WT7: Silverstein vs the Official Gov't Report

I asked you a specific question that applies to any demolition or your euphemism "collapse". If you are incapable of giving us the correct answer thats fine. (its the bold red one)

Yes numbnuts almost every truther video that shows the wtc7 coming down leaves out the collapse of the east penthouse which fell into the center of the building leaving nothing to hold up the facade which then fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds..... Of course it did there was nothing behind it....When you watch the entire video you can see this...

and you think that has some significant value how exactly?

I mean since that is how virtually ALL in the footprint demolitions are done. Nothing new there

yup nothing holding up the facade in this demolition either.


Gomer of course will say this one fell at freefall speed but building 7 and the towers did not.:D:D
"risk their jobs" :rofl:

Rimjob thinks employers actually check Dickie the G's petition to see if any of their employees signed the silly thing. :rofl:

just the ones who bid on government contracts. :eusa_whistle:

yeah agent rat in the ass doesnt quite get that,He wont get off the crack he has been smoking to realise that many people like steven jones for instance who publicy questinond the 9/11 commisisons findings,got fired from job after that like so many others did.:cuckoo:

the schools depend on gub funding. Especially Purdue! LMAO
The CT allegation about the use of "thermite" is based entirely upon the misidentification of what was shown in 9/11 photos and videos and someone going around the 9/11 site and collecting some alleged "thermite samples" that were nothing of the sort.

So, by all means read the CT books. But understand that there is a perfectly valid and sound engineering explanation for all of the structural failures without any need for any explosives, thermite, stealth demolition teams or other CT allegations.

really? what was all that glowing stuff that flowed like a waterfall then? lead? silver, aluminum? silver
ahhh... kokodouche IT WAS NOT THERMITE IF IT HAD been there would have been no way to cover it up...
last time I checked It would have taken several thousand pounds of it to take down the towers and wtc7...

The word on the street is that GW Bush and a couple of G-Scout troops loaded the explosives and prepped the WTC for demo on a Jamboree weekend. The poor girls were then loaded onto American Air flight 77 and slammed into the pentagon to insure their silence. Ya can't be too careful.
To be absolutely honest, the bulk of my interest in the 9/11 theories lie beyond the implosion of the buildings themselves. I’m not an engineer, and after doing a bit of research, listening to some debates, I’m siding currently with the natural collapse theory (as I stated earlier). I really can’t understand all that stuff – given my lack of experience – and certainly cannot trust random youtube videos with “explanations” as to why things occurred the way it did.

To be honest, I’m more interested in some of the non-collapse related CT about 9/11 such as the NORAD exercise taking place on the same day, the hijackers funding coming from Saudi Royalty, the fact that the Bush family had close ties with the Bin Ladens, the insider trading, the talk to invade Iraq (which had no connection) within days of the attack, the fact they couldn’t find Bin Laden for 10 years, and when they did he was in a multi-million dollar fortress in some Pakistani Suburb, the fact a ridiculous amount of seals connected with the raid died under mysterious/tragic circumstances, etc.

The implosion thing is – honestly – not my main focus of interest. I believe hijackers flew planes into the towers, pentagon (not a "missile"/hologram guy), and that the towers were likely brought down as a direct result of this. However I believe that some trickery was afoot.


Thanks. Some of those questions certainly do deserve answers. Allowing the bin laden family to leave while all other aircraft were grounded immediately following 9/11 strikes me as requiring a legitimate investigation.

Actually that is a fallacy. The FBI cleared each individual on that infamous flight and it did not take off until national airspace was cleared on the 13th. BTW did you know that one of UBL's nieces is an American citizen and she left on that flight.

Thanks, Ollie. To be honest I have never really explored the details of everything the CT loons allege because it is all based upon their failure to comprehend the basic engineering principles. It stands to reason that the FBI would have done their job properly and that the CT were just throwing stuff at the wall hoping that it would stick. It just never rose to a level where I felt compelled enough to track that question down myself. And as it turns out there is nothing to it just like there is nothing to any of the other CT nonsense either.
Thanks. Some of those questions certainly do deserve answers. Allowing the bin laden family to leave while all other aircraft were grounded immediately following 9/11 strikes me as requiring a legitimate investigation.

Actually that is a fallacy. The FBI cleared each individual on that infamous flight and it did not take off until national airspace was cleared on the 13th. BTW did you know that one of UBL's nieces is an American citizen and she left on that flight.

Thanks, Ollie. To be honest I have never really explored the details of everything the CT loons allege because it is all based upon their failure to comprehend the basic engineering principles. It stands to reason that the FBI would have done their job properly and that the CT were just throwing stuff at the wall hoping that it would stick. It just never rose to a level where I felt compelled enough to track that question down myself. And as it turns out there is nothing to it just like there is nothing to any of the other CT nonsense either.

But then I don't know what I'm talking about. Ask them.... What they don't understand is that I've read more and watched more videos than most of them have, to include their videos....Some are better than a comedy hour....
Thanks. Some of those questions certainly do deserve answers. Allowing the bin laden family to leave while all other aircraft were grounded immediately following 9/11 strikes me as requiring a legitimate investigation.

