WTF? Deranged Ohmar Says Trump Would Provoke War W/Iran Over Lost Hotel Revenues...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This Islamic Terrorist-Sympathizing, TDS-suffering nut job either has the IQ of a 'Pet Rock', less common sense than God gave a doorknob, has been driven completely insane by grief over the terrorist IRCG group' leader's death, or all 3......

"Trump needs to immediately divest from his businesses and comply with the emoluments clause. Iran could threaten Trump hotels *worldwide* and he could provoke war over the loss of revenue from skittish guests. His business interests should not be driving military decisions.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
January 6, 2020"

So, according to Ohmar, Trump will start a war with Iran after he targeted and killed IRCG Terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani not because of the hundreds of people - men, women, children, US soldiers, US citizens - he has killed and / or whose death he is responsible for ... not because of the murder of a US citizen and wounding of others ... not because of the attack on a US Embassy .... not because of Intel revealing a plan to attack US ambassadors / citizens and US troops......

According to Ohmar Trump will start a war with Iran to protect the profits at his resorts and properties based on the fact that an adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani,
Hesameddin Ashena, twice tweeted a link to a September 2019 Forbes list of properties owned by President Trump on Sunday, followed by a direct threat to Trump after Soleimani's death.

(Just curious....Again, what was the Nobel Peace Prize winner's excuse for dragging the US into another war - right into the middle of a complex, extensive multi-nation/entity civil war raging in Syria...before walking out the door of the WH and leaving US troops in Syria to fight his war?! Was it to create more 'refugees' in Syria he was hoping would be welcomed into the US?)

Ilhan Omar Calls on Trump to Sell Properties, Says President Would Provoke War with Iran "over the loss of revenue from skittish guests"


Shieks ain't cheap to put up

every room has to have

glowing balls>>>


unconditional arms sales

and a beheaded mint zionist on the pillow

oh and.....a gold gratuity necklace is included in the bill......


This Islamic Terrorist-Sympathizing, TDS-suffering nut job either has the IQ of a 'Pet Rock', less common sense than God gave a doorknob, has been driven completely insane by grief over the terrorist IRCG group' leader's death, or all 3......

"Trump needs to immediately divest from his businesses and comply with the emoluments clause. Iran could threaten Trump hotels *worldwide* and he could provoke war over the loss of revenue from skittish guests. His business interests should not be driving military decisions.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
January 6, 2020"

So, according to Ohmar, Trump will start a war with Iran after he targeted and killed IRCG Terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani not because of the hundreds of people - men, women, children, US soldiers, US citizens - he has killed and / or whose death he is responsible for ... not because of the murder of a US citizen and wounding of others ... not because of the attack on a US Embassy .... not because of Intel revealing a plan to attack US ambassadors / citizens and US troops......

According to Ohmar Trump will start a war with Iran to protect the profits at his resorts and properties based on the fact that an adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani,
Hesameddin Ashena, twice tweeted a link to a September 2019 Forbes list of properties owned by President Trump on Sunday, followed by a direct threat to Trump after Soleimani's death.

(Just curious....Again, what was the Nobel Peace Prize winner's excuse for dragging the US into another war - right into the middle of a complex, extensive multi-nation/entity civil war raging in Syria...before walking out the door of the WH and leaving US troops in Syria to fight his war?! Was it to create more 'refugees' in Syria he was hoping would be welcomed into the US?)

Ilhan Omar Calls on Trump to Sell Properties, Says President Would Provoke War with Iran "over the loss of revenue from skittish guests"


Sounds reasonable to me
Can we please, please, please have a requirement that you pass a Civics test and not be a complete fucking moron before you're elected to Congress?
This Islamic Terrorist-Sympathizing, TDS-suffering nut job either has the IQ of a 'Pet Rock', less common sense than God gave a doorknob, has been driven completely insane by grief over the terrorist IRCG group' leader's death, or all 3......

"Trump needs to immediately divest from his businesses and comply with the emoluments clause. Iran could threaten Trump hotels *worldwide* and he could provoke war over the loss of revenue from skittish guests. His business interests should not be driving military decisions.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
January 6, 2020"

So, according to Ohmar, Trump will start a war with Iran after he targeted and killed IRCG Terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani not because of the hundreds of people - men, women, children, US soldiers, US citizens - he has killed and / or whose death he is responsible for ... not because of the murder of a US citizen and wounding of others ... not because of the attack on a US Embassy .... not because of Intel revealing a plan to attack US ambassadors / citizens and US troops......

According to Ohmar Trump will start a war with Iran to protect the profits at his resorts and properties based on the fact that an adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani,
Hesameddin Ashena, twice tweeted a link to a September 2019 Forbes list of properties owned by President Trump on Sunday, followed by a direct threat to Trump after Soleimani's death.

(Just curious....Again, what was the Nobel Peace Prize winner's excuse for dragging the US into another war - right into the middle of a complex, extensive multi-nation/entity civil war raging in Syria...before walking out the door of the WH and leaving US troops in Syria to fight his war?! Was it to create more 'refugees' in Syria he was hoping would be welcomed into the US?)

