Yale shrink tells lawmakers Trump is uncontainable going to unravel in renewed 25th amendment push


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Over a dozen lawmakers met with a Yale psychiatry professor for two days to meet and confer over President Trump’s mental fitness – continuing a campaign by Democrats launched nearly a year ago to review the 25th Amendment and try to remove Trump from office.

And nearly a year later, Democrats and never-Trumpers are still working on a “soft palace coup” with the assistance of the MSM. As we noted in February of 2017, we expected such speculation will only get louder – and here we are, once again.

Yale Shrink Tells Lawmakers Trump Is “Uncontainable, Going To Unravel” In Renewed 25th Amendment Push

Be sure to read it all because when you don't you read headlines making up your own bs causes.
Kind of like the same morons who voted for Obama just because he was black having no clue what he or his policies were about.

This is a PUSH TO GET TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE BASED ON FALSE BS.................. Wait until the tables are turned and it's done to one of your Democratic FKS yah won't like it then now will yah.
So lets analyze this shall we, Trump was accused of collusion, and by some treason, with the Russians, then election fraud, all found to be a tad weak, to say the least, then accused of obstruction of justice in his handling and dismissal of Comie, then accused of pushing the US toward the brink of nuclear war with NK, then direct armed conflict with Iran....... holly shit the only card left in the deck is mental instability? Really, you have got to have your head up yer pathetic ass. Face it the crooked bitch lost, average hard working, tax paying, Americans grew tired of the constant BS from Washington, had enough, demanded a change, go figure, mainstream America decided to exercise their rights and take back the government from the mainstream beltway pathetic politicians in Washington that had become so corrupt by power and prestige they lost track of what they were elected to do.

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