"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
It's can't stop it. If you wany to continue being by guest.
Dems just don't understand what America is all about.

It's my right to go out in public and congregate. You can't stop me just because there's a pandemic.

Do they even read the Constitution?
It's not that this is the most deadly virus.... it's a horrible way to die, you feel like you are drowning, hours and days and even weeks on end, until you finally do die....

And to make it worse, once your relative is admitted, mother, father, husband, wife etc.... you will never see them again in the hospital after admission.... really, after you drop them off... they won't let family members even enter the hospital.....

And when they die, they die alone.... no wife or hubby or child there to say goodbye or hold their hand, till it turns cold.... it's just unbearable to think of....imho! :(

The virus may not be as incurable, as many first thought.... is what is in the news lately, maybe around a percent infected die I believe some are saying, or maybe less than that....???

The problem is how infectious it is, (and a God send perhaps, in other ways I'll go in to)!

the best educated guess is there are at minimum, 25% of those infected are A-symptomatic, they can pass on the virus to others, without even knowing it....

Coupled with how easily it is transmitted, now they are saying it can possibly be transmitted through the air itself, by talking, and not just from wet particles of virus shed when coughing or sneezing....

Anyway, without a vaccine, and without any social distancing of any kind, in 2 years time, because of this easy spread of it..... the models show all 330 million being exposed to it, from what I understand....

and even at 5/10ths of a percent mortality rate, (or 1/2 of 1%) that could mean 1,600,000 deaths in the 2 years....

the possible good news with this high spread rate, is heard immunity could be achieved, even without a vaccine.... and the virus simply goes away, is killed off, and we humans WON, less of course, those relatives that were killed by it..... :eek-52:
And your melodrama happens 0.1% of the time
Dems just don't understand what America is all about.

It's my right to go out in public and congregate. You can't stop me just because there's a pandemic.

Do they even read the Constitution?
You must not be reading their postings about all the freedoms and rights that magically get suspended when there is a health issue. Addiction to your health status is the new libbie craze drug.
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%

These were more of a trump rally than an anti protest. Did they happen in any republican run states that are closed?
The truth is that there is no evidence any quarantine does any good.
What we should all be doing is wearing a spit shield mask for when we talk.
Like they do in China.
And hardly a single politician is doing that.
The reality is that everyone eventually gets exposed to any airborn pathogen.
All social distancing can do is slow it down a bit for hospitals to not get over flooded.
The total infection and death rate remains the same whether or not there is a total lock down.
Dems just don't understand what America is all about.

It's my right to go out in public and congregate. You can't stop me just because there's a pandemic.

Do they even read the Constitution?

You don't have the freedom to infect and kill innocent people. No Sir!
The truth is that there is no evidence any quarantine does any good.
What we should all be doing is wearing a spit shield mask for when we talk.
Like they do in China.
And hardly a single politician is doing that.
The reality is that everyone eventually gets exposed to any airborn pathogen.
All social distancing can do is slow it down a bit for hospitals to not get over flooded.
The total infection and death rate remains the same whether or not there is a total lock down.

FALSE! In TAIWAN, only 422 people have been infected by the virus and only 6 have died.

Even in the 1918 pandemic, only 1/3 of the global population became infected and that was without the a lot of the lockdowns and controls we have today.
Dems just don't understand what America is all about.

It's my right to go out in public and congregate. You can't stop me just because there's a pandemic.

Do they even read the Constitution?

You don't have the freedom to infect and kill innocent people. No Sir!

So far, the death toll from COVID-19 is less than this years flu.
I don't mind being cautious just in case, but the reality is that it looks like this is not spreading or killing as much as we first feared.
So while I do not mind since caution is always better than regret, the way it is looking is that we likely did not have to do anything.

People going out to beaches, etc., pose no danger to those staying home, so there is no legal basis to prevent them from congregating anyway they want.
The most you could say is that is they do get themselves sick, then it is only the hospitals who are impacted by their choices.

Everyone is going to get an airborn virus like this.
If not this year, then next year.
So there is no evidence the lock down rules prevent a single death.
However, the rules can slow it down, and that can be good for hospitals.
The truth is that there is no evidence any quarantine does any good.
What we should all be doing is wearing a spit shield mask for when we talk.
Like they do in China.
And hardly a single politician is doing that.
The reality is that everyone eventually gets exposed to any airborn pathogen.
All social distancing can do is slow it down a bit for hospitals to not get over flooded.
The total infection and death rate remains the same whether or not there is a total lock down.

