WTF--Rick Perry--Mitt Romney--How about Newt Gingrich

Most of us over 40 remember Newt's Embarrassing failure with the Contract on America, and could never vote for that Buffoon, and more than vote for the Clown Rick Perry.

Shit.....Republicans can sometimes be their own worst enemy.

I've got an idea.....why don't we just tear all of these GOP fuckers down and re-elect that Cheese-Dick asshole that's currently occupying the Oval Office.

I really don't mind this slug-fest going on right now during the GOP debates.

Better we find out everything now--than after we pick a candidate to run against a very polished--professional campaigner in Barack Obama.

It's going to get a lot tougher after the nomination--and we better pick the right candidate.

I don't think Obama is's just that everyone keeps saying he is. He talks like a street punk half the time.

I think a good campaigner is someone who every once in awhile trips over the truth. At this point only a sycophant thinks he has any credibility. He talks a good game but nobody with any sense believes him.

Standing out in front of a bridge saying that he knows of 4 that are ready to collapse....while he is in a position do something about it....then he neglects to tell us which bridges are in terrible shape......isn't that the legal term for criminal negligence???
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I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?

He can't and won't win oreo, his campaign imploded from the get-go and I don't think he can catch up.
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?

He can't and won't win oreo, his campaign imploded from the get-go and I don't think he can catch up.

You need to pay attention to where those fiscal conservative independents are going with this, where they go, I go, as they control the vote in my state and at the national level. And right now they are solidly in Mitt Romney's camp. I don't even pay attention to what poll states the republican leader, as the republican leader means nothing compared to the fiscal conservative independents, we are as republicans outnumbered by them and if we choose the wrong candidate and the one that does not capture their support, we are toast for sure this time around because it will re-elect Obama to a second term.

Be PRAGMATIC and select the best CONSERVATIVE who can go the distance and FIRE Obama in Nov of 2012. Mitt's that candidate.
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You know what disturbs me? This attitude that the candidate you like hasn't got a chance, so I'm going with X. Bullshit! One of the problems we have in this country is the media spoon feeding us the candidates they deem the front runners and then us settling on who has the best chance of winning instead of fighting for the person we believe would be the best in the job. Fuck Perry! Fuck Mitt! Fuck Newt! I like Gary Johnson because what he says resonates with me as an American voter. I'll back Gary Johnson until he either wins or drops out. Does he have an uphill battle? Well hell yeah he does. Look at last nights debate. Who did the first two questions go to? Perry and Mitt. Who did the hosts try to get to mix it up for ratings sake? Perry and Mitt. Folks, your "front runners" have been selected for you by the media because they are too lazy to actually cover the other candidates and provide worthwhile info on them to their viewers. Too many Americans have become lazy and just go with the vanilla or chocolate that they are told is their only choice. If you have a candidate you think would be the best person for the job, fight for them!!!

I see you are one of those " purists" that stands on your principles, wearing it as a badge of honor, if by standing on your principle you re-elect Barach Obama to a second term, your principle is ALL you are going to have left, because you have just doomed your country to it's end. And your principles will end up in the trash heep that's left of this country after his second term. Be PRAGMATIC and choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who can beat Barach Obama.
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You know what disturbs me? This attitude that the candidate you like hasn't got a chance, so I'm going with X. Bullshit! One of the problems we have in this country is the media spoon feeding us the candidates they deem the front runners and then us settling on who has the best chance of winning instead of fighting for the person we believe would be the best in the job. Fuck Perry! Fuck Mitt! Fuck Newt! I like Gary Johnson because what he says resonates with me as an American voter. I'll back Gary Johnson until he either wins or drops out. Does he have an uphill battle? Well hell yeah he does. Look at last nights debate. Who did the first two questions go to? Perry and Mitt. Who did the hosts try to get to mix it up for ratings sake? Perry and Mitt. Folks, your "front runners" have been selected for you by the media because they are too lazy to actually cover the other candidates and provide worthwhile info on them to their viewers. Too many Americans have become lazy and just go with the vanilla or chocolate that they are told is their only choice. If you have a candidate you think would be the best person for the job, fight for them!!!

