
Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country
LIE #1. Trump has never said to IMMEDIATELY just reopen the country flat open!
in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak
BULLSHIT LIE #2. OP, if you are so fucking stupid to think this little virus is the worst plague or pandemic to ever strike the planet, you've got more knots in your head that a 4X4 of pine! :auiqs.jpg:
Have no fear, 22% of Americans are braindead and would support Trump even if he came out with a plan to force the virus on every American in order to develop herd immunity.

Hey, what's 6-8 million more deaths in comparison to the "great Trump economy"? It's mostly old people anyway. :uhoh3:
The U.S. Lacks The Necessary Experience

It is beyond obvious people in U.S. lack the experience necessary in reacting most efficiently to a deadly pandemic. It has been many generations since the country faced the death toll potential of a COVID-19 type virus. A death toll significantly compounded by the ignorance and greed of the Whitest House occupant.

But, regardless of the deaths the impeached serial killer trump piles up. the US economy won’t “reopen” simply because the impeached president trump issues a proclamation commanding it do so, or throws countless childish tantrums. It won’t even reopen after most governors who have ordered it shut and citizens to “shelter-in-place” officially end those orders.

The economy will fully reopen only when the vast majority of Americans feel it’s safe to return to teeming workplaces, crowded shopping malls, packed airplanes, busy downtowns, thronged subways and buses, jam-packed sporting events and all the other places we swarmed before the pandemic.

When will such time come? That will depend, in part, on testing and tracking becoming sufficiently widespread that Americans see that the virus is under some degree of predictable control. It may ultimately depend on the development and dissemination of a vaccine to protect against it.

This much is certain. Reasonable people won’t feel safe or be lulled into complacency as long as thousands continue to die each day from Covid-19. They may not feel safe even after deaths have “peaked” and we’re on the down-slope of the horrifying curve.

Given the ongoing level of incompetence and greed demonstrated by the impeached president trump in his reaction to the pandemic so far, his next move will likely be to declare an end to the safety net “extras” Americans have relied on during these frightening weeks. Naturally his devoted fanatics will swallow his lies that these safety net extra benefits are no longer needed, and that forcing the lazy people back to work is the best action possible. When the impeached president trump’s decision inevitably results in coronavirus cases and deaths surging once again, he will place blame everywhere but where it belongs.

This would postpone, indefinitely the reopening of the economy. It would also further erode the already tenuous trust felt by most people for the nation’s leadership, making the next “all clear” signal even less persuasive.

However, for the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics who believe he has only their best interests and well-being in mind, please, follow their hero’s instructions to the letter. Those of us remaining safely at home observing “shelter-in-place” orders appreciate the conservatives' sacrifice and their willingness to accept every lie and piece of misinformation their impeached idol spews as fact. Conservative denial has stopped them from facing reality for decades, so reasonable Americans ask the conservative to, please, rely on that same denial and believe it will stop the coronavirus from killing you.

Again, those of us who are relying on the knowledge of scientists and medical experts for help in our decision making, wish to thank conservatives for putting their faith in a reality show huckster, his paid yes-men (and women), and their clergy. Of course, over the decades we’ve all seen the failure “thoughts and prayers” have had on ending mass shootings in this country . (Although, March 2020 was the first March without a school shooting in the U.S. since 2002. But since most schools were closed in early March, those numbers are somewhat skewed, and will motivate the overly religious folks to give “thoughts and prayers” undeserved credit.) Never the less, conservatives nationwide must resist governors’ and local politicians’ “shelter-in-place” orders if they expect to prove their total faith in their impeached hero and save their own economic security.

shelter in place 2.jpg

Have no fear, 22% of Americans are braindead and would support Trump even if he came out with a plan to force the virus on every American in order to develop herd immunity.

Hey, what's 6-8 million more deaths in comparison to the "great Trump economy"? It's mostly old people anyway. :uhoh3:

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but we have to be real, there is no way of knowing if it is better to spread COVID-19 as much as possible, or not.

The reality is that everyone likely will get this airborn virus, just like everyone gets seasonal colds, flu, etc. And clearly the seasonal flu does and has killed way more.
The world COVID-19 death toll is only 170k currently, and not likely to more than double or so.

If this is seasonal and just a variant of the 2009 SARS, then if one does not get it now and gain immunity, then it will just be more lethal next time it comes around.

