Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.

Oh an OBVIOUS CASE !! Call the DA office. Get the Feds in here.

THe whole situation would have been over in 2 minutes if the student didn't have an EXPIRED Student ID card.

NOT a shake-down. It's what officers are trained to do.
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.

An obvious case of the police harrasing a white person for doing something proactive.

Your claim is bullshit. You have no way of knowing if race was involved.

But you have to bring it up. You are the fucking racist.
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.

Oh an OBVIOUS CASE !! Call the DA office. Get the Feds in here.

THe whole situation would have been over in 2 minutes if the student didn't have an EXPIRED Student ID card.

NOT a shake-down. It's what officers are trained to do.

What lie are you going to try next? First she was sleeping outside. Now she gad an expired student ID while living in student quarters writing a paper. The fact is this was a racially motivated call that did not have to be made. Even the police said so.
And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?
You asked 3 questions as possible explanations for why things played out the way they did - excuses, excuses, excuses.

So on another thread we have individuals arguing that George Zimmerman was within his right to follow Trayvon Martin and attempt to question him which ultimately lead to the confrontation resulting in Martin's death. Even though Zimmerman initiated the confrontation on the premise of "I don't know who you are" and "what are you doing here [in my neighborhood]" he had no lawful authority to either follow nor confront and attempt to question Martin in spite of what the opinions that some appear to hold that blacks are still expected to answer to whites even those with no authority.

In this case, it has been reported that this same individual has called the police on another black student. Calling the police on black people who are NOT violating the laws under a bullshit pretext of "public safety", "I felt threatened", "I didn't know who he/she was" or what "he/she was doing here" is a classic move by white racists. The poster IM2 gets a lot of push back because he doesn't bother to sugar coat his facts to make them more palatable to racists and I've seen other posters attempt to claim that he and anyone like him poses a threat to "public safety" or "national security" and the rest of the bs labels they try to apply to those among us for not kowtowing to the "sanitized" version of racism in America. It's generally the only power move they still have but it's one that is increasingly getting them in trouble because you can't report on someone at least not on 911 without your identity becoming known.

Why was there ever a presumption that the student was somewhere that she shouldn't have been, why did her mere presence necessitate a police response and once the police arrived why did it take them 15 minutes to ascertain that she was a student who had housing in the building? I wish I had access to my old writing because I covered this, it's not that dissimilar to the methods employed by the white citizens councils of the past

The Citizens' Councils (also referred to as White Citizens' Councils) were an associated network of white supremacist, extreme right,[1] organizations in the United States, concentrated in the South. The first was formed on July 11, 1954.[2] After 1956, it was known as the Citizens' Councils of America. With about 60,000 members across the United States,[3] mostly in the South, the groups were founded primarily to oppose racial integration of schools, but they also opposed voter registration efforts and integration of public facilities during the 1950s and 1960s. Members used severe intimidation tactics including economic boycotts, firing people from jobs, propaganda, and violence against citizens and civil-rights activists.
Citizens' Councils - Wikipedia
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.

Oh an OBVIOUS CASE !! Call the DA office. Get the Feds in here.

THe whole situation would have been over in 2 minutes if the student didn't have an EXPIRED Student ID card.

NOT a shake-down. It's what officers are trained to do.

What lie are you going to try next? First she was sleeping outside. Now she gad an expired student ID while living in student quarters writing a paper. The fact is this was a racially motivated call that did not have to be made. Even the police said so.

Please show us where someone said they called the cops just because she was black.

I can't seem to find it.

But on the basis of your statement, it must be there.

That or you are the real racist here.
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.

Oh an OBVIOUS CASE !! Call the DA office. Get the Feds in here.

THe whole situation would have been over in 2 minutes if the student didn't have an EXPIRED Student ID card.

NOT a shake-down. It's what officers are trained to do.

What lie are you going to try next? First she was sleeping outside. Now she gad an expired student ID while living in student quarters writing a paper. The fact is this was a racially motivated call that did not have to be made. Even the police said so.

Please show us where someone said they called the cops just because she was black.

I can't seem to find it.

But on the basis of your statement, it must be there.

That or you are the real racist here.

It seems to be a sport among the most lowlife folks in the U.S. of calling the cops on people doing perfectly normal things and then pretending it's not about discrimination. I saw a white woman carrying a baby the other day. Do you think that she possibly was kidnapping that child? Should I have called someone?

Calling the cops on somebody napping in the common area of a dorm. Suspending a popular teacher for showing pictures of her family and friends, including a picture of her future wife. A Sikh government minister required to take his turban off twice at an airport. Someone calling the cops because two Native Americans were making her "nervous" on a college tour. And this is just in a few weeks.

We truly are turning into a nation of fucking assholes.
Yale cops warned white student for calling police on black student sleeping in common area

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Yale University police officers who responded to a call about a black graduate student who had fallen asleep in the common area of a campus residence admonished the white student who reported it, a university administrator said Thursday.

The officers interviewed both students and then told the complaining student that the other woman had every right to be there, according to Yale Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, who said she found the episode deeply troubling.

