Ya gotta love this guy...

If China were to demand full payment on the balance of the bonds that would be an act of war in my opinion. We would not pay up and the world would agree with us. Just not going to happen.

Why would the world side with us? Trumpenfuhrer has insulted Europe, he's insulted Asia, he's insulted Latin America... why would anyone side with us at this point in an international dispute?
Whoever takes over from Trump in a year or two (He will not last a full term.) will have an almighty mess to fix.
We are their number one consumer. China has no cards, no resources, no brains, other than over a billion people it offers up as slave laborers to be the world's manufacturing hub.

You keep telling yourself that, but the Chinese have done a pretty good job of setting up their infrastructure to compete with the US.

Again, China aren't the ones who pissed off the rest of the civilized world by electing a Nazi. We did that.

Joehammad, if you're looking for Nazis look no further than the Democrapic party, home to IslamoNazis like the Muslim Brotherhood. Was that you standing next to the Orlando shooter's father in the VIP section at at a Hillary rally? LOL

China is an authoritarian regime that routinely violates international law, that executes and tortures political dissidents and journalists, and oppresses and abuses its own people. Who's gives a shit what China thinks.
Whoever takes over from Trump in a year or two (He will not last a full term.) will have an almighty mess to fix.
Well at least you guys have something to jerk yourselves off to the next four years.
Joehammad, if you're looking for Nazis look no further than the Democrapic party, home to IslamoNazis like the Muslim Brotherhood. Was that you standing next to the Orlando shooter's father in the VIP section at at a Hillary rally? LOL

So, um, he was responsible for his Gay Son having a lover's spat?

Oh, that's right, it's "Terrorism" when it's brown people doing the shooting. When it's white people, it's "mental illness".

China is an authoritarian regime that routinely violates international law, that executes and tortures political dissidents and journalists, and oppresses and abuses its own people. Who's gives a shit what China thinks.

You mean other than it's a super power with nuclear weapons, that hold 2 Trillion of our debt?

The Zionist entity is more oppressive than China is.
Joehammad, if you're looking for Nazis look no further than the Democrapic party, home to IslamoNazis like the Muslim Brotherhood. Was that you standing next to the Orlando shooter's father in the VIP section at at a Hillary rally? LOL

So, um, he was responsible for his Gay Son having a lover's spat?

Oh, that's right, it's "Terrorism" when it's brown people doing the shooting. When it's white people, it's "mental illness".

China is an authoritarian regime that routinely violates international law, that executes and tortures political dissidents and journalists, and oppresses and abuses its own people. Who's gives a shit what China thinks.

You mean other than it's a super power with nuclear weapons, that hold 2 Trillion of our debt?

The Zionist entity is more oppressive than China is.
The father was a Taliban supporter and the son swore allegiance to ISIS you friggin' moron. So yes it was Islamic terrorism. Being bisexual is not unusual in the middle, it's a very repressive culture when it comes to premarital sex. Look up the film the Kite Runner with the Afghan boy as a sex slave to the Taliban, to understand your own culture better.

So yes, it's no secret, the Democratic party is indeed home to the Muslim Brotherhood and a whole list of bigoted, racist, assholes like you.
The father was a Taliban supporter and the son swore allegiance to ISIS you friggin' moron.

the son was also someone who frequented gay bars and had a gay lover. So there was a lot more going on there than just "ISIS" or "The Taliban" or whatever bogeyman you Jews want to drag up to scare us.

You are more likely to be shot by a white guy in this country whose behavior will be excused as "Mental Illness" than a "Muslim" Terrorist.

Being bisexual is not unusual in the middle, it's a very repressive culture when it comes to premarital sex. Look up the film the Kite Runner with the Afghan boy as a sex slave to the Taliban, to understand your own culture better.

Guy, sorry, man, I'm an American of German ancestry. I just don't think that if you are stupid enough to live next to people who want to kill you for stealing their land, the rest of us should feel obligated to get in the middle of your fights. THis isn't our problem, and trying to pretend every deranged loser who shoots up a gay club or his office is part of some greater conspiracy isn't passing the laugh test.

So yes, it's no secret, the Democratic party is indeed home to the Muslim Brotherhood and a whole list of bigoted, racist, assholes like you.

Only bigotry I saw was Trumpenfuhrer telling Willy White Trash his unhappiness was the fault of brown people instead of rich assholes like him.

And they fell for it. For now. When the jobs don't materialize, all the fear mongering in the world isn't going to save him.

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