Yale economics professor has reportedly made a midterm exam optional for students upset by Trump

A Yale economics professor has reportedly made a midterm exam optional for students who were upset at Tuesday night’s election results, the Washington Times reported.

Yale Professor Makes Midterm Optional for Students Upset by Trump Win - Breitbart

So many of today's college students have been raised by snowflake parents, in turn we have a nation of idiots who act like big babies when they don't get their way.
They only think Trump was a racist, rapist, etc because this is what MSM, FB, friends told them.
Thee dumb sob's have no idea wth they are even talking about let alone not realizing the bitch they were about to vote in would have turned this Nation into N. Korea.

Thank God the masses has more power than these idiots.

Masses, Clinton won the masses, Trump won the electoral college and don't forget it. Half , a bit more than half, voted for Clinton.
We don't know that because Arizona and Michigan haven't been counted yet.

Guess that doesn't matter, he won and that is all that Counts in their eyes.

No actually it does matter.

Why does it matter? Did you not take a basic government class? Do you not know about how the big states and small states, the urban states and rural states made a compromise on representation in the Republic?

Are you saying that you would prefer the tyranny of mob rule? Do you really believe that the interests of the urban areas of the nation should always drown out the interests of the rural areas? Is that what you are saying? Do you really believe that the rural areas of the nation deserve so little a voice in this government? Do you remember what happened last time the more urbanized areas overruled the agricultural and rural parts of the nation and the two sides refused to negotiate compromise?

Are you saying that compromise means nothing to you, and the tyranny of the majority is just fine with you? You do know where that road leads, right? Isn't a peaceful transition of power and the successful demonstration of it preferable?
As long as it means the liberal agenda is furthered, Liberals will always be in favor of mob rule.
Heard that on a replay of Bill O'Reilly this AM and he's going to Yale to interview that Professor just to see if it really happened.

I'll be watching Bill tonight. Should be interesting. LOL
How does making a school exam optional for whatever reason help the kids learn? To me, making such a move only adds more to the "loss".

God bless you always!!!

How does making a school exam optional for whatever reason help the kids learn? To me, making such a move only adds more to the "loss".

God bless you always!!!

It's also reinforcing snowflake behaviour. Unbelievable.
How does making a school exam optional for whatever reason help the kids learn? To me, making such a move only adds more to the "loss".

God bless you always!!!

Higher education is anything but higher education today. It is indoctrination. Kids should go to trade school and learn something useful.
How does making a school exam optional for whatever reason help the kids learn? To me, making such a move only adds more to the "loss".

God bless you always!!!

It's also reinforcing snowflake behaviour. Unbelievable.
I feel sorry for these young people. How are they going to handle the real world where not everyone is going to coddle them, and everything doesn't always go their way. My son understood at a young age that he didn't always get his way, and pouting and sulking didn't help him at all. These young people need to learn that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, that's just life and you need to learn to deal with it, learn from it, and move on.
I find it funny that liberals are the ones who want everyone to vote in free and fair elections and when we have just that, they protest the outcome.
How does making a school exam optional for whatever reason help the kids learn? To me, making such a move only adds more to the "loss".

God bless you always!!!

It's also reinforcing snowflake behaviour. Unbelievable.
I feel sorry for these young people. How are they going to handle the real world where not everyone is going to coddle them, and everything doesn't always go their way. My son understood at a young age that he didn't always get his way, and pouting and sulking didn't help him at all. These young people need to learn that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, that's just life and you need to learn to deal with it, learn from it, and move on.
Amen to all of this. The conservative vote was not there enough when the previous two elections took place. Well now it is finally our turn again and if the liberal camp doesn't like it, there is nothing forcing them to stay here. Its their lives.

God bless you and our new leader always!!! :) :) :)


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