Social distancing and lock downs slow the spread, but there is no reason at all to believe the total death rate is not the exact same, as long as hospitals are not over whelmed.
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
Oh my gosh, you are the biggest dupe on this entire site. You really don’t know how the agenda-driven msm works, do you?
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
What is truly disgusting about these brain dead bastards is that their leader in cheat, ie Trump would rather see every damn one of em drop dead, than risk not having a good economy to stand on this Nov. See this is what happens when you take credit for another man's labor, ie Obama and then do nothing else but tweet and hold Klan rallies for the last 3 fuckin years. These brain dead bastards are willing to risk their lives and ours for a white bitch that could care less about any of us, let alone this country. All that whore cares about is a fake economy and Wall Street shining again...which it will not, thank God.
Have no fear, 22% of Americans are braindead and would support Trump even if he came out with a plan to force the virus on every American in order to develop herd immunity.

Hey, what's 6-8 million more deaths in comparison to the "great Trump economy"? It's mostly old people anyway. :uhoh3:

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but we have to be real, there is no way of knowing if it is better to spread COVID-19 as much as possible, or not.

The reality is that everyone likely will get this airborn virus, just like everyone gets seasonal colds, flu, etc. And clearly the seasonal flu does and has killed way more.
The world COVID-19 death toll is only 170k currently, and not likely to more than double or so.

If this is seasonal and just a variant of the 2009 SARS, then if one does not get it now and gain immunity, then it will just be more lethal next time it comes around.

Social distancing and lock downs slow the spread, but there is no reason at all to believe the total death rate is not the exact same, as long as hospitals are not over whelmed.

There are two primary reasons for social distancing:

1. Hospitals would be overwhelmed if suddenly 330 million Americans were infected with C19. Our entire health care system would crash and burn. Millions would die.

2. Yes - millions will get it, but slowing the spread buys time on the development of a vaccine.
are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country
LIE #1. Trump has never said to IMMEDIATELY just reopen the country flat open!
in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak
BULLSHIT LIE #2. OP, if you are so fucking stupid to think this little virus is the worst plague or pandemic to ever strike the planet, you've got more knots in your head that a 4X4 of pine! :auiqs.jpg:

I never said that. It is a pandemic though, and there is a Scientific way to fight a Pandemic. TAIWAN did it, and they now enjoy the benefits of that action. Only 6 deaths and schools are still open in Taiwan. Meanwhile Trump waited for months to do what Taiwan did back in January and now we have 41,000+ dead and half of the economy shut down.

TRUMPTARDS believe its nothing more than seasonal flu. TRUMPTARDS don't understand what a pandemic is let alone how you fight and defeat a pandemic.
Have no fear, 22% of Americans are braindead and would support Trump even if he came out with a plan to force the virus on every American in order to develop herd immunity.

Hey, what's 6-8 million more deaths in comparison to the "great Trump economy"? It's mostly old people anyway. :uhoh3:

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but we have to be real, there is no way of knowing if it is better to spread COVID-19 as much as possible, or not.

The reality is that everyone likely will get this airborn virus, just like everyone gets seasonal colds, flu, etc. And clearly the seasonal flu does and has killed way more.
The world COVID-19 death toll is only 170k currently, and not likely to more than double or so.

If this is seasonal and just a variant of the 2009 SARS, then if one does not get it now and gain immunity, then it will just be more lethal next time it comes around.

Social distancing and lock downs slow the spread, but there is no reason at all to believe the total death rate is not the exact same, as long as hospitals are not over whelmed.

There are two primary reasons for social distancing:

1. Hospitals would be overwhelmed if suddenly 330 million Americans were infected with C19. Our entire health care system would crash and burn. Millions would die.

2. Yes - millions will get it, but slowing the spread buys time on the development of a vaccine.
Talking to a Trump nut is like talking to Trump.....there's nothing there, dude, nothing but dead brain cells and left over Trump juice from the crack of his ass ho.
Have no fear, 22% of Americans are braindead and would support Trump even if he came out with a plan to force the virus on every American in order to develop herd immunity.

Hey, what's 6-8 million more deaths in comparison to the "great Trump economy"? It's mostly old people anyway. :uhoh3:

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but we have to be real, there is no way of knowing if it is better to spread COVID-19 as much as possible, or not.