Actually that is a fallacy. The FBI cleared each individual on that infamous flight and it did not take off until national airspace was cleared on the 13th. BTW did you know that one of UBL's nieces is an American citizen and she left on that flight.

Thanks, Ollie. To be honest I have never really explored the details of everything the CT loons allege because it is all based upon their failure to comprehend the basic engineering principles. It stands to reason that the FBI would have done their job properly and that the CT were just throwing stuff at the wall hoping that it would stick. It just never rose to a level where I felt compelled enough to track that question down myself. And as it turns out there is nothing to it just like there is nothing to any of the other CT nonsense either.

wow this guy is a loon,the fact that listen to anything gomer ollie posts,the chickenshit coward who runs off with his tail between his legs when cofronted with facts he cant refute.another agent troll that has penetrated this site.

the loons are you trolls who ignore what demolition experts say,architiects and engineers,high ranking militay officials say and expert pilots.yeah all those witnesses that heard explosions in the basement were all lying and all those EXPERTS are all wrong,anf gomer ollie is right,sorry troll,but you have no evidence in your ramblings that other buildings have fallen down in the past at freefall speed in their own footprints due to fires like bld 7 did and clearly no nothing at all about the laws of physics that it should have fallen gradually over a period of time and falen sideways.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

any junior high school kid learns that idiot liar.:cuckoo: and like your idiot troll buddy Gomer ollie ,you have NO ANSWERS FOR THESE FACTS IN POST # 58 of mine :cuckoo:

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What are planes made from? How many tons of aluminum were melted by those raging fires? How many tons of magnesium was set alight by those raging fires? Do you know what temperature magnesium burns at?

you have to contain aluminum to get it to glow, otherwise it just flows away like water while it is still SILVER.

I guess you arent real up on the facts?

Magnesium? Good question!

You tell me!

How many tons did it take to do this?

they accidentally forgot to show you that on tv

a MERE collpase of a building due to fire,doesnt throw steel beams weighing several tons over 6oo feet into the air either.:lol::lol::lol: the agents like gomer ollie and dawgshit will say compression of the air caused them to thrown that far.they always do.comedy gold.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
9/11 deliberately misstates what LS said.

Conspiracy theorists should be sued for libel, and if they can't prove their OP, should be fined to the limit.
a MERE collpase of a building due to fire,doesnt throw steel beams weighing several tons over 6oo feet into the air either.:lol::lol::lol: the agents like gomer ollie and dawgshit will say compression of the air caused them to thrown that far.they always do.comedy gold.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Ever wonder why so few posters bother to attach their Screen Names to yours by giving you the occasional "Thanks?" Perhaps you think the gov't conspires to remove them from you but the fact is virtually no one has any RESPECT for you or ANYTHING you say. Even like minded CT idiots cringe with embarrassment at the silly stupid shit (SSS) that rolls off your keyboard, Princess. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Ever wonder why so few posters bother to attach their Screen Names to yours by giving you the occasional "Thanks?" Perhaps you think the gov't conspires to remove them from you but the fact is virtually no one has any RESPECT for you or ANYTHING you say. Even like minded CT idiots cringe with embarrassment at the silly stupid shit (SSS) that rolls off your keyboard, Princess. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

most likely doesnt have a drawer full of socks like you & company?

9/11 deliberately misstates what LS said.

Conspiracy theorists should be sued for libel, and if they can't prove their OP, should be fined to the limit.

did they leave words out?

Does that mean that NIST will be sued for their mistatements or is that ok with you?
What are planes made from? How many tons of aluminum were melted by those raging fires? How many tons of magnesium was set alight by those raging fires? Do you know what temperature magnesium burns at?

you have to contain aluminum to get it to glow, otherwise it just flows away like water while it is still SILVER.

I guess you arent real up on the facts?

Magnesium? Good question!

You tell me!

How many tons did it take to do this?

they accidentally forgot to show you that on tv

a MERE collpase of a building due to fire,doesnt throw steel beams weighing several tons over 6oo feet into the air either.:lol::lol::lol: the agents like gomer ollie and dawgshit will say compression of the air caused them to thrown that far.they always do.comedy gold.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

I find "columns bursting in air" fascinating. Those brilliant white flames.

Should be the new national anthem!

well yeh explosives compress a lot of air.

So does dablunder beer farts and belches that we have seen so far. If they had oil dubya would be coming after them for brandishing wmd's
Yes numbnuts almost every truther video that shows the wtc7 coming down leaves out the collapse of the east penthouse which fell into the center of the building leaving nothing to hold up the facade which then fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds..... Of course it did there was nothing behind it....When you watch the entire video you can see this...

and you think that has some significant value how exactly?

I mean since that is how virtually ALL in the footprint demolitions are done. Nothing new there

yup nothing holding up the facade in this demolition either.


