Xenophobes on parade

Xenophobes :eusa_hand:

Seriously--is that how the left intends to improve the world. Lump all the individuals who are opposed to them in one catch all group and place a misleading ad homonym on them ?

These people aren't afraid of foreigners. They are protesting a policy.

the left would take a stand for anyone and sell our country out if they can put down their fellow countrymen and women

they want to call people names, they are Un-American
i wonder if these people realize these women and children are trying to escape dying.....in a violent country....and yet we turn them away....shades of inhumanity
That is a DIRECT result of NAFTA. Most of the uneducated farmers lost their land as a result of falling prices and American Agriculture consolidation and Gov't subsidies.

I blame those that support the US Gov't version of "Free Trade".

Besides, they're NOT being turned away, they're just going to a DIFFERENT city in the US.

If it's NAFTA's fault it is our fault. No excuse to not give them asylum.

It is true that illegals from Mexico are PARTIALLY the unintended result of NAFTA. We gutted their most important crop - corn. And, we can look to Monsanto for part of the responsibility.

Entire towns and villages are dead now because the people can no longer make a living from the growing and selling of corn.

OTOH, we do continue to invite them here to work. We also buy drugs from the very same criminals these refugee children from Central America are running away from.

The US made this mess and we should clean it up.

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