I see you are one of those " purists" that stands on your principles, wearing it as a badge of honor, if by standing on your principle you re-elect Barach Obama to a second term, your principle is ALL you are going to have left, because you have just doomed your country to it's end. And your principles will end up in the trash heep that's left of this country after his second term. Be PRAGMATIC and choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who can beat Barach Obama.
That's how we got asswipes like Nixon and the Bushies, and nominees like Dole and McLame.

Fuck that shit....Might as well keep the Boiking.
You know what disturbs me? This attitude that the candidate you like hasn't got a chance, so I'm going with X. Bullshit! One of the problems we have in this country is the media spoon feeding us the candidates they deem the front runners and then us settling on who has the best chance of winning instead of fighting for the person we believe would be the best in the job. Fuck Perry! Fuck Mitt! Fuck Newt! I like Gary Johnson because what he says resonates with me as an American voter. I'll back Gary Johnson until he either wins or drops out. Does he have an uphill battle? Well hell yeah he does. Look at last nights debate. Who did the first two questions go to? Perry and Mitt. Who did the hosts try to get to mix it up for ratings sake? Perry and Mitt. Folks, your "front runners" have been selected for you by the media because they are too lazy to actually cover the other candidates and provide worthwhile info on them to their viewers. Too many Americans have become lazy and just go with the vanilla or chocolate that they are told is their only choice. If you have a candidate you think would be the best person for the job, fight for them!!!

I see you are one of those " purists" that stands on your principles, wearing it as a badge of honor, if by standing on your principle you re-elect Barach Obama to a second term, your principle is ALL you are going to have left, because you have just doomed your country to it's end. And your principles will end up in the trash heep that's left of this country after his second term. Be PRAGMATIC and choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who can beat Barach Obama.

Yessssss.........because more of the same is what this nation needs. Do conservatism a favor and stay home on election day.
You know what disturbs me? This attitude that the candidate you like hasn't got a chance, so I'm going with X. Bullshit! One of the problems we have in this country is the media spoon feeding us the candidates they deem the front runners and then us settling on who has the best chance of winning instead of fighting for the person we believe would be the best in the job. Fuck Perry! Fuck Mitt! Fuck Newt! I like Gary Johnson because what he says resonates with me as an American voter. I'll back Gary Johnson until he either wins or drops out. Does he have an uphill battle? Well hell yeah he does. Look at last nights debate. Who did the first two questions go to? Perry and Mitt. Who did the hosts try to get to mix it up for ratings sake? Perry and Mitt. Folks, your "front runners" have been selected for you by the media because they are too lazy to actually cover the other candidates and provide worthwhile info on them to their viewers. Too many Americans have become lazy and just go with the vanilla or chocolate that they are told is their only choice. If you have a candidate you think would be the best person for the job, fight for them!!!

I see you are one of those " purists" that stands on your principles, wearing it as a badge of honor, if by standing on your principle you re-elect Barach Obama to a second term, your principle is ALL you are going to have left, because you have just doomed your country to it's end. And your principles will end up in the trash heep that's left of this country after his second term. Be PRAGMATIC and choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who can beat Barach Obama.

Yessssss.........because more of the same is what this nation needs. Do conservatism a favor and stay home on election day.

I don't think Johnson has a shot. Perry has fallen off a cliff in the polls--he's no longer viable--so I expect someone from the lower tier to move up into second place behind Romney--and I am guessing that it will be either Gingrich or Cain.
I believe we have to keep an open mind for the "rest of the candidates". I want to see Newt's Contract with America and evaluate Cain's 999 plan. Let's get to know Santorum and listen carefully to Johnson.

I really think the media and the promoters of the debates are focusing on the top runners and not giving everyone their air time.

Who knows, we may see Palin and Christie come in. We may change our minds so we might as well keep our minds open.
NO Republican alive could possibly live up to (or down to depending on your POV) of SOME of the self proclaiming cons that haunt this place.

Just like NO DEM could possibly live up to my standards for what a DEM ought to be like.

