Xeno Doorway: Theology or Brainwashing?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The popularity of the iconic Alien sci-fi horror films including the most recent one (Alien: Covenant) has many science-fiction fans wondering if the bizarre predatory creatures presented in the films (creatures known as 'Xenomorphs') are in some way a re-presentation of a real alien-intelligence the U.S. government made contact with but kept completely secret.

These Xenomorphs (or simply 'Xenos') are very dangerous and adapt very quickly and resemble insectisoids bred with dragons(!). They are bizarre indeed.

Usually the little-green-men images of aliens we see are the ones we've known from films such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind and ironically the same images we see in rumors of real aliens observed by humans on Earth!

However, the dragon-like Xenos are not little-green-men, so the sci-fi writers and film-makers and designers behind the Alien films certainly drew inspiration from multiple sources (perhaps even dinosaur studies --- e.g., Raptors), however, it is also reasonable to assume that a real alien might not resemble a little-green-man but rather a very intelligent Raptor (or Xeno!).

So is it possible that Hollywood (USA) made the Alien films to keep the structure and identity of these real Xeno-like aliens a complete secret (so as to market them as simply 'imagination models')?

It seems government-coverups are a hallmark of modernism paranoia...



"Astronaut John Rogers was on the undisclosed NASA mission Apollo 20, which landed on Saturn using a top-secret high-speed jet-propulsion technology enabling it to escape Earth's orbit and travel far distances (farther than ever before!). Apollo 20 landed on Saturn on January 20, 1973. Rogers' crew brought back very strange photos indeed, and it would lead to a great government coverup."


"Rogers' crew discovered an elaborate illuminated underground cave-system on Saturn with many hallways and doors(!). These doors opened up into chambers containing various cryptic works of art with drawing-renditions of bizarre-looking alien creatures! Rogers' crew combed the chambers and collected as many drawings as was possible and brought them back to Earth safely."


"The drawings were analyzed by NASA and were officially described as 'archaeological artifacts' left behind by an unknown alien-intelligence. The creatures resembled large insectisoid-dragon organisms which seemed to be portrayed as rather intelligent (some of the drawings included the creatures meditating about being pierced by pure light --- perhaps the light of knowledge!). The NASA scientists named these drawn creatures 'Xenomorphs,' but since they looked terrifying, it was made secret. The CIA decided to hand over redrawn renditions of the Xenomorphs to film-makers, so they could be marketed as 'fantasy-models.' This way, if the real 'Xenos' ever made contact with humanity, we could claim that we'd made praiseworthy sci-fi horror films in their 'honor'."


"John Rogers never forgot all the doors that he and his crew of Apollo 20 discovered in the elaborate cave-system of Saturn. He never forgot the chambers that the doors led to and he never forgot about those cryptic and eerie original Xeno-drawings he found in those chambers. To Rogers, those 'doors-of-perception' in that Saturn cave-system (built by an unidentified intelligence) symbolized pure mystery. Rogers wondered how the real Xenos (if they were in fact real!) would interpret Hollywood's Alien films --- the first one, the original Alien (Ridley Scott), was made in 1979!"


INTERVIEWER: Do those 'doors' still haunt you?
ROGERS: I'll always wonder what the real Xenos will make of the Alien films.
INTERVIEWER: The government commissioned those films, since much was unknown.
ROGERS: Yes, cinema is a new 'social discourse medium' (even if it is just art!).
INTERVIEWER: Maybe the Alien films will be seen as 'Earth-responses.'
ROGERS: In any case, maybe art will be seen as a 'contact-experience.'
INTERVIEWER: Do you like or resent the Alien films?
ROGERS: I think they're the best humans have to offer for the moment.
INTERVIEWER: In terms of alien-intelligence respect?
ROGERS: In terms of alien-intelligence imagination censorship!
INTERVIEWER: This interview itself will be top-secret, ya know.
ROGERS: Sure. Maybe some day, a scientist will 'unearth' all this insanity.
INTERVIEWER: I wonder why alien-conspiracies are more intriguing than political ones.
ROGERS: Maybe humans are 'bored' with Communism...


Dear Abishai100
No need to delve into science fiction to question if unhuman entities exist.
The Christian and Catholic healers have been dealing with demons for centuries
as forces and beings outside the human realm. They have practices of identifying
them by name, and praying in teams to cast out their influences from possessing or oppressing people's minds wills and souls.

If you read the book Glimpses of the Devil by Scott Peck
he originally could not believe these Demons were real and under authority of Satan.
Till he encountered these speaking to him using his patients, but attacking him
with information not revealed to anyone that could only be attained by reading his mind and memories spiritually.
So that's what finally convinced him these Demons were real and independent entities and forces outside
the mind will knowledge and control of the patients they were speaking through.

Reality is more shocking than fiction.
When you find out it is real and has been here the whole time.

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