WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

Basically a French dog and pony show...
Marines don’t give a shit about such things
I guess we can suppose that you being a Marine you would know such a thing and have the moral authority to speak for all Marines. When and where did you serve as a Marine? And, thank you for your service.
The whole clown show was put on by the French... not the marines
Most, if not all, Marines know that Marines is always spelled with a capital M. Are you playing a little-stolen valor and trying to make folks think you are a former Marine? I thanked you for your service and you did not correct me. Today is the day after veterans day. Did you go out yesterday and get a free cup of coffee and donut or what? Did I misunderstand you?
Using a capital m matters a lot on a battlefield...
I’ve always said I served in the National Guard for eight years in the late 80s - early 90s ... LOL
Basically a French dog and pony show...
Marines don’t give a shit about such things
Fuck you, asshole. You know damn well if Obama had pussied out over such a memorial event, you and Fox News would be grinding your teeth about it for MONTHS.

This was a very important event honoring our fallen. And Trump has proven yet another pseudocon standard is just so much bullshit.

You traitors aren't patriots. You stand for NOTHING.

You stand behind a fucking draft dodging coward and his fake bone spurs who has dishonored POWs and won't honor our fallen in the Great War.

Fuck you.
The dog and pony show was put on by the French not the marines, low poll numbers probably had something to do Charade.

The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism...

A war we should’ve never been involved with...

Fuck Europe
There's nothing you can say. Fuck you.
Basically a French dog and pony show...
Marines don’t give a shit about such things
I guess we can suppose that you being a Marine you would know such a thing and have the moral authority to speak for all Marines. When and where did you serve as a Marine? And, thank you for your service.
The whole clown show was put on by the French... not the marines
Most, if not all, Marines know that Marines is always spelled with a capital M. Are you playing a little-stolen valor and trying to make folks think you are a former Marine? I thanked you for your service and you did not correct me. Today is the day after veterans day. Did you go out yesterday and get a free cup of coffee and donut or what? Did I misunderstand you?
Using a capital m matters a lot on a battlefield...
I’ve always said I served in the National Guard for eight years… LOL
You are allowed to pretend anything you want on an anonymous message board.
Trump dishonored the entire country, just because he was afraid his makeup and hair would melt in the rain.




Basically a French dog and pony show...
Marines don’t give a shit about such things
Fuck you, asshole. You know damn well if Obama had pussied out over such a memorial event, you and Fox News would be grinding your teeth about it for MONTHS.

This was a very important event honoring our fallen. And Trump has proven yet another pseudocon standard is just so much bullshit.

You traitors aren't patriots. You stand for NOTHING.

You stand behind a fucking draft dodging coward and his fake bone spurs who has dishonored POWs and won't honor our fallen in the Great War.

Fuck you.
The dog and pony show was put on by the French not the marines, low poll numbers probably had something to do Charade.

The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism...

A war we should’ve never been involved with...

Fuck Europe
There's nothing you can say. Fuck you.
Basically a French dog and pony show...
Marines don’t give a shit about such things
I guess we can suppose that you being a Marine you would know such a thing and have the moral authority to speak for all Marines. When and where did you serve as a Marine? And, thank you for your service.
The whole clown show was put on by the French... not the marines
Most, if not all, Marines know that Marines is always spelled with a capital M. Are you playing a little-stolen valor and trying to make folks think you are a former Marine? I thanked you for your service and you did not correct me. Today is the day after veterans day. Did you go out yesterday and get a free cup of coffee and donut or what? Did I misunderstand you?
Using a capital m matters a lot on a battlefield...
I’ve always said I served in the National Guard for eight years… LOL
You are allowed to pretend anything you want on an anonymous message board.
Think what you want to... you have the right
I guess we can suppose that you being a Marine you would know such a thing and have the moral authority to speak for all Marines. When and where did you serve as a Marine? And, thank you for your service.
The whole clown show was put on by the French... not the marines
Most, if not all, Marines know that Marines is always spelled with a capital M. Are you playing a little-stolen valor and trying to make folks think you are a former Marine? I thanked you for your service and you did not correct me. Today is the day after veterans day. Did you go out yesterday and get a free cup of coffee and donut or what? Did I misunderstand you?
Using a capital m matters a lot on a battlefield...
I’ve always said I served in the National Guard for eight years… LOL
You are allowed to pretend anything you want on an anonymous message board.
Think what you want to... you have the right
OK, Stolen Valor guy.
Trump is worried he will have a bad hair day. He could care less about dead soldiers who fought against his ancestors.
Let him rest. He's been overdoing what with all the campaign rallies and then an international flight to Europe. I'm serious. He's not very hardy, considering his schedule when he's back at the WH, not even leaving the residence 'til lunchtime and knocking off by 6. He shouldn't even be over there. Maybe that's part of the reason he's making stupid remarks about Macron.

