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WTH? Canadian PM Spoke With HILLARY CLINTON About Afghanistan Because Biden And Harris Were AWOL

Canadians ain't had a clue in 200 years.
The American legion group my grandparents led in the city of Houston had me selling red poppies in a Weingarten's parking lot to people to help veterans of 2 world wars get by. I was 4 years old and people treated <s like royalty for supporting wounded veterans who were down and out.

Those red poppies were inspired by a Canadian soldier whose lovely poem people just called "poppies" was found on a piece of recycled paper found in a pocket on his dead body from a battle. I think the real name of the short poem was "Flander's Field" The national Auxilary of the American Legion sponsored the little red crape paper poppy sales all over the USA because of that Canadian officer's fight to the death near Flander's field where poppies grow on soldier's graves marked by crosses, row by row. It is likely the most loving words ever written to honor the fallen soldiers who fought together side ;y side to prot÷ct people fromtyrannical regiems like communism and other Hitlerian killalls.

No. Ive been to Canada several times. I never met finer people than our kind neighbors to the north. They are sensitive kind and caring people.
What from?? answer me this??
Ms. Penelope, with all due respect, President Biden was saying on camera he was reading what his leaders were telling him what to say. I heard it on Hannity tonight. A copy of the program will probably be out sometime tomorrow if it isn't already at you tube or Fox News now. Biden isn't able to construct information and he needs to resign or start remembering what his oath of office and the Constitution requires of him as the POTUS. He can't sufficiently lead this nation due to his likely dementia-riddled mind. I'm just as sorry as I can be, but his condition is not going to just vanish by tomorrow morning. :(
Settle down dickhead.
There will be no treason charges or leaving. Grow up.
yo, shit 4 brains...when you get a functional brain, which will never happen, get back to me....
and when you think you can have an adult conversation, let me know....
i didn't realize they let YOU stay in pre-k all these YEARS....obviously you haven't learned anything
I should say , so what??
Lol, if Trump wasn't making calls or taking questions after he screwed the pooch like Biden did. You would be demanding his impeachment. You're such a hypocrite, Trump proved how ignorant you people are, and Biden is reassuring it.
yo, shit 4 brains...when you get a functional brain, which will never happen, get back to me....
and when you think you can have an adult conversation, let me know....
i didn't realize they let YOU stay in pre-k all these YEARS....obviously you haven't learned anything
There will be no treason or leaving. Settle down Rambo.
And British PM Boris Johnson couldn't reach Biden by phone for 36 hours.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed earlier this week that after the Taliban took Kabul, he spoke not with Joe Biden or even Kamala Harris, but with Hillary Clinton instead.
Trudeau said “I also spoke last night with former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who shares our concern for Afghan women and girls.”​
He continued, “She welcomed our efforts and urged Canada to continue our work. Governments, international organizations, and civil society must continue to work together to support women and girls in Afghanistan. The Afghan people need the world to stand with them. And that is what Canada will continue to do.”​


/——/ VP Commie Harris finally speaks up: “I mean the president has, I think, shown great emotion in expressing, uh, sadness about some of the images we have seen, but we cannot be, um, in any way, um, distracted in any way from what must be our primary mission right now, which is evacuating people from that region who, who deserve to be evacuated.”
There will be no treason or leaving. Settle down Rambo.
yo retard, you deflected just like a good little sheep of the scum demonRATS....no surprise
so, once again:
yo, shit 4 brains...when you get a functional brain, which will never happen, get back to me....
and when you think you can have an adult conversation, let me know....
yo retard, you deflected just like a good little sheep of the scum demonRATS....no surprise
so, once again:
yo, shit 4 brains...when you get a functional brain, which will never happen, get back to me....
and when you think you can have an adult conversation, let me know....

All you do is abuse people yet it's me who has shit 4 brains.
You're just another brain dead hate filled low IQ redneck Republican .fuck off you piece of shit. You know nothing.
The American legion group my grandparents led in the city of Houston had me selling red poppies in a Weingarten's parking lot to people to help veterans of 2 world wars get by. I was 4 years old and people treated <s like royalty for supporting wounded veterans who were down and out.

Those red poppies were inspired by a Canadian soldier whose lovely poem people just called "poppies" was found on a piece of recycled paper found in a pocket on his dead body from a battle. I think the real name of the short poem was "Flander's Field" The national Auxilary of the American Legion sponsored the little red crape paper poppy sales all over the USA because of that Canadian officer's fight to the death near Flander's field where poppies grow on soldier's graves marked by crosses, row by row. It is likely the most loving words ever written to honor the fallen soldiers who fought together side ;y side to prot÷ct people fromtyrannical regiems like communism and other Hitlerian killalls.

No. Ive been to Canada several times. I never met finer people than our kind neighbors to the north. They are sensitive kind and caring people.

The poem is called "In Flanders Fields". I think every child who grew up in Canada can recite it from memory.

In Flanders Fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our graves,
While in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead.
Short days ago, we lived,
Saw dawn, felt sunsets glow
But now we lie in Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you from failing hands we throw the torch.
Be yours to hold it high.
If yee break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep
Though poppies grow in Flanders Fields.