FALSE! In TAIWAN, only 422 people have been infected by the virus and only 6 have died.

Even in the 1918 pandemic, only 1/3 of the global population became infected and that was without the a lot of the lockdowns and controls we have today.

So far.
The reality is that air born viruses eventually get to everyone, and only by getting immunity do you survive it. And if you get it next year instead of this year, the variant could be even more lethal. It is likely you are better off getting it sooner than later, as they get more lethal with time, usually.
Dems just don't understand what America is all about.

It's my right to go out in public and congregate. You can't stop me just because there's a pandemic.

Do they even read the Constitution?

You don't have the freedom to infect and kill innocent people. No Sir!
You do not have the freedom to determine who has the freedom to go about their life.
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%

Who really cares ?

Nobody is really locking down anyway.

I've seen more block parties and neighborly visits and stores full of people to think people are really giving a shit about you and your paranoia.
are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country
LIE #1. Trump has never said to IMMEDIATELY just reopen the country flat open!
in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak
BULLSHIT LIE #2. OP, if you are so fucking stupid to think this little virus is the worst plague or pandemic to ever strike the planet, you've got more knots in your head that a 4X4 of pine! :auiqs.jpg:
I never said that.
YOU NEVER SAID THAT???!!! Why you stupid twit, I've got your own words right on the page!
It is a pandemic though, and there is a Scientific way to fight a Pandemic. TAIWAN did it, and they now enjoy the benefits of that action. Only 6 deaths and schools are still open in Taiwan.
TAIWAN did it? Why you opaque jackass, Taiwan is an island hardly larger then the size and area of HAWAII with a population of only 23 million!

View attachment 325834

And they are a very different kind of society. YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS.

Meanwhile Trump waited for months to do what Taiwan did back in January
LOOK, A-HOLE, Taiwan was right off the coast of where the whole thing STARTED. Of course they did it in January. It took until the middle of March before we even knew for sure we had a problem that was going to spread wide! Trump did what EVERY OTHER freeking country in this world practically did, and our per capita deaths have been among the lowest, only beaten by one other country I know of, GERMANY.

and now we have 41,000+ dead
We have that many dead EVERY YEAR just from traffic accidents, idiot. We had up to 80,000 dead from the flu last season. We average 2.8 MILLION dead of one cause or another EVERY YEAR. DAMN are you a jerk! Meantime Nancy Pelosi was saying back in February, NO WORRIES!

and half of the economy shut down.
Idiot! I thought shutting down the economy was a necessary and good thing! Wow. :bang3: :cuckoo: :banghead:

TRUMPTARDS believe its nothing more than seasonal flu. TRUMPTARDS don't understand what a pandemic is let alone how you fight and defeat a pandemic.
FUCK AWAY you stupid, racist, bigot Moron!
You're the LAST person to criticize another person's intelligence on this board!!!

I never said this was the worst pandemic in the history of the world. You claimed I said that, but I never did.

The virus arrives in most nations through air travel. That's how it got to the United States. The United States or for that matter the America's are an island as well with respect to mainland Asia. The virus has to hitch are ride on a plane or boat to get here.

So Taiwan had no advantage over the United States in being an Island.

Taiwan is more densely populated which is a disadvantage.

Taiwan's population is older on average which is also a disadvantage.

Yes, Taiwan has 24 million people. But they only have 6 deaths. If the United States were doing as well as Taiwan, after adjusting for the population difference, we would have only 84 deaths. Instead we have 42,000+!

Taiwan took action before they had a single case on January 20. Trump waited until the last half of March to lock down most of the country. You realize though, it only takes the virus 13 hours on a plane to reach the United States. So the extra distance the United States is from China only buys a little more than half a day in extra time to prepare. The United States should have done what Taiwan did on January 20, 2020 by the following day or two.
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%
What is truly disgusting about these brain dead bastards is that their leader in cheat, ie Trump would rather see every damn one of em drop dead, than risk not having a good economy to stand on this Nov. See this is what happens when you take credit for another man's labor, ie Obama and then do nothing else but tweet and hold Klan rallies for the last 3 fuckin years. These brain dead bastards are willing to risk their lives and ours for a white bitch that could care less about any of us, let alone this country. All that whore cares about is a fake economy and Wall Street shining again...which it will not, thank God.

