WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

Are you a hack enough to realize you would have bitched about the traffic he caused if he did go?

Come on Marty, your argument is weak as hell. Wasn't going this cemetery one of the reasons he was in the country. He can cancel honoring veterans who deserve him showing up and showing honor to them, but dammit you better stand up for the national anthem. Talk about hypocrisy.

He went to another Cemetery which was closer to Paris.

Again, you would be complaining no matter what. it's what makes you a hack.

Did you hear that line on Sean Hsnnity.

I don't listen to talk radio. try again.

I know you heard it on FOX.

Don't watch cable news either.

Strike two.
Come on Marty, your argument is weak as hell. Wasn't going this cemetery one of the reasons he was in the country. He can cancel honoring veterans who deserve him showing up and showing honor to them, but dammit you better stand up for the national anthem. Talk about hypocrisy.

He went to another Cemetery which was closer to Paris.

Again, you would be complaining no matter what. it's what makes you a hack.

Did you hear that line on Sean Hsnnity.

I don't listen to talk radio. try again.

I know you heard it on FOX.

Don't watch cable news either.

Strike two.

Yea bet you don't.
There will never be another 100th anniversary of the November 11 Armistice to end the War to End All Wars; all other politics aside, Trump's behavior the entire weekend - from refusing to go to Belleau Woods for fear of a bad hair day to his refusal to stand in solidarity with the other leaders at the Arc d' Triomphe, flying home early, etc. - was a stain on our country, whether you are Republican, Democrat, Independent or politically apathetic.

This weekend should not have been about politics, but about the men and women who lost their lives in WWI, from 15-19 million military, another 23 million wounded whose lives were devastated, and 40 million total deaths when you include civilians. The War to End All Wars was based in nationalism - ego, greed, stupidity - and Macron's caution against the rising nationalism in Europe, South America and the United States was more than apt for the day, as we teeter so closely at the precipice of repeating the most shameful epoch in human history.

But Trump can't grasp that, because Trump knows absolutely nothing about history or diplomacy. If we are to preserve the Republic and her reputation around the world, we MUST get rid of Trump. I'll accept the religious nutter Pence in a heartbeat over anymore of the stain on our nation that Trump's despicable, spoiled manchild behavior constitutes. There really are no words adequate to describe the depravity of Trump.
He went to another Cemetery which was closer to Paris.

Again, you would be complaining no matter what. it's what makes you a hack.

Did you hear that line on Sean Hsnnity.

I don't listen to talk radio. try again.

I know you heard it on FOX.

Don't watch cable news either.

Strike two.

Yea bet you don't.

to be that far up the orange dotard's massive ass, he has to watch fox or do nothing but read right wing rag mags like breitbart, gateway pundit, & washington times....
There will never be another 100th anniversary of the November 11 Armistice to end the War to End All Wars; all other politics aside, Trump's behavior the entire weekend - from refusing to go to Belleau Woods for fear of a bad hair day to his refusal to stand in solidarity with the other leaders at the Arc d' Triomphe, flying home early, etc. - was a stain on our country, whether you are Republican, Democrat, Independent or politically apathetic.

This weekend should not have been about politics, but about the men and women who lost their lives in WWI, from 15-19 million military, another 23 million wounded whose lives were devastated, and 40 million total deaths when you include civilians. The War to End All Wars was based in nationalism - ego, greed, stupidity - and Macron's caution against the rising nationalism in Europe, South America and the United States was more than apt for the day, as we teeter so closely at the precipice of repeating the most shameful epoch in human history.

But Trump can't grasp that, because Trump knows absolutely nothing about history or diplomacy. If we are to preserve the Republic and her reputation around the world, we MUST get rid of Trump. I'll accept the religious nutter Pence in a heartbeat over anymore of the stain on our nation that Trump's despicable, spoiled manchild behavior constitutes. There really are no words adequate to describe the depravity of Trump.

Be sure to spread that butter all around evenly if you want to soothe the hurt.
Be sure to spread that butter all around evenly if you want to soothe the hurt.

I'm sure you think you're terribly clever, but the joke's on you, dear.

YOU and your ilk will have to live with the shame of having supported Trump when history is written.

And it is very clear that history won't favor Trump or his minion; the majority of Americans reject Trumpism, and the majority of the world's leaders and populations also reject Trumpism. You will one day be an ugly unspoken family secret, just like the good Nazis of old.

And don't think I don't know what I'm talking about; as the daughter of a 1st generation German-American whose cousins back in the Fatherland mostly fell quietly in line with Hitler, if they weren't brownshirts outright, I KNOW what I'm talking about. Those folks aren't celebrated in my family; they are a painful secret that I now speak openly about because I see the potential of it happening in our beloved adopted country unless the good citizens stand up and speak out in the face of demagoguery and budding fascism.
He went to another Cemetery which was closer to Paris.

Again, you would be complaining no matter what. it's what makes you a hack.

Did you hear that line on Sean Hsnnity.

I don't listen to talk radio. try again.

I know you heard it on FOX.

Don't watch cable news either.

Strike two.

Yea bet you don't.

For regular news I use the CNN website, I like to see how the "other side" views things.

I get my information from websites, opinion sites or otherwise.
donny's vanity has no limits. it's all about donny's 'ID' - as in the psychological sense.


The rain made the helicopter ride unsafe.

When did you realize that lying was the only way to advance your lib agenda?

sure, sure cartoon boy... you go with that.


You made fun of me for posting cartoons, and then post a cartoon?