That's from memory. It may not be 100% correct. I'm not sure of the line breaks, but we recited that poem every year in public school, and the Canadian Legion still sells poppies for to raise funds for veterans for Remembrance Day on November 11th.

These days, the veterans the Legion is raising money for, served in Afghanistan. The stretch of highway between CFB Trenton, where caskets were returned from Afghanistan to Toronto where they delivered to the families has been named the "Highway of Heros". Every time a casket came home, Canadians line the overpasses as the hearse passed below to pay tribute to our soldiers are they returned home.

I wish I could say that our government has kept their promises to our veterans. Neither the Conservatives nor the Liberals have come close to properly providing the resources needed for those living with permanent injuries or PTSD from Afghanistan - in some cases despite court orders to do so. This is a bi-partisan failure with equal blame for both parties.
And the answer would be,

1. She has no authority to be talking to other heads of state on behalf of the nation. She's a civilian, not part of the administration.
2. If she has had access to any classified information that she's sharing with other heads of state, she needs to be fitted for an orange jump suit. Again, total civilian.
3. That had better been a purely social call. If she's standing in for the president, she needs to be fitted for the orange jump suit. Again, total civilian.
4. Why is a foreign head of state calling and talking to a civilian about international warfare? She can't negotiate anything with him, she can't commit the US to anything, nothing. He might as well have called me. I could console him and tell him he's doing a great job.

Still don't think it's a big deal?

There's exactly zero evidence to support anything you've written.

Honestly? It's only a big deal because our traitorous President was nowhere to be found.

Beyond that? I don't see it as a big deal. Clinton was Secretary of State and had met with Trudeau plenty of times. There was a professional relationship there. Much like a retired General might be asked his opinion on a matter, it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that Trudeau called her just for her counsel, and nothing more.

There's no indication that she's talking to a head of state on behalf of the country or that she's sharing classified information. If she's "standing in" for the President, that would suggest that the President asked her to speak to Trudeau. He would be perfectly within his rights to request that of her (regardless of how bad the optics are). Lastly, according to Trudeau, it doesn't appear as though they discussed "international warfare". It sounds more like they discussed a shared concern about Afghan women and girls.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton; not in the slightest. But I also don't allow myself to go running off on ludicrous tangents just to criticize her...
I should say , so what??
So what? World leaders are trying to get in touch with Joe Biden in a time of crisis and he's not answering the phone? Are you kidding me? This is what you on the left have saddled the country with, Penny! We have two idiots as our President and our Vice President and neither one of them has a clue what to do in a crisis!
So what? World leaders are trying to get in touch with Joe Biden in a time of crisis and he's not answering the phone? Are you kidding me? This is what you on the left have saddled the country with, Penny! We have two idiots as our President and our Vice President and neither one of them has a clue what to do in a crisis!
Crisis? :laughing0301: Biden ended the crisis that 3 presidents didn`t have the balls to deal with.
Crisis? :laughing0301: Biden ended the crisis that 3 presidents didn`t have the balls to deal with.
You call what's happening now "ending a crisis"? We hadn't had a US service member killed in Afghanistan for a year and a half before Joe Biden "ended" things! Now we've got 12 dead and we're relying on the Taliban to keep the rest safe! I'm glad you think this is funny, August! I see it as just one more fuck up by the most incompetent administration I've EVER seen!
Trump would have gotten us out of Afghanistan...the difference between him and Drooling Joe is that Trump would have done it intelligently. Who closes down Bagram before evacuating people? Who's that monumentally stupid?
All you do is abuse people yet it's me who has shit 4 brains.
You're just another brain dead hate filled low IQ redneck Republican .fuck off you piece of shit. You know nothing.
AWWWW---BOO-HOO....did i upset the little whine ass bitch?
You're just a brain dead, hate filled, low IQ , pedophile supporter, anti-AMERICAN piece of shit. You know nothing.
FUCK OFF you scum demonRAT, piece of shit
Trump would have gotten us out of Afghanistan...the difference between him and Drooling Joe is that Trump would have done it intelligently. Who closes down Bagram before evacuating people? Who's that monumentally stupid?
Trump and Intelligently used in the same sentence. If you`re trying to be funny you failed miserably. Marines were doing dangerous duty in a dangerous place and lost their lives. That`s never happened before?
Trump and Intelligently used in the same sentence. If you`re trying to be funny you failed miserably. Marines were doing dangerous duty in a dangerous place and lost their lives. That`s never happened before?
It didn't happen in Afghanistan the last year and a half of Trump's term, August. Trump made it very clear to the Taliban that attacks on US military would be met with overwhelming retaliation. 13 Marines have died on Joe Biden's watch because he's seen as weak and clueless by our enemies. Nothing "funny" about that! It's what happens when you put a senile old idiot in charge.
Boris Johnson the English PM couldn't get in touch with Biden for more than 36 hours last weekend. That alone calls for either the 25th Amendment or impeachment and removal from office by the Senate.

Can you imagine any POTUS not being reachable by our best ally for over 36 hours during the takeover of Kabul? This story needs more attention. Had that been Trump the MSM and Pelosi would have been all over it non-stop, and rightly so.

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