Ilhan Omar Calls on Trump to Sell Properties, Says President Would Provoke War with Iran "over the loss of revenue from skittish guests"


She's a loser, they are all sore losers.
So ... the fella skipped out on his hotel room bill and The Donald killed him ... I don't see the problem here, this worked great during the Middle Ages ... folks never skipped out on rent, ever ... not paying your debts isn't a civil right ... yeesh ... kids today ...
The bitch knows they are coming for her too lol........
You are making threats against a Member of Congress. Time to let the FBI know about your post.
Death is coming for Pelosi like it is coming for all of us. It just arrives sooner for her. She's 80 and Senile. Pay attention to her, she can barely read her speeches anymore, or recite her talking points.
Shieks ain't cheap to put up

every room has to have

glowing balls>>>


unconditional arms sales

and a beheaded mint zionist on the pillow

oh and.....a gold gratuity necklace is included in the bill......


Israel Bitch Slaps, Russia, Iran, and Syria all day long when they step out of line and those Bitches ain't gonna do DICK.

They just 2 days ago took a small flight of F-35s across Syria and in to Iran to take out a Missile Battery that Iranian Militias (General Soleimani) had aimed directly at Israel. They took the target out and were undetected even after the battery was blown sky high.

That's why YOU NEVER ELECT A PUSSY like Obama Bin Lying, cuz that Fag, they walked all over.

Not so with The Don.
Danger President Trump. Danger!

The establishment might have finally set the stage for the perfect false flag to bury the president.

Here’s the scenario.

We all know the evil Democrats would love to orchestrate a JFK-style coup to get rid of Trump, but fear the repercussions would mean another Civil War in America.

Warning! Stage Set For Trump Assassination

It's why we are seeing what we are the past few days . it's going to be a cross fire of information so the sheep are confused.
This Islamic Terrorist-Sympathizing, TDS-suffering nut job either has the IQ of a 'Pet Rock', less common sense than God gave a doorknob, has been driven completely insane by grief over the terrorist IRCG group' leader's death, or all 3......

"Trump needs to immediately divest from his businesses and comply with the emoluments clause. Iran could threaten Trump hotels *worldwide* and he could provoke war over the loss of revenue from skittish guests. His business interests should not be driving military decisions.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
January 6, 2020"

So, according to Ohmar, Trump will start a war with Iran after he targeted and killed IRCG Terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani not because of the hundreds of people - men, women, children, US soldiers, US citizens - he has killed and / or whose death he is responsible for ... not because of the murder of a US citizen and wounding of others ... not because of the attack on a US Embassy .... not because of Intel revealing a plan to attack US ambassadors / citizens and US troops......

According to Ohmar Trump will start a war with Iran to protect the profits at his resorts and properties based on the fact that an adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani,
Hesameddin Ashena, twice tweeted a link to a September 2019 Forbes list of properties owned by President Trump on Sunday, followed by a direct threat to Trump after Soleimani's death.

(Just curious....Again, what was the Nobel Peace Prize winner's excuse for dragging the US into another war - right into the middle of a complex, extensive multi-nation/entity civil war raging in Syria...before walking out the door of the WH and leaving US troops in Syria to fight his war?! Was it to create more 'refugees' in Syria he was hoping would be welcomed into the US?)

Ilhan Omar Calls on Trump to Sell Properties, Says President Would Provoke War with Iran "over the loss of revenue from skittish guests"


Yes, she is deranged.
The bitch knows they are coming for her too lol........
You are making threats against a Member of Congress. Time to let the FBI know about your post.

Was this like when g5000 threatened to shoot Melania in the face?
how's about that one where kathy Griffin (puke) held up trump's severed head? I mean. If that isn't threatening, there isn't such a thing.
If you are on here like I am a lot, you will find out that nearly every lefty troll, foreign asset want The President Eliminated. And I am not talking about Impeachment. They hate the guy and his family that much, and it's because he is disrupting their corrupt systems, and blocking their corrupt agendas.

Like I have said before, they thought they had it rigged, and they thought they were on pace to "End America" then Trump threw a monkey wrench in to their machine.
The bitch knows they are coming for her too lol........
You are making threats against a Member of Congress. Time to let the FBI know about your post.

Was this like when g5000 threatened to shoot Melania in the face?
how's about that one where kathy Griffin (puke) held up trump's severed head? I mean. If that isn't threatening, there isn't such a thing.
If you are on here like I am a lot, you will find out that nearly every lefty troll, foreign asset want The President Eliminated. And I am not talking about Impeachment. They hate the guy and his family that much, and it's because he is disrupting their corrupt systems, and blocking their corrupt agendas.

Like I have said before, they thought they had it rigged, and they thought they were on pace to "End America" then Trump threw a monkey wrench in to their machine.
again, it is their nazi style. eliminate that to which you have no control.

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