Gomer of course will say this one fell at freefall speed but building 7 and the towers did not.:D:D

Gomer would say that? You dont say?

huggers and daBlunders dont surprise me too much any more. On hugger thought the wtc perimeter was glass.
Another one on this board as a matter of fact was clueless how freefall worked.

I noticed my freefall test question was ignored. Not surprising when their panties are around their ankles LOL
Ever wonder why so few posters bother to attach their Screen Names to yours by giving you the occasional "Thanks?" Perhaps you think the gov't conspires to remove them from you but the fact is virtually no one has any RESPECT for you or ANYTHING you say. Even like minded CT idiots cringe with embarrassment at the silly stupid shit (SSS) that rolls off your keyboard, Princess. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

most likely doesnt have a drawer full of socks like you & company?

While there is no evidence that anyone here is a sock there is overwhelming evidence that neither you nor Princess HandJob have ever kissed a girl.
Here's a tip, KooKoo: Get a life (or at least some professional help).
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Ever wonder why so few posters bother to attach their Screen Names to yours by giving you the occasional "Thanks?" Perhaps you think the gov't conspires to remove them from you but the fact is virtually no one has any RESPECT for you or ANYTHING you say. Even like minded CT idiots cringe with embarrassment at the silly stupid shit (SSS) that rolls off your keyboard, Princess. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

most likely doesnt have a drawer full of socks like you & company?

While there is no evidence that anyone here is a sock


we know the typical dablunder social life however.
Thanks. Some of those questions certainly do deserve answers. Allowing the bin laden family to leave while all other aircraft were grounded immediately following 9/11 strikes me as requiring a legitimate investigation.

Yea, I think there's a lot of very strange things that occurred on that day that sparked the interest of a lot of rational, logical people. 3,000 Americans died and the Bin Laden family is getting a safe trip back home when it was a Bin Laden that was responsible for the attack? I don't care if they have no direct connection with the son, they're staying and being interrogated!

Problem is there's so many outlandish theories (like the planes were holograms, or that a missile was fired into the pentagon) that I think the credibility of anyone questioning any part of the official story is diminished. The demolition theory is a little less outlandish, and I've heard some decent points that are brought up from time to time. The collapse of WTC 7 does look like a controlled demo, and it was ODD that reporters reported the building as collapsed 20 minutes prior to it happening.

However, I realize there are a lot of intelligent people (likely the consensus of most engineers) that side with the natural collapse theory.


the engineers you speak of that side with the natural collapse theory do so because they if they are brave and speak the truth like over a thousand architects and engineers have,then they lose contract work.the thousand or so that have come out and said they were brought down with demoitions,they put their jobs on the line by doing so.many professors around the country have lost their jobs for speaking out and telling the truth,same happens to them as well if they do the same.

The math doesn't lie! The architects and engineers that can do the math come up with the same results. It is only those who claim to be engineers and who are milking the gullible CT crowd for all they can get that are saying otherwise. And yes, you are their victims because you lack the knowledge, math and critical thinking skills to realize that you are being duped.
What are planes made from? How many tons of aluminum were melted by those raging fires? How many tons of magnesium was set alight by those raging fires? Do you know what temperature magnesium burns at?

you have to contain aluminum to get it to glow, otherwise it just flows away like water while it is still SILVER.

I guess you arent real up on the facts?

Magnesium? Good question!

You tell me!

How many tons did it take to do this?

they accidentally forgot to show you that on tv

Do you understand what you are seeing? Why don't you tell us what you imagine is happening in that video?
I asked you a specific question that applies to any demolition or your euphemism "collapse". If you are incapable of giving us the correct answer thats fine. (its the bold red one)

Yes numbnuts almost every truther video that shows the wtc7 coming down leaves out the collapse of the east penthouse which fell into the center of the building leaving nothing to hold up the facade which then fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds..... Of course it did there was nothing behind it....When you watch the entire video you can see this...

and you think that has some significant value how exactly?

I mean since that is how virtually ALL in the footprint demolitions are done. Nothing new there

yup nothing holding up the facade in this demolition either.


Perhaps it is English to which you have a problem.

Façade: fa·cade
[ fə sáad ]

1.visible surface: the face of a building, especially the principal or front face showing its most prominent architectural features
2.deceptive appearance: the way something or somebody appears on the surface, especially when that appearance is false or meant to deceive

I don't see on in your video. But do notice one thing on all the videos you supply that are of controlled explosions. The building doesn't fall downf rom the top as we saw with all the WTC buildings all the floors fall at the same time.
What are planes made from? How many tons of aluminum were melted by those raging fires? How many tons of magnesium was set alight by those raging fires? Do you know what temperature magnesium burns at?

you have to contain aluminum to get it to glow, otherwise it just flows away like water while it is still SILVER.

I guess you arent real up on the facts?

Magnesium? Good question!

You tell me!

How many tons did it take to do this?

they accidentally forgot to show you that on tv

Do you understand what you are seeing? Why don't you tell us what you imagine is happening in that video?

Sorry you will have to point it out to them they are really not honest enough to admit what is obvious.

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