The reality is that everyone likely will get this airborn virus, just like everyone gets seasonal colds, flu, etc. And clearly the seasonal flu does and has killed way more.
The world COVID-19 death toll is only 170k currently, and not likely to more than double or so.

If this is seasonal and just a variant of the 2009 SARS, then if one does not get it now and gain immunity, then it will just be more lethal next time it comes around.

Social distancing and lock downs slow the spread, but there is no reason at all to believe the total death rate is not the exact same, as long as hospitals are not over whelmed.

There are two primary reasons for social distancing:

1. Hospitals would be overwhelmed if suddenly 330 million Americans were infected with C19. Our entire health care system would crash and burn. Millions would die.

2. Yes - millions will get it, but slowing the spread buys time on the development of a vaccine.
Talking to a Trump nut is like talking to Trump.....there's nothing there, dude, nothing but dead brain cells and left over Trump juice from the crack of his ass ho.

Oh I don't figure Rigby5 is a Trump nut. Thank God too, we got enough of those around here. :wink:
Have no fear, 22% of Americans are braindead and would support Trump even if he came out with a plan to force the virus on every American in order to develop herd immunity.

Hey, what's 6-8 million more deaths in comparison to the "great Trump economy"? It's mostly old people anyway. :uhoh3:

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but we have to be real, there is no way of knowing if it is better to spread COVID-19 as much as possible, or not.

The reality is that everyone likely will get this airborn virus, just like everyone gets seasonal colds, flu, etc. And clearly the seasonal flu does and has killed way more.
The world COVID-19 death toll is only 170k currently, and not likely to more than double or so.

If this is seasonal and just a variant of the 2009 SARS, then if one does not get it now and gain immunity, then it will just be more lethal next time it comes around.

Social distancing and lock downs slow the spread, but there is no reason at all to believe the total death rate is not the exact same, as long as hospitals are not over whelmed.

Sorry, but your dead wrong. The SCIENCE of pandemics and fighting them says so. So do excellent examples from the 1918 pandemic.

Read this article: A Parade That Killed Thousands

Its about what happened in Philadelphia when organizers went ahead with a parade that doctors tried to stop. It also shows the difference in cities that did not follow Philadelphia's example. Ultimately they SAVED PEOPE'S LIVES. They had less infections and less deaths.

Its history, read it and educate yourself:
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
Oh my gosh, you are the biggest dupe on this entire site. You really don’t know how the agenda-driven msm works, do you?

I understand SCIENCE, something most Trumpers don't seem to know much about or make smart decisions based on SCIENCE.
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
What is truly disgusting about these brain dead bastards is that their leader in cheat, ie Trump would rather see every damn one of em drop dead, than risk not having a good economy to stand on this Nov. See this is what happens when you take credit for another man's labor, ie Obama and then do nothing else but tweet and hold Klan rallies for the last 3 fuckin years. These brain dead bastards are willing to risk their lives and ours for a white bitch that could care less about any of us, let alone this country. All that whore cares about is a fake economy and Wall Street shining again...which it will not, thank God.

Only 6 more months until he is voted out of the Whitehouse. Democrats should control congress and the Whitehouse by the end of the year. Then will see what the Trumptards do then.
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%

If those people keep gathering in large crowds without any social distancing or masks or gloves, there won't be 22% anymore.

Those people dying from the virus will bring that number considerably lower.

From what I've seen they're old, fat and probably have preexisting conditions that comes with being fat and old. Which people like that don't usually survive the virus.

These are human beings. Stupid ones but they shouldn't have to pay for their stupidity with their lives. People love them and depend on them.

The people they spread the virus to don't deserve to have to deal with all that comes from getting the virus or possibly dying from the virus.

I really wish people would stop being so stupid and selfish.
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
What is truly disgusting about these brain dead bastards is that their leader in cheat, ie Trump would rather see every damn one of em drop dead, than risk not having a good economy to stand on this Nov. See this is what happens when you take credit for another man's labor, ie Obama and then do nothing else but tweet and hold Klan rallies for the last 3 fuckin years. These brain dead bastards are willing to risk their lives and ours for a white bitch that could care less about any of us, let alone this country. All that whore cares about is a fake economy and Wall Street shining again...which it will not, thank God.

Only 6 more months until he is voted out of the Whitehouse. Democrats should control congress and the Whitehouse by the end of the year. Then will see what the Trumptards do then.
That name will be history but the clean up will take years.

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