Y'all old enough to remember?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.
Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.

I am pretty sure the skies are safer without you on planes.
What happened to....never forget??
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they will attack us again
LOL- no, they *might* commit more murders- might being a key as is committing murder vs attacking-
Murder, though, requires a trial to convict suspects. That ain't gonna happen since even a second rate lawyer could shed light on what really happened- provided the black robed idiot allowed a "fair" trial- but, that ain't gonna happen. Liberty and Justice for all is just a bumper sticker slogan with no mare meaning than the sworn to in the affirmative oath of office. Justice is no longer blind, it been blinded by- big difference there bub.
Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.
Years ago I couldn't get my seat belt unlatched, so I cut the belt with a 5" folder and the stewy said "thats ok" and I got off the plane. Times have changed.
What happened to....never forget??
I haven't- what's your point?
If we just let anyone get on board planes without checking them out and making sure their not muslim -- they will attack us again
The sad thing is that every race has at least one bad apple. We white people definitely do:

Timothy McVeigh (1994 Oklahoma City Bomber)
Dylann Roof (2015 Charleston SC church shooter)
James Holmes (2012 Colorado Movie Theater Shooter)
Adam Lanza (2012 Sandy Hook shooter)
Nikolas Cruz (2018 Parkland School shooter)
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (1999 Columbine School Shooters)

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!

Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.

Too many incidents/accident with guns where everyone in the airplane died. One link below. I'm really happy with smokers having their God given rights to smoke on an plane taken away also.
Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 - Wikipedia
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What happened to....never forget??
I haven't- what's your point?
If we just let anyone get on board planes without checking them out and making sure their not muslim -- they will attack us again
Its just that the citizen gets treated like shit. The whole process from airport to plane to airport.
I fly quite a bit and I never felt as tho I was treated like crap.....
People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed.

the boiling frog metaphor Gdjjr
quite popular

did the Germans of the 30's wake up one morning and decide to elect an insane megalomaniac bent on world domination?

fascism is so insidious you see....

especially in the hands of those who wield it well (credit where due)

Old enough? well i was a lad you see, hippies to the left, rednecks to the right, both had my tender young mind to play with during the 'Nixon years'

they were interesting times...

FF to 9/11 (as your article also touches on) , it was provocative , a turning point for America, it's not the same here


I'd make a good frog....


Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.

I never have trouble with the TSA, outside endless delays, though I agree with your sentiments in general. Flying is a huge hassle. It isnt the TSA's fault., Its the fault of the people who were supposed to keep us safe and didnt. Its the result of open borders and the desire to please foreigners more than American citizens.
Look to those who feel they represent foreigners first and fear citizens.
BTW it isnt just planes. I posted pictures here of my last trip to NYC. Its been properly diversified as indicated by soldiers dressed for combat at public monuments and concrete barriers in place wherever people gather . The people there know what purpose they serve but its verboten to admit it.
The enemy has been allowed inside the gates so the only solution seems to be to make everyone a prisoner. Who won? Well my life was changed tremendously and is on a daily basis. The enemy has been brought to our shores and what we used to see on newscasts overseas we now see here.
Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.

I never have trouble with the TSA, outside endless delays, though I agree with your sentiments in general. Flying is a huge hassle. It isnt the TSA's fault., Its the fault of the people who were supposed to keep us safe and didnt. Its the result of open borders and the desire to please foreigners more than American citizens.
Look to those who feel they represent foreigners first and fear citizens.
BTW it isnt just planes. I posted pictures here of my last trip to NYC. Its been properly diversified as indicated by soldiers dressed for combat at public monuments and concrete barriers in place wherever people gather . The people there know what purpose they serve but its verboten to admit it.
The enemy has been allowed inside the gates so the only solution seems to be to make everyone a prisoner. Who won? Well my life was changed tremendously and is on a daily basis. The enemy has been brought to our shores and what we used to see on newscasts overseas we now see here.
Our borders are not open. I didn`t read past that bit of stupidity.

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