Were you trying to poke fun at yourself, or do you just have the self awareness of a potted plant? A dead potted plant?

Just kidding. I already know the answer.


my cartoons mock. yours are graphic novel styled hero worship of cape crazy pants imitating thor..

now that's a false equivalency if i ever saw one.

And of course the lib has different standards for different folks.

If it weren't for double standards, libs would have no standards at all.

Regardless, are you really so stupid that you don't get that I post this to mock YOU?

Did you hear that line on Sean Hsnnity.

I don't listen to talk radio. try again.

I know you heard it on FOX.

Don't watch cable news either.

Strike two.

Yea bet you don't.

to be that far up the orange dotard's massive ass, he has to watch fox or do nothing but read right wing rag mags like breitbart, gateway pundit, & washington times....

Assumption bias from an ass like you is both comical and sad.
donny's vanity has no limits. it's all about donny's 'ID' - as in the psychological sense.


The rain made the helicopter ride unsafe.

When did you realize that lying was the only way to advance your lib agenda?

You Trumpers believe any bile that comes out of Trump's mouth. Trump is a pathological liar and thin-skinner snowflake.

That was easy for you to say. That does not make it true.
donny's vanity has no limits. it's all about donny's 'ID' - as in the psychological sense.


The rain made the helicopter ride unsafe.

When did you realize that lying was the only way to advance your lib agenda?

sure, sure cartoon boy... you go with that.


You made fun of me for posting cartoons, and then post a cartoon?

Were you trying to poke fun at yourself, or do you just have the self awareness of a potted plant? A dead potted plant?

Just kidding. I already know the answer.


my cartoons mock. yours are graphic novel styled hero worship of cape crazy pants imitating thor..

now that's a false equivalency if i ever saw one.

And of course the lib has different standards for different folks.

If it weren't for double standards, libs would have no standards at all.

Regardless, are you really so stupid that you don't get that I post this to mock YOU?


right....... you were posting that shit left & right b4 anybody started mocking you correll.... we both know it.
The thing that bothered me the most was his not taking the walk with the other leaders to the Arc de Triomphe. It was a powerful image and our leader was not there. I can't figure out how to put the vid in here, but it's down about 7 images in the link below.

Donald and Melania Trump attend WWI commemoration after other world leaders | Daily Mail Online

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told DailyMail.com in response to an inquiry about Trump's delayed arrival, that he was merely abiding by protocol.

'Due to security protocols the President arrived separately,' she said, without commenting on the possibility that he was talking privately with the Russian leader.
I don't listen to talk radio. try again.

I know you heard it on FOX.

Don't watch cable news either.

Strike two.

Yea bet you don't.

to be that far up the orange dotard's massive ass, he has to watch fox or do nothing but read right wing rag mags like breitbart, gateway pundit, & washington times....

Assumption bias from an ass like you is both comical and sad.

lol... i have never seen an unbiased post from you yet.
Don't know, or care, and neither do you.

As a veteran I think our veterans should be honored by the president. If this were Pres. Obama you would have been whining like a little bitch, but since it's your God being disrespectful now you don't care.

I know that Hillary would have been my active enemy as President, and I see the hate you libs have for normal Americans every day on this site.

So, yes, skipping a few photo ops, means nothing to me.

Any excuse will do, pathetic.
Trump may be a lot of things, but he does not hate me, and is not actively working to harm me.

That was an honest answer.

Hell, I admitted what you said was true. Other than your stupid bullshit about it being because he is a "God".

So, why the whining from YOU?

Hell that was only after you danced around it.

Danced around it? You mean when I said, "I DON'T CARE"? You thought I was being evasive?

What did you want? SOme F bombs as punctuation?

You are just whining now.
I know you heard it on FOX.

Don't watch cable news either.

Strike two.

Yea bet you don't.

to be that far up the orange dotard's massive ass, he has to watch fox or do nothing but read right wing rag mags like breitbart, gateway pundit, & washington times....

Assumption bias from an ass like you is both comical and sad.

lol... i have never seen an unbiased post from you yet.

So you are bitching that I am giving my opinion on a political message board?

I am not supposed to be unbiased you dullard, nor have I ever claimed to be.
donny's vanity has no limits. it's all about donny's 'ID' - as in the psychological sense.


The rain made the helicopter ride unsafe.

When did you realize that lying was the only way to advance your lib agenda?

You Trumpers believe any bile that comes out of Trump's mouth. Trump is a pathological liar and thin-skinner snowflake.

Trump canceled trip to French cemetery memorial citing bad weather

Since the weather made the helicopter ride not feasible, they couldn't just whip up a 55 mile motorcade ride.

They could he didn't want to.

How do you know that?

He needs it to be true that that he has some shit to throw at Trump.

So, to him, it is "true".
donny's vanity has no limits. it's all about donny's 'ID' - as in the psychological sense.


The rain made the helicopter ride unsafe.

When did you realize that lying was the only way to advance your lib agenda?

sure, sure cartoon boy... you go with that.


You made fun of me for posting cartoons, and then post a cartoon?

Were you trying to poke fun at yourself, or do you just have the self awareness of a potted plant? A dead potted plant?

Just kidding. I already know the answer.


my cartoons mock. yours are graphic novel styled hero worship of cape crazy pants imitating thor..

now that's a false equivalency if i ever saw one.

And of course the lib has different standards for different folks.

If it weren't for double standards, libs would have no standards at all.

Regardless, are you really so stupid that you don't get that I post this to mock YOU?


Now this is what is called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Anyone who posts a picture like this has a truly deranged view of Trump.

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