Only 6 more months until he is voted out of the Whitehouse. Democrats should control congress and the Whitehouse by the end of the year. Then will see what the Trumptards do then.

See you in November.

Want to make a wager on the election ?
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%

Who really cares ?

Nobody is really locking down anyway.

I've seen more block parties and neighborly visits and stores full of people to think people are really giving a shit about you and your paranoia.

Really, what state?
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%

Who really cares ?

Nobody is really locking down anyway.

I've seen more block parties and neighborly visits and stores full of people to think people are really giving a shit about you and your paranoia.

Really, what state?


Posted it 100 times already....loser.
Have no fear, 22% of Americans are braindead and would support Trump even if he came out with a plan to force the virus on every American in order to develop herd immunity.

Hey, what's 6-8 million more deaths in comparison to the "great Trump economy"? It's mostly old people anyway. :uhoh3:

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but we have to be real, there is no way of knowing if it is better to spread COVID-19 as much as possible, or not.

The reality is that everyone likely will get this airborn virus, just like everyone gets seasonal colds, flu, etc. And clearly the seasonal flu does and has killed way more.
The world COVID-19 death toll is only 170k currently, and not likely to more than double or so.

If this is seasonal and just a variant of the 2009 SARS, then if one does not get it now and gain immunity, then it will just be more lethal next time it comes around.

Social distancing and lock downs slow the spread, but there is no reason at all to believe the total death rate is not the exact same, as long as hospitals are not over whelmed.
^^^ This ^^^
"Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Most Americans reject anti-lockdown protests

An overwhelming majority of Americans, Republicans included, are rejecting right-wing protests — encouraged by President Trump — to immediately “reopen” the country in the midst of the world’s largest and deadliest coronavirus outbreak, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey, conducted April 17 to April 19, found that a full 60 percent of the public opposes the largely pro-Trump protesters whose calls for governors to “liberate” their states by lifting lockdown measures have attracted intense media attention in recent days — and whose message the president amplified Friday in a series of all-caps “LIBERATE” tweets about three swing states: Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia.

Only 22 percent of Americans say they support the protesters. Despite Trump’s messaging, even Republicans oppose the protests 47 percent to 36 percent. Asked whether they agree or disagree with Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets, only a quarter of Americans say they agree.

The margins aren’t close. Seventy-one percent of Americans — and 56 percent of Republicans — say they are more concerned about lifting the coronavirus restrictions too quickly than lifting them too slowly. Only 29 percent of Americans say the opposite. The same number (71 percent) say they want public health officials “to be fully able to test and trace new cases and outbreaks” before reopening; only 29 percent say they want the country to reopen “as soon as possible to prevent further economic damage.” And more than twice as many Americans say the U.S. is not conducting enough coronavirus testing to track future outbreaks of the virus (52 percent) than say it is (22 percent).

Overall, 65 percent of Americans say that Trump could have reduced the damage done by the coronavirus — either “a lot” (41 percent) or “somewhat” (24 percent) — if he had acted sooner."

Percentage of Americans AGAINST anti-Lockdown Protest: 60%

Percentage of Americans SUPPORTING anti-Lockdown Protest: 22%

Who really cares ?

Nobody is really locking down anyway.

I've seen more block parties and neighborly visits and stores full of people to think people are really giving a shit about you and your paranoia.

Really, what state?
You cannot tell by his user name? Damn foreigner!
Dems just don't understand what America is all about.

It's my right to go out in public and congregate. You can't stop me just because there's a pandemic.

Do they even read the Constitution?

You don't have the freedom to infect and kill innocent people. No Sir!
You do not have the freedom to determine who has the freedom to go about their life.

Oh yes we do, that's why we have laws. Those that think as you do are jailed or killed because they threatened the freedom and well being of other people.
Dems just don't understand what America is all about.

It's my right to go out in public and congregate. You can't stop me just because there's a pandemic.

Do they even read the Constitution?

You don't have the freedom to infect and kill innocent people. No Sir!
12 out of 100k die. Relax, snowflake.

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