I must have missed the stupid remarks. You being an expert on stupid could you recap them for us?
It was an American Cemetry as well.

“Donald Trump complained about having to stand in the rain, to speak about the massacre in Pittsburgh, because it messed his hair up (more),” said VoteVets in a tweet, referring to Trump’s remarks after a mass shooting two weeks ago in which 11 people were killed. “Today, he will skip honoring fallen American heroes of WWI, and stay in his hotel room, because of some rain.”

It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, and here's a real President....


It was a two and a half hour drive across Paris. What would that motorcade have done to the city's traffic?
The whole clown show was put on by the French... not the marines
Most, if not all, Marines know that Marines is always spelled with a capital M. Are you playing a little-stolen valor and trying to make folks think you are a former Marine? I thanked you for your service and you did not correct me. Today is the day after veterans day. Did you go out yesterday and get a free cup of coffee and donut or what? Did I misunderstand you?
Using a capital m matters a lot on a battlefield...
I’ve always said I served in the National Guard for eight years… LOL
You are allowed to pretend anything you want on an anonymous message board.
Think what you want to... you have the right
OK, Stolen Valor guy.
Typical control freak
What if Cadet Bone Spurs REALLY has a health issue?
I think being healthy would be an issue for the left

I mean like despite the fact that he is the healthiest president in the universe, and also in several dimensions incomprehensible to humans.
While possible, I'm not sure about that, but he is without question the most powerful president in the universe no matter the dimension, FACT
More than Kim Jong Il even.
I happen to know for a fact he suffers from nothing medical
How do you know this for a fact? Are you his doctor? Do you have access to his medical records? Or, are you just believing it because he said it? He's clinically obese, eats only junk food, never sleeps, and can't even walk a short distance without having to ride in a golf cart. You call that healthy?

Why do you care?
Anybody notice that every republican prezdent in this century have 1) been draft dodgers and 2) became prezdent although the majority of Americans voted against them, and 3) both are dumber than a box of hammers. We now know trump's scared of the rain, not sure about bush jr.
Somehow i dont think this is the real Bannon.

But this is the real Putin:

Putin has no hairdo.

Do he?
donny's vanity has no limits. it's all about donny's 'ID' - as in the psychological sense.


The rain made the helicopter ride unsafe.

When did you realize that lying was the only way to advance your lib agenda?

You Trumpers believe any bile that comes out of Trump's mouth. Trump is a pathological liar and thin-skinner snowflake.

Trump canceled trip to French cemetery memorial citing bad weather

Since the weather made the helicopter ride not feasible, they couldn't just whip up a 55 mile motorcade ride.
How many other leaders cancelled because of "the rain"?

How many others have the level of security Trump has/needs?

They planned on using a Helicopter and couldn't under the Secret Service's flight rules.

You can't just whip up a 55 mile unplanned motorcade ride.
So, it was a sudden cloudburst? No weather forecast?
It was an American Cemetry as well.

“Donald Trump complained about having to stand in the rain, to speak about the massacre in Pittsburgh, because it messed his hair up (more),” said VoteVets in a tweet, referring to Trump’s remarks after a mass shooting two weeks ago in which 11 people were killed. “Today, he will skip honoring fallen American heroes of WWI, and stay in his hotel room, because of some rain.”

It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, and here's a real President....


It was a two and a half hour drive across Paris. What would that motorcade have done to the city's traffic?
Progressives are Monday morning quarterbacking...

...and the clown show was put by the French not the marines.
Oh, are the Brits annoyed because the President of the United States cancelled a visit to a French cemetery? Boo Hoo. The elitist snobs should thank America every day that they aren't speaking German.
Its an American Military Cemetrey you thick fucker. Didnt you know that ?

Here is a picture of an American who braved the slight drizzle to pay respects.

Maybe the real reason is that the cemetery is really big and there are no golf carts to cart his obese ass around. We all know he can't even walk a short distance without one. Where was it that all the rest of the presidents of the countries were walking but he had to ride in a golf cart?

Fat shaming.

Wanna bet Kitty Momma weighs in at anything this side of 2 bucks?

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