Y'all old enough to remember?

Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.
No matter how you shake it we have lost freedom over the past forty or fifty years. I thought we would see rioting in the streets after the patriot act but nothing! This is a nation of talkers not doers.
Taking losses of freedom for granted

People seem to be able to get used to almost anything after a while. Consequently, many Americans do not appreciate the degrees to which their liberty has been curtailed. For instance, I remember entering any airport and not going through any of the security checks or personal intrusions that are now taken for granted as a fact of life. You rarely showed your ID, and you could freely go to any of the gates to greet someone arriving off the plane, or wish anyone goodbye as he was leaving.

When the TSA was established I determined the last of my flying days was over. I've been offered a couple of pretty sweet (to me) opportunities but I will NEVER fly again of my own accord.
I refuse to submit to the welfare agency in that regard- and make no mistake the TSA is nothing more than a tax payer funded jobs program and are very adept at showing their salary payers who's in charge.
No matter how you shake it we have lost freedom over the past forty or fifty years. I thought we would see rioting in the streets after the patriot act but nothing! This is a nation of talkers not doers.
That's why I left

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