WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

They could he didn't want to.

How do you know that?

He needs it to be true that that he has some shit to throw at Trump.

So, to him, it is "true".

Is it true that he didn't attend the ceremony?

Is it true the excuse was horseshit.

Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?

Assumption bias from an ass like you is both comical and sad.

lol... i have never seen an unbiased post from you yet.

So you are bitching that I am giving my opinion on a political message board?

I am not supposed to be unbiased you dullard, nor have I ever claimed to be.

i never said you were un biased. but i will say you have a comprehension problem just like cartoon boy. damn, no wonder trump loves you long time

No, you accuse me of bias like its a bad thing, trying to make it some character flaw.

You sound like a Trumper.

And you post like a mouth breathing TDS NPC.

all your posts are nothing more than "blah blah blah, Orange man bad, blah blah blah"
How do you know that?

He needs it to be true that that he has some shit to throw at Trump.

So, to him, it is "true".

Is it true that he didn't attend the ceremony?

Is it true the excuse was horseshit.

Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?


Come on man you know as well as I do that is bullshit, damn they can tell a Trumper anything.
lol... i have never seen an unbiased post from you yet.

So you are bitching that I am giving my opinion on a political message board?

I am not supposed to be unbiased you dullard, nor have I ever claimed to be.

i never said you were un biased. but i will say you have a comprehension problem just like cartoon boy. damn, no wonder trump loves you long time

No, you accuse me of bias like its a bad thing, trying to make it some character flaw.

You sound like a Trumper.

And you post like a mouth breathing TDS NPC.

all your posts are nothing more than "blah blah blah, Orange man bad, blah blah blah"

So the POTUS not attending the 100yr Ceremony for our men of honor is blah, blah, blah. Only from the folks who always hollering about our veterans.
He needs it to be true that that he has some shit to throw at Trump.

So, to him, it is "true".

Is it true that he didn't attend the ceremony?

Is it true the excuse was horseshit.

Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?


Come on man you know as well as I do that is bullshit, damn they can tell a Trumper anything.

I do not know that. THe idea that it is not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain, makes sense to me.

YOu can shove your "Trumper" shit up your ass, asshole.
So you are bitching that I am giving my opinion on a political message board?

I am not supposed to be unbiased you dullard, nor have I ever claimed to be.

i never said you were un biased. but i will say you have a comprehension problem just like cartoon boy. damn, no wonder trump loves you long time

No, you accuse me of bias like its a bad thing, trying to make it some character flaw.

You sound like a Trumper.

And you post like a mouth breathing TDS NPC.

all your posts are nothing more than "blah blah blah, Orange man bad, blah blah blah"

So the POTUS not attending the 100yr Ceremony for our men of honor is blah, blah, blah. Only from the folks who always hollering about our veterans.

He attended several other events, including a visit to an American Cemetery closer to Paris.

But you TDS twatwaddles focus on anything that allows you to chant "Orange Man Bad" over and over.
Is it true that he didn't attend the ceremony?

Is it true the excuse was horseshit.

Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?


Come on man you know as well as I do that is bullshit, damn they can tell a Trumper anything.

I do not know that. THe idea that it is not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain, makes sense to me.

YOu can shove your "Trumper" shit up your ass, asshole.

The motorcade was available Jackass, so quit with the weak ass excuses. Yep I said Trumper, because your bullshit is on par for a Trumper so shove that up your ass.
i never said you were un biased. but i will say you have a comprehension problem just like cartoon boy. damn, no wonder trump loves you long time

No, you accuse me of bias like its a bad thing, trying to make it some character flaw.

You sound like a Trumper.

And you post like a mouth breathing TDS NPC.

all your posts are nothing more than "blah blah blah, Orange man bad, blah blah blah"

So the POTUS not attending the 100yr Ceremony for our men of honor is blah, blah, blah. Only from the folks who always hollering about our veterans.

He attended several other events, including a visit to an American Cemetery closer to Paris.

But you TDS twatwaddles focus on anything that allows you to chant "Orange Man Bad" over and over.

Whooped fucking do, he should have attend that one also. If he not attended any of them you would be on her with some other bullshit excuse. Trumpers trumping. :backpedal:
Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?


Come on man you know as well as I do that is bullshit, damn they can tell a Trumper anything.

I do not know that. THe idea that it is not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain, makes sense to me.

YOu can shove your "Trumper" shit up your ass, asshole.

The motorcade was available Jackass, so quit with the weak ass excuses. Yep I said Trumper, because your bullshit is on par for a Trumper so shove that up your ass.

You said Trumper, because you are an asshole.

Safety sounds like a good reason to me. You pretend otherwise, only because it gives you something to attack Trump on.

If it was not this, you would be attacking him on some other made up shit.
No, you accuse me of bias like its a bad thing, trying to make it some character flaw.

You sound like a Trumper.

And you post like a mouth breathing TDS NPC.

all your posts are nothing more than "blah blah blah, Orange man bad, blah blah blah"

So the POTUS not attending the 100yr Ceremony for our men of honor is blah, blah, blah. Only from the folks who always hollering about our veterans.

He attended several other events, including a visit to an American Cemetery closer to Paris.

But you TDS twatwaddles focus on anything that allows you to chant "Orange Man Bad" over and over.

Whooped fucking do, he should have attend that one also. If he not attended any of them you would be on her with some other bullshit excuse. Trumpers trumping. :backpedal:

You are just saying shit now. Is there some magic number of events that if he attended, that would have made you admit he did a good job?

lol!!! You are just spewing shit out of your face anus.
No, you accuse me of bias like its a bad thing, trying to make it some character flaw.

You sound like a Trumper.