Its damned easy for us to complain when our pols do not live up to their rhetoric.

But remember that they have to get their bills passed IN CONGRESS.

That means that often the bills they pass are far less idealistically pure than their supporters would have hoped for.
I see you are one of those " purists" that stands on your principles, wearing it as a badge of honor, if by standing on your principle you re-elect Barach Obama to a second term, your principle is ALL you are going to have left, because you have just doomed your country to it's end. And your principles will end up in the trash heep that's left of this country after his second term. Be PRAGMATIC and choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who can beat Barach Obama.

Yessssss.........because more of the same is what this nation needs. Do conservatism a favor and stay home on election day.

I don't think Johnson has a shot. Perry has fallen off a cliff in the polls--he's no longer viable--so I expect someone from the lower tier to move up into second place behind Romney--and I am guessing that it will be either Gingrich or Cain.

Just because Perry isn't the strong frontrunner doesnt mean he isn't in this still.
NO Republican alive could possibly live up to (or down to depending on your POV) of SOME of the self proclaiming cons that haunt this place.

Just like NO DEM could possibly live up to my standards for what a DEM ought to be like.

Its damned easy for us to complain when our pols do not live up to their rhetoric.

But remember that they have to get their bills passed IN CONGRESS.

That means that often the bills they pass are far less idealistically pure than their supporters would have hoped for.

I don't mind compromising on bills. I expect that.

What I don't expect is:

1) Passing bills that aren't read
2) Compromising to such a degree that the whole purpose of the bill is mooted.
3) Legislating so they can politically say they "did something" when they didn't do jack.

There are alot of times that nothing is better than something they produce and compromise. Obamacare is one.
I like Newt too. Out of all the hobos on stage, I think Newt would make the best President.
I see you are one of those " purists" that stands on your principles, wearing it as a badge of honor, if by standing on your principle you re-elect Barach Obama to a second term, your principle is ALL you are going to have left, because you have just doomed your country to it's end. And your principles will end up in the trash heep that's left of this country after his second term. Be PRAGMATIC and choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who can beat Barach Obama.

Yessssss.........because more of the same is what this nation needs. Do conservatism a favor and stay home on election day.

I don't think Johnson has a shot. Perry has fallen off a cliff in the polls--he's no longer viable--so I expect someone from the lower tier to move up into second place behind Romney--and I am guessing that it will be either Gingrich or Cain.

Well of course Johnson doesn't have a shot. He is getting the 2008 Ron Paul treatment. The media has deemed Romney and Perry the "front runners" and are too lazy to do their job and cover all the candidates. On the way to work this morning, I was listening to a local talk show and they were talking about Cain's win in the Florida straw poll. One of the three guys on the show said, "you know, I really don't know anything about Herman Cain". Which prompted me to yell at my radio, "you're a newsman, get off of your fat lazy ass and LEARN something about Herman Cain"! As long as the media keeps NOT going out of their way to talk to ALL the candidates, learn about them, interview them and report on them, we will continue to get the hand selected media candidates deemed the front runner and continue to elect the same old shit we have been electing. It doesn't matter if it is Clinton, Bush, Obama or will be the same vanilla ice cream with a little bit different topping. We need a change, a serious change and it is damned near impossible for the campaigns alone to get their candidate known if the media continues to choose to ignore them.
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?

Newt is morally not qualified to be President.

I would accept Paul or Santorum before Newt.
Newt is morally not qualified to be President.

I would accept Paul or Santorum before Newt.

Have we ever had a President that was morally qualified to be President? Truly we have not in modern times.

It seems funny to me that so many are willing to forgive the indiscretions of members of their party, yet will never consider doing so for the opposing party. Of all the candidates that raised their hands for this Presidential election, Newt is probably the most qualified. However, since he was unfaithful to his wives and had the gonads to go after Bill Clinton over a blow job, he somehow is not deserving of holding the Oval Office, but a man who could not lead a fly to cow manure is? Go figure.

Immie, I can go for Romney, Paul, and (shudder) Rick, in that order.

I will vote third party (I can't vote for Obama) before I vote for Newt.

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