"This incident and others recently reported to me underscore that we have work to do to make Yale not only excellent but also inclusive," Goff-Crews said in a statement.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter Monday night on social media showing police interviewing her for more than 15 minutes. She told police she had fallen asleep while working on a paper.​

And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.

Oh an OBVIOUS CASE !! Call the DA office. Get the Feds in here.

THe whole situation would have been over in 2 minutes if the student didn't have an EXPIRED Student ID card.

NOT a shake-down. It's what officers are trained to do.

What lie are you going to try next? First she was sleeping outside. Now she gad an expired student ID while living in student quarters writing a paper. The fact is this was a racially motivated call that did not have to be made. Even the police said so.

Please show us where someone said they called the cops just because she was black.

I can't seem to find it.

But on the basis of your statement, it must be there.

That or you are the real racist here.

And what do you need to see in order to find it? Because its very apparent that is what happened. And this childish tactic of calling someone a racist for calling out racism is not something I'm going to pay attention to. For if you think someone is going to call the police and say come get this person because they are black, you are a retard.
And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?
You asked 3 questions as possible explanations for why things played out the way they did - excuses, excuses, excuses.

So on another thread we have individuals arguing that George Zimmerman was within his right to follow Trayvon Martin and attempt to question him which ultimately lead to the confrontation resulting in Martin's death. Even though Zimmerman initiated the confrontation on the premise of "I don't know who you are" and "what are you doing here [in my neighborhood]" he had no lawful authority to either follow nor confront and attempt to question Martin in spite of what the opinions that some appear to hold that blacks are still expected to answer to whites even those with no authority.

In this case, it has been reported that this same individual has called the police on another black student. Calling the police on black people who are NOT violating the laws under a bullshit pretext of "public safety", "I felt threatened", "I didn't know who he/she was" or what "he/she was doing here" is a classic move by white racists. The poster IM2 gets a lot of push back because he doesn't bother to sugar coat his facts to make them more palatable to racists and I've seen other posters attempt to claim that he and anyone like him poses a threat to "public safety" or "national security" and the rest of the bs labels they try to apply to those among us for not kowtowing to the "sanitized" version of racism in America. It's generally the only power move they still have but it's one that is increasingly getting them in trouble because you can't report on someone at least not on 911 without your identity becoming known.

Why was there ever a presumption that the student was somewhere that she shouldn't have been, why did her mere presence necessitate a police response and once the police arrived why did it take them 15 minutes to ascertain that she was a student who had housing in the building? I wish I had access to my old writing because I covered this, it's not that dissimilar to the methods employed by the white citizens councils of the past

The Citizens' Councils (also referred to as White Citizens' Councils) were an associated network of white supremacist, extreme right,[1] organizations in the United States, concentrated in the South. The first was formed on July 11, 1954.[2] After 1956, it was known as the Citizens' Councils of America. With about 60,000 members across the United States,[3] mostly in the South, the groups were founded primarily to oppose racial integration of schools, but they also opposed voter registration efforts and integration of public facilities during the 1950s and 1960s. Members used severe intimidation tactics including economic boycotts, firing people from jobs, propaganda, and violence against citizens and civil-rights activists.
Citizens' Councils - Wikipedia

ALL RISE! Class in session.
And?? So what?? You think it's wrong to point out that she was INDEED a Yale student who had taken a nap outside while finishing up her semester?

Or do think that it's WHITE racism for reporting a person sleeping under a bush? Either way -- it's not gonna make or break race relations at Yale. That's what people do when they see folks incapacitated in a public space. How do you know it wasn't a medical issue?

Stop trying to make excuses for this. It was white racism. This story says nothing about a person sleeping outside under a bush. In the video the victim says she was asleep in a room. This is an obvious case.

Oh an OBVIOUS CASE !! Call the DA office. Get the Feds in here.

THe whole situation would have been over in 2 minutes if the student didn't have an EXPIRED Student ID card.

NOT a shake-down. It's what officers are trained to do.

What lie are you going to try next? First she was sleeping outside. Now she gad an expired student ID while living in student quarters writing a paper. The fact is this was a racially motivated call that did not have to be made. Even the police said so.

Please show us where someone said they called the cops just because she was black.

I can't seem to find it.

But on the basis of your statement, it must be there.

That or you are the real racist here.

It seems to be a sport among the most lowlife folks in the U.S. of calling the cops on people doing perfectly normal things and then pretending it's not about discrimination. I saw a white woman carrying a baby the other day. Do you think that she possibly was kidnapping that child? Should I have called someone?

Calling the cops on somebody napping in the common area of a dorm. Suspending a popular teacher for showing pictures of her family and friends, including a picture of her future wife. A Sikh government minister required to take his turban off twice at an airport. Someone calling the cops because two Native Americans were making her "nervous" on a college tour. And this is just in a few weeks.

We truly are turning into a nation of fucking assholes.

This is Trumpland.
I guess people here have to be taught that hard way why we know when race is an issue.

ALL RISE! Class in session.

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