And you post like a mouth breathing TDS NPC.

all your posts are nothing more than "blah blah blah, Orange man bad, blah blah blah"

So the POTUS not attending the 100yr Ceremony for our men of honor is blah, blah, blah. Only from the folks who always hollering about our veterans.

He attended several other events, including a visit to an American Cemetery closer to Paris.

But you TDS twatwaddles focus on anything that allows you to chant "Orange Man Bad" over and over.

Whooped fucking do, he should have attend that one also. If he not attended any of them you would be on her with some other bullshit excuse. Trumpers trumping. :backpedal:

Same old chickenshit from a cookie-cutter progressive twat.
Trump calls off visit to military cemetery because of scheduling and logistics difficulties.

Why you gotta lie? Oh you're a democrat. That explains it all.

Wow! Just amazing how desperate Trumpsters are to excuse their crooked little man child! Calling someone a liar merely for repeating well established fact.

It really isn't surprising that Trumpsters are reduced to this. Your fuhrer ran a campaign steeped in open appeals to bigotry, and he got crushed in the Congressional mid term midterm elections.

He knows what's next, and he knows that dispite despite all his idiotic bluster, he is accountable. And he knows that he won't be able to run to his security blanket, doing schtick shtick at rallies.
Squish Snowflakes in the Sequel

Before you choke on your gloating, be aware of the fact that President Reagan lost the same number of Reps in 1982, then went on to win 49 states in 1984.

As for the Donald changing his tune, he could also decide that he didn't go Deplorably Populist enough this year.
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.

It was cancelled because it was too dangerous to fly a helicopter in, you dumb fuck. But if he did fly there the media would had criticized him for risking the lives of the flight crew and other cabinet members “just to get a photo op”.

Kelly went instead of the cowardly little fuck

A White House statement said the Belleau visit was “canceled due to scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather”, and said a delegation “led by Chief of Staff Gen John Kelly and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Joe Dunford” would attend on behalf of the Trumps.

Trump cancels US cemetery visit amid diplomatic embarrassment

Isn't Putin supposed to be in Paris too? Trump probably wanted to be there so that he could kiss Putin's balls yet once again.
"Vlad's Nads, Our Chads"

I can definitely understand why Dimmycrats would oppose somebody who has balls.
But trump has Vlads Vlad's in his mouth
Globalist Gayists

That would mean he's French-kissing the Russian strongman. French means cheese-eating surrender monkeys, but only Dhimmicrat apology tourists do that. So, no matter how gaily you giggle your Gotcha, you got nothing.
Trump picked a special day to announce his disparaging disrespect for the USMC. Anyone know what day today is?

Sure bub, President Trump picked today just because he knew there would be bad weather preventing his helicopter from being able to make it there.

No, Trump is a spoiled, weak little man who insulted his host before he even arrived. He's very uncomfortable in the company of real world leaders. He knows that the know he is a clown in way over his head. And he can't stand to be compared.
As Paris Perishes

His host, Emmanuel Macaroni, doesn't even have a country he's proud of. If I were French, I wouldn't want to be a nationalist either.
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.

It was cancelled because it was too dangerous to fly a helicopter in, you dumb fuck. But if he did fly there the media would had criticized him for risking the lives of the flight crew and other cabinet members “just to get a photo op”.
Other people got there.

Not by helicopter.
Blackout Diet

In Vietnam, my company had to go three days without food because the helicopters were grounded by rain. I had to kill my hunger by forcing down triple-strength black coffee with double-strength sugar.
How do you know that?

He needs it to be true that that he has some shit to throw at Trump.

So, to him, it is "true".

Is it true that he didn't attend the ceremony?

Is it true the excuse was horseshit.

Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?

Everyone else got there OK.
He needs it to be true that that he has some shit to throw at Trump.

So, to him, it is "true".

Is it true that he didn't attend the ceremony?

Is it true the excuse was horseshit.

Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?

Everyone else got there OK.

Did they? Or are you just assuming, because it gives you an excuse to smear those you hate?
donny's vanity has no limits. it's all about donny's 'ID' - as in the psychological sense.


The rain made the helicopter ride unsafe.

When did you realize that lying was the only way to advance your lib agenda?

You Trumpers believe any bile that comes out of Trump's mouth. Trump is a pathological liar and thin-skinner snowflake.

Trump canceled trip to French cemetery memorial citing bad weather

Since the weather made the helicopter ride not feasible, they couldn't just whip up a 55 mile motorcade ride.
How many other leaders cancelled because of "the rain"?

They all love to remember Americans dying to bail them out of their incessant bickering wars.
Is it true that he didn't attend the ceremony?

Is it true the excuse was horseshit.

Yes. No. So you are just throwing shit.

So he didn't attend because of what exactly?

Everyone else got there OK.

Did they? Or are you just assuming, because it gives you an excuse to smear those you hate?
The new excuse That DAMN traffic
i never said you were un biased. but i will say you have a comprehension problem just like cartoon boy. damn, no wonder trump loves you long time

No, you accuse me of bias like its a bad thing, trying to make it some character flaw.

You sound like a Trumper.

And you post like a mouth breathing TDS NPC.

all your posts are nothing more than "blah blah blah, Orange man bad, blah blah blah"

So the POTUS not attending the 100yr Ceremony for our men of honor is blah, blah, blah. Only from the folks who always hollering about our veterans.

He attended several other events, including a visit to an American Cemetery closer to Paris.

But you TDS twatwaddles focus on anything that allows you to chant "Orange Man Bad" over and over.

And there is old shriveled Marty who always supports El Dumpster even when he spits on our veterans who gave their lives ion France, trashes war heroes, calls POW worthjess scum, mocks a Gold Star Family & calls a soldier's grieving widow a liar on the day they met his coffin at the airport.

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