Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

Orogenicman, Bendog and other anti-Russians: I wonder if you want to FIND the truth or to BURY the truth?

Here is a map from USA Today showing the demographics of SE Ukraine. It clearly shows that Ethics Russians are the majority. This group has shown with their voting over and over again that is wants to be with Russia. The rest of the Ukraine wants to be with the EU. The Ethics Russian do not have a problem with the Ukrainians being with the EU. But for some reasons they refuse to to give the Russians the same consideration. Check on number 3 three of this link.

Interactive Key geography demographics in Ukraine

And the demographics is not the point. The point is: a group of radicals with US&EU encouraging made a military coup in February, overthrew the legitimately elected president in violation of the Ukrainian constitution and told the whole country: we all are going towards EU. That’s why the people in the Eastern part started their numerous protest and demanding a referendum which was supposed to show where the majority wanted to go: to EU, to Russia or nowhere. Those numbers would really matter when the country wanted to make such a big decision. And Kiev junta preferred to start the war against those who disagree instead of having peaceful and democratic referendum. And that’s what EU&US keep supporting until now, blaming Putin at the same time without having any facts of Russia being involved into the conflict. “Putin’s presence” is a very comfortable myth for Ukraine and their supporters, otherwise it would be very difficult to explain to their citizens and to the world why official Kiev is exterminating its own people.

And below is a link to Malaysian investigation of a tragedy with their Boeing:
This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a fighter that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth.

MH17 Pockmarks look like from very very heavy machine gun fire says first OSCE monitor on-scene New Straits Times

As you can see, not everybody automatically believes Obama’s words.
your link does not show votes. But that's not really the point. In 1991, when the Soviet Union dissolved, Ukrainians voted 90% to not be in Russia. Putin's claim is that a minority of Ukranians have a right to secede from their country. Moreover, he only made that claim AFTER Ukraine gave up its nukes in exchange for Russia promising territorial integrity.

You continue to come back to the Maiden protests. Yes, the pro-Russian was forced from office. That was NOT what the EU wanted though. Yanukovych was initially voted in with Russian backed fraud, leading to the Orange Revolution. His second election appears to have been supported, but with failing support, he tried to back out of the European trade deal that was four years in the making. He changed the landscape, not the protestors. The EU sought new elections, but the protestors didn't want to wait. And post coup, he got again less than ten percent of the vote.

Over and over, there is a pattern of Russia seeking to keep Ukraine tied to it as a client state. Putin may succeed in cleaving off a portion of the country in a civil war. However, the result will be Nato becoming more militarily active. The Baltic states will be given more arms. Nato forces may be stationed as observers of borders.

PS, the solution to this situation is not rocket science (-: The US should stop messing with Belarus. If a quasi-Soviet, corrupt leader is to their liking, they should be welcome to him. We should not be funding regime change there.

Similarly, Putin pulls back his troops and hardware. Ethnic Russians are given civil law protections from discrimination based on ethnicity. They most likely will be viewed with suspicion, but that's hardly surprising. Still, end disappearances on both sides. Allow Ukraine to establish whatever trade ties it wishes. If Russia doesn't want Ukraine exporting VW's to Russia, that's fine.

I don't see how Putin can remain in power and give up the Crimea. I think there as to be a negotiated status. Honestly, I don't see what Putin's game was. Ukraine was willing to lease all the bases he wanted for gas. Although, arguably, Russia had greater historical ties to Crimea than eastern Ukraine. Perhaps some settlement of damages from Russia, and some UN protectorate status with Russia keeping its bases, and Ukraine allowing home rule.
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Orogenicman, Bendog and other anti-Russians: I wonder if you want to FIND the truth or to BURY the truth?
The west is not the enemy of the Russian people. And make no mistake, we did not want or desire to go down the road that Putin is currently taking us. That was his decision, not ours.
Orogenicman, Bendog and other anti-Russians: I wonder if you want to FIND the truth or to BURY the truth?
That was his decision, not ours. That is the truth.
“Whether Europeans, not to mention Americans were ready, to send the sons and daughters to protect Georgia or Ukraine? It is unlikely. So expansion of NATO was not carefully thought over military obligation, and the political act which undermined the purposes of alliance and irresponsibly ignored that Russians considered as the vital national interests”, – the politician adds.

“This process had to happen more slowly. The American agreement with the governments of Romania and Bulgaria about rotation of soldiers through their bases was unnecessary provocation”, – the former chief of the Pentagon notes.

US military leadership understands everything.
"Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?"

I think the world has calculated that we have a mental weakness in some of our citizens. There are people all over the world that would risk everything to come here yet some of our own are so spoiled and missinformed that we turn on some of our own elected officials for no rational reasons.

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