asked you a specific question that applies to any demolition or your euphemism "collapse". If you are incapable of giving us the correct answer thats fine. (its the bold red one)

Yes numbnuts almost every truther video that shows the wtc7 coming down leaves out the collapse of the east penthouse which fell into the center of the building leaving nothing to hold up the facade which then fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds..... Of course it did there was nothing behind it....When you watch the entire video you can see this...

and you think that has some significant value how exactly?

I mean since that is how virtually ALL in the footprint demolitions are done. Nothing new there

I'm sorry, i hadn't realized that you were already that far gone. You go on and play nice with the other children, and no running with sharp objects in your hand....

Dude, just messing with ya. Lighten up.

well definitely not off to a good start.

So far he fucked up fuel oil, it does not "explode"
fucked up freefall, its not determined the way he said
fucked up the wtc 7 facade issue
and finally he thinks aluminum can mix with other stuff and glow yellow-white hot like steel or iron

nice source of total bullshit.

Ever seen a thermite grenade dropped into a 55 gallon drum of Diesel? It's an explosion.
Please explain how the entire building fell at free fall
I explained the facade exactly, please prove me otherwise.
And you obviously don't know much about how molten metals act and how things react to molten metal. And I'm no expert, but I do know that lots of things were in the way of anything flowing out of that building.
you dont mind posting the source of these "all" supposed engineers do you?

Gee there must be a thousand right here in my county alone. I wonder how many thousands are in NYC? Architects, engineers, and Lord only knows who is counted in the A&I web site's over a thousand....I bet there's some real fine landscapers in there.......

yah real kool, but you are quoting numbers I would like to see how those numbers or who or what if anything are attached to them.

Not that I dont trust everything you say.

Look in a phone book for your area..... I bet you've got a few..........
It was prepped months in advance with nobody noticing because they had many signs saying construction,keep out.they used service elevaters that the employees did not have access to.
the paid trolls like gomer ollie,say it,and freewill ignore that fact that you go into a construction area with heavy construction going on,you get arrested.duh.they ignore that saying thats unsubstaniated theories.:cuckoo:

Well, all this talk sparked my interest so I bought two books -

9/11 Ten Years Later by David Ray Griffin
9/11 Commission Report

Going to read both and maybe report back later. The only logical thing I can do at this point. Cheers dudes!

you got one more you need to read.Debunking the 9/11 debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory. yeah first read the 9/11 commission report,then Griffins book,then this book of griffins as well which shreads to pieces the lies of the 9/11 commission report and popular mechanics.


After which you absolutely must read Debunking the Debunking Debunkers which completely exposes the greed factor behind (and pseudo science employed by) the Debunking Debunkers.

Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more :D
I'm sorry, i hadn't realized that you were already that far gone. You go on and play nice with the other children, and no running with sharp objects in your hand....

Dude, just messing with ya. Lighten up.

well definitely not off to a good start.

So far he fucked up fuel oil, it does not "explode"
fucked up freefall, its not determined the way he said
fucked up the wtc 7 facade issue
and finally he thinks aluminum can mix with other stuff and glow yellow-white hot like steel or iron

nice source of total bullshit.
thats gomer ollie logic for ya.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D
"risk their jobs" :rofl:

Rimjob thinks employers actually check Dickie the G's petition to see if any of their employees signed the silly thing. :rofl:

just the ones who bid on government contracts. :eusa_whistle:

yeah agent rat in the ass doesnt quite get that,He wont get off the crack he has been smoking to realise that many people like steven jones for instance who publicy questinond the 9/11 commisisons findings,got fired from job after that like so many others did.:cuckoo:
Show us what? And aluminum would only be silver if it was not mixed with a thousand contaminants. Rugs, linoleum, plastics, other metals, etc.............

No shit?

Specifically what contaminants are you referring to? Plastic? LOL

You tell me what was mixed in with it. Ashes from a million different things, but as i tried to get you to look for yourself so that you might learn something, the molten spill that truthers normally point at was right where the building had been reinforced to handle the weight of a battery bank...Hundreds of tons of batteries.....

Now tell me, if aluminum melted wouldn't lead? and wouldn't all the office material that came into contact with it burn up or melt, and you expect a clean flow of aluminum? Or did you think maybe that was hundreds of tons of thermite melting some iron? you did didn't you...I'm sorry i spoiled your wish......

ashes can mix with aluminum? news to me, got a citation how this feat is accomplished?

Stop pretending it was aluminum and demanding that I tell you what was mixed with your fantasy, how the hell should I know, its your fantasy!

Yeh and damn it lead flows away too why it is silver.

Did you sneak a crucible up there when the cameras were shut down?

office materials turn to ash not flow like a glowing river.

yeh if you picked up aluminum after it solidified it would not be mixed with office materials or other nonsimilar metals.

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